(A)No court, agency, resource caregiver,
residential facility or any employee, volunteer, intern or subcontractor of an
agency, court or residential facility is to in any way violate any of the
following rights of children:
(1)The right to be free from physical,
verbal, and emotional abuse and inhumane treatment.
(2)The right to be protected from all forms
of sexual abuse and exploitation.
(3)The right to receive timely and
consistent access to:
(a)Housing that is a clean and safe living
environment, free of infestation and contaminants. This includes the right to
enter their housing at any time during their placement.
(b)Food in accordance to rule 5101:2-7-06
or 5101:2-9-20 of the Administrative Code. This includes the right to have
other special considerations regarding food as a result of trauma included in
their service and/or case plan.
(c)Clothing appropriate to the child's age
and gender identity. This includes the right to participate and provide input
regarding the selection of their clothing.
(4)The right to privacy and personal
(5)The right to their own money. As age and
developmentally appropriate, the right to earn their own money, open a bank
account, and be provided guidance on how to save and spend money. For youth age
fourteen and older, this is to be addressed as a part of the youth independent
living plan pursuant to rule 5101:2-42-19 of the Administrative Code.
(6)The right to visitation and
communication with parents, siblings, other family members, non-related kin,
friends and significant others from whom they are living apart, in accordance
with the child's service or case plan. Unless restricted in the case plan or in
accordance to paragraph (E) of this rule, the youth has the right to
communicate with these persons in private.
(7)The right to contact their attorney,
caseworker, custodial agency worker, probation officer, court appointed special
advocate (CASA) and guardian ad litem (GAL) as well as other professionals
involved with the youth in private, within twenty-four hours of the request.
Each of the phone numbers for these individuals and the recommending and
custodial agency hotline is to be accessible to the youth.
(8)The right to have their opinions heard
and be included when any decisions are being made affecting their lives. As age
or developmentally appropriate, this includes the right to be invited to and
prepared for meetings and court hearings including information about their
permanency options.
(9)The right to receive timely, adequate,
and appropriate medical care, dental services, vision care, and mental health
services. This includes the right to have appointments scheduled and be
transported to these appointments.
(10) The right to enjoy freedom of thought,
conscience, and religion or to abstain from the practice of religion.
(11) The right to receive appropriate and
reasonable guidance, support, and supervision from adults in their lives
including parents, resource caregivers, agency staff, mentors, youth advisory
boards, and others, as applicable.
(12) The right to participate in an appropriate
educational program including the following:
(a)The right to provide their input
regarding selection of schools consistent with the Every Student Succeeds Act
(ESSA) 2015.
(b)The right to participate in educational
and school related activities, without any barriers to access.
(c)For youth aged fourteen and older, the
right to have access to information regarding vocational and post-secondary
educational programs and financial assistance for post- secondary education.
(13) The right to life skills preparation
pursuant to rule 5101:2-42-19 of the Administrative Code.
(14) The right to participate in
age-appropriate extracurricular, enrichment, and social activities per section
2151.315 of the Ohio Revised Code.
(15) The right to protection against being
discriminated against or harassed on the basis of race, sex, gender, gender
identity, sexual orientation, disability, religion, color or national origin.
(B)The custodial agency is to ensure the
foster youth bill of rights and/or a copy of the JFS 01677 "Foster Youth
Rights Handbook" pursuant to rule 5101:2-42-90 of the Administrative Code,
along with the agency's complaint procedure, pursuant to rule 5101:2-33-20, are
explained to each child as developmentally appropriate and provided to all
children in custody.
(C)A residential facility is to include the
foster youth bill of rights in the handbook for residents and their families
required pursuant to rule 5101:2-9-15 of the Administrative Code. The
residential agency is to ensure the following:
(1)Children in the care of the agency have
ongoing access to the handbook for residents and youth aged fourteen and older
have ongoing access to the JFS 01677.
(2)The list of the foster youth bill of
rights along with the facility's complaint procedure pursuant to rule
5101:2-9-24 of the Administrative Code is to be clearly posted in each facility
so that it may be easily seen by all children.
(D)An agency operating a foster care or
independent living program is to include the foster youth bill of rights in any
handbook used by the agency for children in the care of the agency. The agency
is to ensure children in the care of the agency:
(1)Are provided the list of foster youth
bill of rights and the agency's complaint procedure which are explained to each
child as developmentally appropriate and provided to all children.
(2)Have ongoing access to the handbook, if
applicable, and the agency’s complaint procedure.
(3)Youth aged fourteen and older have
ongoing access to the JFS 01677.
(E)Restrictions upon a child's rights
should be reserved only for instances where it is necessary for the health and
safety of the child or others. If an agency places any restrictions upon a
child's rights for more than two hours, the agency is to:
(1)Inform the child immediately and the
child's custodian within twenty-four hours of the conditions of and the reasons
for the restriction of rights.
(2)Place a written report summarizing the
conditions of and reasons for the restriction of the child's rights in that
child's record maintained pursuant to rule 5101:2-5-10 and/or 5101:2-33-70 of
the Administrative Code.
(3)Inform the individual of the conditions
of and reasons for the action, as appropriate, when a restriction of a child's
rights affects another individual.
(4)Document review of this decision at
least weekly. Any such restriction is to be included in the service and/or case
plan and approved by the child's custodian.
(F)Nothing in this rule prevents a resource
caregiver or residential facility from providing care, supervision, and
discipline pursuant to rule 5101:2-7-09 or 5101:2-9-21 of the Administrative
(G)If the rights of a youth, as established
in this rule, conflict with the rights of a resource family or resource
caregiver, as established in rule 5101:2-42-20, the rights of the youth is to
preempt the rights of the resource family or resource caregiver.
(H)The rights established by this rule do
not create grounds for a civil action against the department, the recommending
agency, or the custodial agency.
Replaces: 5101:2-5-35
Effective: 11/15/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 11/15/2026
Date: 11/01/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 2151.316, 5103.02, 5103.03
Rule Amplifies: 2151.316, 5103.02, 5103.03
Prior Effective Dates: 12/30/1966, 10/01/1986, 02/01/1988,
07/02/1990 (Emer.), 10/01/1990, 01/01/1991, 03/17/1994, 10/01/1997 (Emer.),
12/30/1997, 07/01/2000, 12/11/2006, 10/01/2011, 03/01/2017