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FCASPL 55 (Comprehensive Planning - Archive)
Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Letter No. 55
January 6, 1997
TO: All Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Arnold R. Tompkins, Director
SUBJECT: Comprehensive Planning

Comprehensive Strategic Planning is a key Ohio Family and Children First (OFCF) goal. The consolidation of comprehensive county plans will maintain essential fiscal and programmatic accountability of current funding streams while reducing burdensome paperwork reporting. The process will focus on joint planning activities designed to move from a process-based to a results-based system of care. Nine plans are currently targeted for streamlining or elimination. Those nine plans are the Community Mental Health Plan, the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Plan, the County Children Services Plan, the Child Abuse and Neglect County Plan of Cooperation, the MR/DD Annual Action Plan, Ohio Department of Youth Services Reclaim and Youth Services Plans, the Unified Services Provider Plan, and the Early Intervention Plan. All nine plans will be either streamlined or eliminated within the coming year.

In order to foster more effective local community capacity building, the Ohio Family and Children First Initiative, in coordination with various state agency planning staff, have developed a comprehensive planning process for use by counties. This process fosters comprehensive joint planning and program development strategies by local family serving agencies. Many of you are already involved in this initiative. If you wish to become involved in this strategic planning process, please contact Jerry Bean or Catherine Runyan at (614) 752-4044.

The County Children Services Plan (CCSP) and the Annual Report and Evaluation will be eliminated. Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code section are currently being reviewed and rewritten to allow for this elimination. It is anticipated the process will be completed by September 1, 1997. In the interim, the department will file an emergency rule to extend the current time frame and to delay submission of the CCSP until October 1, 1997. You will not be required to submit the CCSP by January 1, 1997 as indicated by current ODHS rule. If the planned statute and administrative changes occur as anticipated, we will issue a Manual Transmittal Letter instructing agencies of the elimination and changes.

The Child Abuse and Neglect County Plan of Cooperation is being streamlined. We are preparing to amend Ohio Revised Code and Administrative Code sections to require a "Memorandum of Understanding" process among the parties rather than a state approved plan. The intent of the "Memorandum of Understanding" will be to provide the needed collaborative efforts to assure timely and appropriate investigation while allowing counties the flexibility to enact procedures which best meet their needs. A Manual Transmittal Letter informing you of these changes will be forwarded, at the completion of the process.

If you need further information related to the proposed changes, please contact Annette Murch at 614-466-9303. Thank you for your continued assistance.