This letter transmits changes made to the JFS 01350 "Foster Parent Training Reimbursement Invoice and Instructions," introduces the new JFS 01350-I "Instructions For Completing the ODJFS 01350," and makes the JFS 01351 "Waiver Request for Agency Rules" obsolete.
Effective September 30, 2007 the JFS 01351 "Foster Parent Training Reimbursement Invoice - Continuation Page" will be obsolete. All foster caregiver training costs should be submitted using the revised JFS 01350 "Foster Caregiver Training Stipend and Recommending Agency Training Allowance Invoice." Following is a brief explanation of each of the proposed changes to the JFS 01350 form.
The title of the form has changed.
The Recommending Agency Information section adds an additional box requiring the three digit Agency or County I.D. Number.
The Training Information section adds new required information including a selection of pre-placement or continuing training, questions concerning costs for the agency, the date of the training and the length of the session.
The Training Participant Information section eliminates the FACSIS number column and adds columns for foster caregiver stipends paid and for allowance payments requested by the recommending agency.
There is a new subtotal box to list the totals of both stipend and training allowance reimbursement requests. There is also a total amount line which combines the two subtotals of stipend and allowance reimbursement requests.
The new form JFS 01350-I contains the instructions for use with the JFS 01350.
JFS 01350 (Rev. 11/1995) JFS 01351 (Rev. 1/1995)
JFS 01350 (Rev. 9/2007) JFS 01350-I (Rev. 9/2007)