SHMTL 28 (State Hearings: Amended Program Notice Rules)
State Hearings Manual Transmittal Letter No. 28
February 24, 2014
TO: All State Hearings Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: State Hearings: Amended Program Notice Rules

This SHMTL contains 11 rules from Chapters 5101:6-2 of the Administrative Code. These rules were amended as part of a five-year rule review. The effective date of these rules is February 28, 2014.

SHM 1000.

5101:6-2-01 "State hearings: notice at the time of application." This rule states that an assistance group is to be notified at the time of application of its right to a state hearing and describes the method by which such notice shall be given. The rule is being amended to fix typographical errors and to reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-02 "State hearings: notice of approval of an application for benefits." This amended rule states that an assistance group is notified when its application for benefits has been approved and describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-03 "State hearings: notice of denial of an application for benefits." This rule states that an assistance group is notified when its application for benefits has been denied and describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-04 "State hearings: prior notice of adverse action." This rule states that an assistance group shall receive prior notification when adverse action is proposed by the local agency. The rule also describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-05 "State hearings: exceptions to prior notice." This rule describes the exceptions to prior notice of proposed adverse action. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-06 "State hearings: notice of mass change in benefits." This rule states that an assistance group shall receive prior notice when a mass change will require an automatic adjustment of benefits, and the rule describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-07 "State hearings: notice of the right to a state hearing - child support services." This amended rule states the notifications an assistance group receives from child support services (right to hearing, application acceptance or denial, termination of support order, and case closure), and the rule describes the method by which such notification shall be given.

5101:6-2-08 "State hearings: notice whenever disagreement with an action or inaction is expressed." This rule states that an assistance group is reminded to request a hearing and/or provided a new application when disagreement with action or inaction is expressed. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates and typographical errors.

5101:6-2-20 "State hearings: notice of overpayment/overissuance." This rule states that an assistance group is notified when the local agency has determined there was an overpayment/overissuance and describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct typographical errors and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-25 "State hearings: notice of eligibility for lost food assistance benefits." This rule states that an assistance group is notified when a loss of food assistance benefits has occurred and describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct typographical errors and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

5101:6-2-26 "State hearings: notice of approval, denial or delay of replacement food assistance benefits." This rule states that an assistance group is notified when its request for replacement benefits has been approved, denied, or delayed and describes the method by which such notification shall be given. This rule is being amended to correct form revision dates, typographical errors, and reflect current nomenclature (food assistance instead of food stamps).

SHM Instructions:

SHM 1000 5101:6‑2‑01
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 12/15/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 12/15/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 8/1/2010)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)
(effective 9/1/2008)
(effective 2/28/2014)

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