SHMTL 42 (SHMTL 42 (State Hearings – Five-Year Rule Review) SHMTL 41 (State Hearings- Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program) SHMTL 40 (State Hearings – Updated Forms) SHMTL 39 (State Hearings – Updated Forms) SHMTL 38 (State Hearings- Five-Year Rule Review (Package 2)) SHMTL 37-A (State Hearings- Five-Year Rule Review (Package 1)) SHMTL 37 (State Hearings- Five-Year Rule Review (Package 1)) SHMTL 36 (State Hearings – Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program) SHMTL 35 (State Hearings – Changes to Managed Care Plan Related Hearings) SHMTL 34 (State Hearings – Changes to Managed Care Plan Related Hearings) SHMTL 33 (State Hearings - Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program) SHMTL 32 (Legal and Acquisition Services: HATS X Forms) SHMTL 31 (Legal and Acquisition Services: HATS X Forms) SHMTL 30 (State Hearings: State Hearings Process Rules) SHMTL 29 (State Hearings: Amended IPV Rules) SHMTL 28 (State Hearings: Amended Program Notice Rules) SHMTL 27 (State Hearings - Administrative Appeal and County Review) SHMTL 26 (State Hearings - Medicaid Program Notices) SHMTL 25 (State Hearings: No Change and Statutory Change Rules) SHMTL 24 (State Hearings: Title IV-A Funded (HEAP)) SHMTL 23 (Postponement of the State Hearing) SHMTL 22 (State Hearings: Coordinated Services Program) SHMTL 21 (Revisions to State Hearings Forms JFS 04074 and JFS 07334) SHMTL 20 (Updates and Clarifications to Rules for State Hearings) SHMTL 19 (Standards for Revising Community Spouse Income and Resource Allowances at a State Hearing) SHMTL 18 (Amendments Concerning Members of Medicaid Managed Care Plans and Individuals in the Controlled Substances and Member Management Program) SHMTL 17 (Amended rule 5101:6-5-01 "Procedures prior to the state hearing") SHMTL 16 (New rule 5101:6-2-37 "Notices of enrollment, continued enrollment, or provider change denial for the managed care plan controlled substances and member management program") SHMTL 15 (Amended Rule 5101:6-2-02 "Notice of approval of an application for benefits") SHMTL 14 (Changes to JFS 04059, Explanation of State Hearings Procedures) SHMTL 13 (Intentional Program Violation and Administrative Disqualification Hearings) SHMTL 12 (Notices for Eligibility Determinations and Appeal Rights) SHMTL 11 (Appeal Rights, Hearing Procedures, and Hearing Decisions) SHMTL 10 (Revisions to JFS 04074 and JFS 07334) SHMTL 9 (Hearing rules 5101:6-7-01 and 5101:6-6-02- good cause changes) SHMTL 8 (Permanent Adoption of Rule 5101:6-1-02 "Hearings for the Title IV-A Funded Home Energy Assistance Program (Title IV-A HEAP)") SHMTL 7 (New Rule 5101:6-1-02 "Hearings for the Title IV-A Funded) SHMTL 6 (CHANGES TO HEARINGS/NOTICE RULES) SHMTL 5 (CHANGES TO HEARINGS/NOTICE RULES) SHMTL 4 (CHANGES TO TWO HEARINGS NOTICE RULES) SHMTL 3 (CHANGES TO ADMINISTRATIVE DISQUALIFICATION PROVISIONS) SHMTL 2 (MISCELLANEOUS STATE HEARINGS RULE CHANGES) SHMTL 1 (ISSUANCE OF STATE HEARINGS MANUAL, ODHS 7240)