SHMTL 17 (Amended rule 5101:6-5-01 "Procedures prior to the state hearing")
State Hearings Manual Transmittal Letter No. 17
May 27, 2009
TO: State Hearings Manual (SHM) Holders
FROM: Douglas E. Lumpkin, Director
SUBJECT: Amended rule 5101:6-5-01 "Procedures prior to the state hearing"

This letter transmits amended rule 5101:6-5-01, "Procedures prior to the state hearing," effective July 1, 2009.

Rule 5101:6-5-01 was amended to implement provisions of the settlement for Almendares v. Lucas County Department of Job and Family Services, et al., Case No. 3:00CV7524, United States District Court, Northern District of Ohio; to improve processes required to conduct state hearings; and because of the five-year rule review required under section 119.032 of the Revised Code.

The rule sets forth procedures that are to be carried out before the scheduled state hearing. Changes to the rule include adding provisions for the translation of written hearing decisions and having interpreters at hearings, changing the time limit for completion of the appeal summary, and updating address and phone number information.


LocationRemove and File as ObsoleteInsert
SHM 1000
State Hearings Policy
effective 6/1/03
effective 7/1/09