APM.9504. Information Required From a Requesting County Agency

The proposal for an Operational Agreement submitted to ODJFS by a county family services agency must provide, at a minimum, a detailed explanation of APM 9504 (1) through (5) as follows:

(1)Purpose of the Operational Agreement

A statement of whether the proposal for an Operational Agreement is being submitted under division (A), (B), (C), or (D) of section 5101.216 of the Revised Code (see APM 9501); description of what operational changes are being requested and why the changes are needed; statement of the goals to be accomplished by the Operational Agreement; and the time period to be covered by the Agreement.

(2)Substantive Content of the Operational Agreement

Identification of the goal and benefit of the proposed change; description of the substantive content of each component of the proposed Operational Agreement; identification of each program affected; identification of each Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule or ODJFS procedure affected and/or proposed for modification; identification of Ohio Revised Code or federal statute or regulation provisions relevant to the proposal; description of how the proposed changes will be implemented, including a timeline for implementation. This description should provide details of any proposed alternative procedure or modification desired to the current procedure.

(3)Resources Associated with the Operational Agreement

Identification of the county resources (staff, money, other) that will be committed to the proposed Operational Agreement; identification of any resources that are needed from ODJFS; whether the proposal is cost neutral and if not, why not; identification of potential impact on ODJFS information systems; identification of any potential impact on other county or state agencies. If any of this information is not available, explain how the county family services agency will address these issues. If any of this information is not applicable, explain why.

(4)Measurement and Evaluation

Identification of implementation timeframes and completion time period; description of the county goals for improving the family services provided to recipients; identification of quantifiable measures and how the results will be measured; description of the evaluation process that will be used by the county family services agency.