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APMTL 302 (Adult Protective Services Training Subsidies for SFY 06/07)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 302
August 5, 2005
TO: All County Departments of Job and Family Services Directors All Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, ODJFS Director
SUBJECT: Adult Protective Services Training Subsidies for SFY 06/07

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is disbursing two Adult Protective Services (APS) training subsidies to fund APS training for county caseworker/supervisory staff who perform APS duties. The training subsidies will be provided to four counties who will serve as Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and be responsible for addressing statewide APS needs identified by county departments of job and family services in the service areas served by each RTC. The four counties which will serve as the Regional Training Centers are:

Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services

Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services

Lucas County Department of Job and Family Services

Summit County Department of Job and Family Services

In addressing the training needs for each of their service areas, the RTCs are required to work in a collaborative manner in order to maximize efficiency and training resources available (e.g., offer joint training, jointly develop or revise curriculum).

Each of the four RTCs is required to submit:

(1) A quarterly report on the number of training events offered, the number of participants in attendance by agency affiliation and title, the location of the training event and the title/course number of the workshop(s) offered; and

(2) A calendar of course offerings to ODJFS to be submitted on a quarterly basis (according to a prescribed schedule), to the Office for Children and Families in a format designated by ODJFS, which will allow it to be posted on the ODJFS web site.

The above material is to be submitted to the attention of:

Dorothy Hughes

Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

255 East Main Street, 3rd Floor

Columbus, Ohio 43215

Each county hosting an RTC will receive subsidies totaling $125,000, per fiscal year, to support APS training costs. This financing support will be issued in two components; an operating subsidy, and a cost of instruction subsidy.

The operating subsidy component will be reflected as a supplement of $37,500 to the county's general social services allocation. The operating subsidy is meant to compensate the RTC county for manpower costs associated with its procurement and provision of APS training. Such manpower costs will not be permitted to be direct charged to the supplement. Instead, all county manpower costs will be distributed per normal cost allocation procedures.

The cost of instruction subsidy is meant to compensate the RTC county for its direct and out-of-pocket costs associated with procuring and providing APS training. The cost of instruction subsidy will be issued in the form of a separate allocation. Allowable and unallowable costs for this allocation are noted separately below.

Both subsidies will be issued each fiscal year of a biennial budget period. Any surplus balance in the cost of instruction subsidy at the close of the first year will be carried forward as a supplement to the cost of instruction subsidy in the second year. Any surplus balance in the cost of instruction subsidy at the end of the second year of a biennial budget period will revert to ODJFS.

Trainees are to be county casework and direct supervisory staff who have APS duties. Trainees may also include community partners who have a role in providing APS services or discharging APS duties.

The operating subsidy represents indirect support for manpower costs that a county hosting an RTC will incur to procure and provide APS training. Because the subsidy is issued as a general supplement to the county's social services allocation, such costs may not be direct charged to the supplement. Instead, county manpower costs associated with the procurement and delivery of APS training will be assessed and financed through the general cost allocation process that governs all social services operating costs.

The cost of the instruction subsidy is to be used to support the direct 3rd party costs incurred to procure or provide APS training. Allowable costs include training site rental costs (if free space is not available), hosting costs (i.e., light greeting beverages), reproduction and printing costs not done in-house, fees paid to 3rd party trainers, purchased curriculum pre-approved by ODJFS, supplies that will be directly consumed in the delivery of training, and training equipment pre-approved by ODJFS. Allowable costs do not include manpower or travel costs incurred by RTC staff, use of county space, postage, utilities, office supplies or furnishing.

Training must be topically focused on Adult Protective Services and the protected population. RTCs may not reprogram any of the cost of instruction subsidy away from Adult Protective Services training activities. Allowable training topics are limited to course offerings in the 700 series of the OHSTS Workshops Listing Catalog https://jfs.ohio.gov/ocf/CountyTraining/TCTBs.stm, or curriculum pre-approved by ODJFS.

Questions regarding this administrative procedure letter and Adult Protective Services Training Subsidies rule 5101:9-6-14.1 of the Administrative Code should be directed to your local fiscal supervisor or to the Bureau of County of County Finance at (614) 752-9194.