This letter transmits revisions to Juvenile Court forms transferred from the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services to Families and Children Services. Additionally, JFS 01794, JFS 017941I and JFS 01795 are being moved from Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual (FAPM) to the Families and Children Adult Services manual.
Rule 5101:9-7-21 of the Administrative Code has been rescinded and the information within this rule will be incorporated in the sub-grant agreement between courts, the counties and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. As of July 1, 2009, activities previously captured in the juvenile court random moment sample (JCRMS) time studies will be captured through provisions outlined in the sub-grant agreement.
The following changes are proposed by the Office of Families and Children:
JFS 01794 "Juvenile Court Random Moment sample (JCRMS) Time Studies Results,"
has been reformatted, an expanded list of activities related to Title IV-E Juvenile Courts has been added.
JFS 01794I "Instructions for Completing JFS01794," has been reformatted, an expanded list of activities related to Title IV-E Juvenile Courts has been added.
JFS 01797 "Social Services Random Moment Cost Allocation Quarterly Billing" has been reformatted, an expanded list of activities related to Title IV-E Juvenile Courts has been added, and the e-mail address to submit claims has been updated.
The following chart depicts what materials should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).
Forms | | JFS 01794 (Rev. 10/2009)
| | JFS 01794I (Rev. 10/2009)
| | JFS 01797 (Rev. 10/2009)
Procedure Letters | | FCASPL No. 187 |