FCASPL 405 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program) FCASPL 404 (SAMS Income Guidelines) FCASPL 403 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 399 (Changes to Title IV-E Single Cost Report Form (JFS 02911) and Instructions (JFS 02911-I)) FCASPL 398 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 394 (Rule and Practice Relaxations for Public and Private Certified and Approved Agencies) FCASPL 393 (Rule Relaxations for PCSA Workforce) FCASPL 392 (Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments State Fiscal Year 2023) FCASPL 391 (Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program Eligibility-Three Hundred Percent of Federal Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 389 (State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS) Income Guidelines) FCASPL 385 (Clarification to the Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Reimbursement for Out-of-State Placements in Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP)) FCASPL 377 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions FFY 2022) FCASPL 376 (Changes to Title IV-E Single Cost Report Form (JFS 02911) and Instructions (JFS 02911-I)) FCASPL 375 (State Fiscal Year 2022 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 370 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program) FCASPL 369 (State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS) Income Guidelines) FCASPL 365 (Foster Caregiver Training Hours as a Result of House Bill 8) FCASPL 364 (Title IV-E Monthly Adoption Assistance Statewide Maximum Change) FCASPL 353 (State Fiscal Year 2021 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 346 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 345 (State Fiscal Year 2020 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 341 (Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) Program Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 340 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program) FCASPL 337 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance {FCM} Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 333 (State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy (SAMS) Income Guidelines) FCASPL 332 (State Fiscal Year 2019 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 330 (Guidance for Public Children Services Agencies and Private Child Placing Agencies Regarding Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care) FCASPL 329 (Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy (PASSS) Program Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 328 (State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2019 SAMS Maximum Monthly Funding Level) FCASPL 326 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program) FCASPL 321 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 319 (State Fiscal Year 2018 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 312 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 311 (State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy [SAMS] Income Guidelines) FCASPL 309 (Entering ICPC Data in SACWIS) FCASPL 300 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the Kinship Permanency Incentive [KPI]Program) FCASPL 298 (Guidance for Public Children Services Agencies and Private Child Placing Agencies Regarding Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care) FCASPL 292 (State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy [SAMS] Income Guidelines) FCASPL 287 (State Fiscal Year 2016 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 286 (SFY 2016 SAMS Maximum Monthly Funding Level) FCASPL 284 (PASSS Program Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 282 (Revisions to Existing Foster Care and Adoption Forms) FCASPL 279 (Three Hundred Percent of Poverty Guidelines for the KPI Program) FCASPL 272 (Title IV-E FCM Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 269 (SAMS Income Guidelines) FCASPL 266 (State Fiscal Year 2015 SAMS Maximum Monthly Funding Level) FCASPL 265 (State Fiscal Year 2015 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 262 (Monthly Adoption Assistance Statewide Maximum) FCASPL 258 (PASSS Program Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 252 (SFY 2014 KPI Payment Amounts) FCASPL 251 (Title IV-E FCM Ceiling Revisions) FCASPL 245 (SAMS Income Guidelines 2013) FCASPL 243 (2013 PASSS Federal Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 242 (KPI FPL Guidelines 2013) FCASPL 241 (SFY 2013 Kinship Permanency Incentive Payments) FCASPL 240 (Obtaining Credit Reports for Youth in Foster Care) FCASPL 239 (FFY 2013 Title IV-E FCM Ceilings Revisions) FCASPL 236 (2012 SAMS Income Guidelines) FCASPL 232 (KPI Federal Poverty Level Guidelines 2012) FCASPL 226 (Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy {PASSS} Poverty Guidelines) FCASPL 218 (Changes to SFY 2012 Kinship Permanency Incentive [KPI] Program) FCASPL 203-A (Federal Fiscal Year 2011 Foster Care Maintenance [FCM] Rates) FCASPL 202 (KPI, PASSS, SAMS FPL Guidelines 2010) FCASPL 196 (SFY '11 State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy Maximum Monthly Funding Level) FCASPL 178 (2009 FCM Survey and Rates) FCASPL 177 (2009 SAMS Income Guidelines) FCASPL 176 (2009 PASSS Income Guidelines) FCASPL 158 (JFS 01318 & 01318-I - Archive) FCASPL 149 (2008 FCM Rate and Survey - Archive) FCASPL 148 (2008 SAMS 120% Median - Archive) FCASPL 147 (2008 PASSS 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 145 (SACWIS Sensitive Data Corrections - Archive) FCASPL 144 (SACWIS Sensitive Data Corrections - Archive) FCASPL 132 (FCM 2008 Monthly Cut-Off Dates - Archive) FCASPL 126 (MEPA) FCASPL 125 (FCM Rate and Survey - Archive) FCASPL 123 (Foster Care Maintenance Single Cost Report, JFS 02911 - Archive) FCASPL 118 (PASSS 200% FPL Guidelines - Archive) FCASPL 117 (SAM 120% of Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 110 (KPI 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 106 (FCM 2007 Monthly Cut-Off Dates - Archive) FCASPL 102 (JFS 01925 2007 Cutoff Dates - Archive) FCASPL 100 (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 97 (PASSS 2006% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 96 (SAMS 2006 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 92 (JFS 01640 - Archive) FCASPL 89 (KPI 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 86 (Adoption and Foster Care Pre-Service Training Materials - Archive) FCASPL 83 (Child Fatality Administrative Review Protocol - Archive) FCASPL 82B (PASSS 2005 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 82A (PASSS 2005 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 82 (PASSS 2004 200% FPL - Archive) FCASPL 78B (Monthly Cutoff Dates - Archive) FCASPL 78A (Monthly Cutoff Dates - Archive) FCASPL 78 (Monthly Cutoff Dates - Archive) FCASPL 77 (Title IV-E 6 Month Cost Report - Archive) FCASPL 76 (JFS 01659 Payment Process - Archive) FCASPL 73 (Adult Protective Services Protocol - Archive) FCASPL 69 (Proposed Rules Re: Child Protection Accountability - Archive) FCASPL 67 (Local Family Violence Networking - Archive) FCASPL 65 (Calculating 12 Months of 22 Months in Substitute Care - Archive) FCASPL 64 (Local Family Violence Networking - Archive) FCASPL 63 (Local Family Violence Networking - Archive) FCASPL 61E (FCM Rates 9/1/02 - 8/31/03 - Archive) FCASPL 61D (FCM Rates 9/1/01 - 8/31/02 - Archive) FCASPL 61C (FCM Rates 9/1/01 - 8/31/02 - Archive) FCASPL 61B (FCM Rates 9/1/2000 - 8/31/2001 - Archive) FCASPL 61A (FCM Rates 9/1/99 - 8/31/00 - Archive) FCASPL 61 (FCM Rates 9/1/98 - 8/31/99 - Archive) FCASPL 58J (FCM Rate Revisions - Archive) FCASPL 58I (FCM Rate Revisions - Archive) FCASPL 58H (FCM Rate Revisions - Archive) FCASPL 58G (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 58F (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 58E (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 58D (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 58C (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 58B (FCM Rate Revision - Archive) FCASPL 56 (Assistance to Minor Parents - Archive) FCASPL 55 (Comprehensive Planning - Archive) FCASPL 52 (Wellness Block Grant and OCTF - Archive) FCASPL 50 (Title XX Rules - Archive) FCASPL 48 (Child Care for Foster Care Children - Archive) FCASPL 46 (Service Coordination Plan Guidelines - Archive) FCASPL 35 (FACSIS- Archive) FCASPL 30-A (FCM and ADC Concurrent - Archive) FCASPL 30 (FCM and ADC Concurrent - Archive) FCASPL 10N (SAMS 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 10M (SAMS 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 10L (SAMS 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 10K (SAMS 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 10J (SAMS 120% Median Income - Archive) FCASPL 5a (Obtaining State Medicaid Consultant - Archive) FCASPL 3 (ICPC and Title IV-E and ICPC Case Numbers - Archive) FCASPL 2 (Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses - Archive)