The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is
issuing this Procedure Letter in accordance with the 2022-2023 Operating
Budget, Amended Substitute House Bill 110 of the 134th General Assembly (HB
110), which was signed by Governor Mike DeWine on June 30, 2021. The provisions of HB 110 become effective on September
30, 2021 (unless specifically stated otherwise within the legislation), including
the statutory change summarized below.
This Procedure Letter provides information and guidance to
foster care agencies regarding the extension of foster caregiver certifications
in accordance with statutory changes included in HB 110.
HB 110 includes changes to Ohio Revised Code Section 751.20, effective
September 30, 2021, to allow for foster care applicants, who began pre-service training
between 2019 and 2021, to extend their time to be initially certified until December
31, 2021 due to the pandemic. Any items completed after January 2019, which are necessary
for initial certification, may
be used toward certification, with the exception of background checks and
safety audits. Background checks and safety audits must be timely in accordance
with rule 5101:2-5-20 at the time of initial certification.
Additionally, HB 110 includes changes to Ohio Revised Code
Section 751.20 to allow foster caregivers, who have not completed their recertification
requirements during the pandemic, to complete those requirements by December
31, 2021, unless otherwise specified.
Below is a chart to assist in the understanding of the language in HB
110 as it relates to foster care certification extensions:
Study Type
Initial Certification on or before 12/31/2018
Any homes that started pre-service training
on or before 12/31/2018 are not covered by the HB110 extension.
Initial Certification on or after 01/01/2019
Any homes that started pre-service training
on or after 01/01/2019, have until 12/31/2021 to complete certification
and/or training requirements. The 18-
month training timeframe in rule 5101:2‑5‑20 (K)(8) is re-instituted January
1, 2022.
Homes that expire from 04/02/2021-09/29/2021
Homes with certifications that expired
between 04/02/2021 (when HB404 expired) and 09/29/2021 are not covered by the
HB110 extension.
Homes that expire from 09/30/2021-12/31/2021
Homes with certifications set to expire from
09/30/2021 – 12/31/2021 have until 12/31/2021 to complete recertification
requirements or must be closed 1/1/2022 and start again as an initial
The following chart indicates what materials should be deleted
from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials
are to be inserted in the FCASM.
FCASPL No. 373