This Procedure Letter provides guidance to Public Children Service Agencies (PCSAs) for issuing Foster Home Certificates while the Statewide Automated Children Welfare Information System (SACWIS) is experiencing application performance issues.
1)Process for agencies that have access to SACWIS Interim Solution (SIS)
To Create a New Foster Home Provider and Initial Certification:
- The PCSA should create Family Foster Home registrations in SIS along with pertinent events. This information will be extracted and sent to Host FACSIS.
- The PCSA should submit the JFS 01317 "Recommendation for Certification/Recertification of a Foster Home" by fax or e-mail to:
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
Fax Number (614) 466-0164
Attention: Rita Jackson
- Once the information is transmitted to ODJFS, the JFS 01317 information will be entered into Host FACSIS. The Foster Home Certificate will be printed and mailed to the PCSA. (These steps mirror the process that agencies followed prior to implementing SACWIS.)
- Once the SACWIS application performance issues are resolved, the PCSA will need to enter and approve the Initial Homestudy in SACWIS.
- The PCSA will then create an Approval/Certification record and route the request to ODJFS via the SACWIS Provider Licensing Request process. (ODJFS Staff will validate the previously submitted paper JFS 01317 and approve the Initial Certification based upon the information in the previously generated Foster Home Certificate.)
To Create a Foster Home Recertification:
- The PCSA should update the Family Foster Home record as applicable (i.e. address changes, etc.) in SIS.
- The PCSA should submit the JFS 01317 by fax or e-mail to:
Ohio Department of Job & Family Services
Fax Number (614) 466-0164
Attention: Rita Jackson
- When submitting the JFS 01317, the PCSA must provide the Family and Children Services Information System (FACSIS) Resource Identification Number instead of providing the SACWIS Provider Identification Number.
- Once the information is transmitted to ODJFS, the JFS 01317 information will be entered into Host FACSIS. The Foster Home Certificate will be printed and mailed to the PCSA. (These steps mirror the process that agencies followed prior to implementing SACWIS.)
- Once the SACWIS application performance issues are resolved, the PCSA will need to enter and approve the Recertification Homestudy in SACWIS.
- The PCSA will create an Approval/Certification record and route the request to ODJFS for approval in SACWIS. (ODJFS Staff will validate the previously submitted paper JFS 01317 and approve the Recertification based upon the information from the previously generated Foster Home Certificate.)
2)Process for agencies that are processing child welfare subsidy payments out of SACWIS and no longer have access to SIS
To Create a New Foster Home provider and Initial Certification:
- The PCSA should complete and submit the Provider Request Form by fax or e-mail to:
- Ohio SACWIS Project
Fax Number (614) 728-9678
Attention: Tim Doyle-Wenger
- The ODJFS SACWIS Provider Team will enter the Provider information and generate the new Foster Home Certificate from SACWIS.
- An e-mail notification will be sent to the PCSA with an attached PDF copy of the Foster Home Certificate.
- Once the SACWIS application performance issues are resolved, the PCSA will need to enter and approve the information on the Initial Homestudy in SACWIS.
To create a Foster Home Recertification with or without demographic changes including change of name, address and/or change in capacity:
- The PCSA should complete and submit the Provider Request Form (with all changes indicated) by fax or e-mail to:
Ohio SACWIS Project
Fax Number (614) 728-9678
Attention: Tim Doyle-Wenger
- The ODJFS SACWIS Provider Team will update the Provider information and generate the Foster Home Certificate.
- An e-mail notification will be sent to the PCSA with an attached PDF copy of the Foster Home Certificate.
- Once the SACWIS performance issues are resolved, the PCSA will need to enter and approve the information on the Recertification Homestudy in SACWIS.
The following chart depicts what materials should be removed from and what material should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).