Family violence prevention funds using combined federal and state dollars are being allocated to all 88 county departments of job and family services (CDJFSs) for the purpose of facilitating the networking between professionals at the local level who may be involved in working with Ohioans who are victims of family violence. This funding initiative is being used to encourage a multi-disciplinary approach toward preventing family violence and developing appropriate strategies for intervening with families currently experiencing family violence through the development of open forums or round table meetings. It is also being used to provide an avenue whereby counties may ensure that they are implementing the family violence provisions of House Bill 408. While the initial networking initiatives were started between adult protective services and the local domestic violence shelters to address the differences and similarities in philosophies, laws, and services delivery across systems, this networking initiative expands the requirement for coordination to other program areas in which individuals who are at risk of family violence may be involved.
Required participants shall include:
*CDJFS staff who provide social services or protective services to adults age 18 or older;
*CDJFS staff who are responsible for conducting family assessments (as required by H. B. 408) for families participating in Ohio Works First and for making determinations whether "good cause" exemptions may be utlized;
*Child Support Enforcement staff who work with participants to establish paternity, collect child support, and make determinations whether "good cause" exemptions may be utilized; and
*Staff or representatives of local domestic violence shelters which serve the county.
Other suggested participants may include public children services agency staff, judges, law enforcement personnel, clergy, hospital staff, emergency medical technicans, school counselors, representatives of the local mental health board, etc.
The CDJFS must submit to ODJFS, a written report identifying the following information:
a.Activities carried out through the use of the funds, including copies of minutes from meetings held and participants by profession or interest/advocacy area
b.Written protocols and procedures for:
i.Coordination between CDJFS adult protective/social service staff and staff of the local domestic violence shelter;
ii.Conducting family assessments to determine whether an applicant for Ohio Works First, or other public assistance programs which the CDJFS administers, is a victim of domestic violence and whether the applicant may need to be temporarily exempted from Ohio Works First requirements to address problems he or she is experiencing related to domestic violence.
iii.Reporting to ODJFS, for statistical purposes, the number of applicants who have been identified as being victims of domestic violence;
iv.Coordination between the CDJFS, CSEA, and the local domestic violence shelter when cases involve Ohio Works First applicants for whom the establishment of paternity or the collection of child support requires special handling due to the applicant and/or the children being at risk of domestic violence.
v.Assuring that participants in CDJFS and CSEA programs are aware of the availability of domestic violence services in their area.
Reports should be submitted no later than July 31, 2001 to:
Carrie Anthony, Section Chief
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
Family Violence Prevention
65 E. State Street, 5th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Counties requiring technical assistance may contact their appropriate district representatives or Carrie Anthony, Section Chief, Family Violence Prevention at (614) 752-6248.