The Office of Child Support (OCS) has proposed the rescission of the following rules:
Rescinded Rule | Rescinded Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Rescission |
5101:1‑29‑35 | Medical support | 10/1/2001 | 10/02/2006 |
| Note: This rule is being reviewed in accordance with Section 119.032 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period. It is being proposed for rescission. The information in this rule, with the exception of the last sentence, is already contained in the following OAC rules: 5101:1‑29‑13, 5101:1‑29‑35.1, 5101:1‑29‑35.2, 5101:1‑29‑35.6, 5101:1‑29‑36, 5101:1‑31‑14, and 5101:12‑10‑31.2. The last sentence, which states that a CSEA is not required to seek medical payments from a third party, is not found elsewhere in OCS rules, but is also not necessary to state in rule. OCS plans to rescind rule 5101:1‑29‑35 and capture any relevant information in new medical support rules that will be renumbered under division 5101:12. These new rules will be posted in a future Clearance.
5101:1‑30‑14 | Financial institution data match (FIDM). | 10/1/2001 | 10/02/2006 |
| Note: This rule is being rescinded and the information will be contained in proposed rule 5101:12‑55‑10 of the Administrative Code.
5101:1‑32‑01 | Role of the CSEA administrative officer | 12/1/2001 | 10/02/2006 |
| Note: This rule is being reviewed in accordance with Section 119.032 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period. This rule is being rescinded and the information will be contained in proposed rule 5101:12‑30‑25 of the Administrative Code.
OCS has propose the adoption of the following rules:
Adopted Rule | Adopted Rule Title | Effective Date of Adopted Rule |
5101:12‑55‑10 | Financial institution data match program. | 10/02/2006 |
| Note: The rule incorporates formatting changes in accordance with current standards and has been revised as follow: 1. A reference to the state-to-state FIDM match program has been included in paragraph (B)(1) and (C)(6); 2. Clarified that if a CSEA determines that funds in an account represent Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, that portion of the account that represents SSI may not be used to enforce a support order using the FIDM program; 3. Clarified that if a CSEA determines that a legal restriction exists on the account that prevents the obligor from withdrawing the funds, that portion of the account that is legally restricted may not be used to enforce a support order using the FIDM program; 4. Clarified that the FIDM program is based on matches obtained from the federal offset list; 5. Referenced the JFS 04054, "Notice of Determination on Amount of Ownership;" and 6. Removed the information regarding the allocation of funds because that information is described in rule 5101:12‑80‑10 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
5101:12‑30‑25 | Role of the CSEA administrative officer | 10/02/2006 |
| Note: This rule describes the qualifications, procedures, requirements, and standards necessary for the employment of the administrative officer, pursuant to section 3111.53 of the Revised Code. Rule 5101:1‑32‑01 has been reformatted and the language has been revised for clarity. There are no substantive changes to the rule.
The following forms have been revised:
Revised Form | Revised Form Title | Prior Effective Date of Form | Effective Date of Revision |
JFS 04050 | Access Restriction | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards. In addition, appropriate Ohio Revised Code cites have been added.
JFS 04051 | Release of Access Restriction | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards.
JFS 04052 | Notice To Person, Other Than Child Support Obligor, Having Ownership Interest in an Account | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards.
JFS 04053 | Notice of Administrative Hearing in Regard to Account Ownership | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards.
JFS 04054 | Notice of Amount of Ownership | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards.
JFS 04055 | Financial Institution Account Withdrawal Directive | 10/2001 | 9/2006 |
| Changes: This form has been reformatted to incorporate current formatting standards. This form has also been revised to add an alternative payment address for use in cases where the case is not in Ohio but the financial institution does business in Ohio.
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Rules will be updated in the CSPM on the ODJFS InnerWeb at;cs=default;ts=default as follows:
- Rescinded rules will be removed when the rescission becomes effective.
- Adopted rules will be inserted on the effective date of the rule.
Forms will be updated in the Forms section of the CSPM on the ODJFS InnerWeb at;cs=default;ts=default as follows:
- Revised forms will be replaced on the effective date of the amended form.