The purpose of this procedure letter is to provide time-sensitive
guidance to Title IV-E agencies due to the passage of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act on December 27, 2020.
Preventing Aging Out of Foster Care During the Pandemic
The Consolidated Appropriations Act prohibits states from requiring
a child to leave foster care solely due to their age to ensure no young person
is removed from critical housing and support services during the COVID-19
public health emergency period of April 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.
Children may not be found ineligible for Title IV-E foster care maintenance
(FCM) payments solely due to age, during the public health emergency period.
Title IV-E FCM payments for youth who remain eligible for such
payments because of the suspension of requirements that a youth graduate before
the age of 19, or that a youth be enrolled in post-secondary education or
training program, will be eligible for federal match of administrative and
maintenance costs up to age 22. Funds are available for this purpose through
the end of FY2021.
Any youth that has or will reach age 18 during the public health
emergency period of April 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021, that remains in the
legal responsibility for the care and placement/custody of a IV-E agency may continue
receiving FCM payments. The eligibility record for a youth turning age 18 in
the Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) will not be
terminated. For youth whose eligibility
records have been terminated because of their age or graduation date, SACWIS
staff will be in contact with impacted agencies to provide a list of impacted
youth and the next steps for the agency to continue to receive FCM payments.
If there are questions regarding this extension, please contact
the SACWIS helpdesk at (800) 686-1580 Option 3, Option 5.
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted
from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials
are to be inserted in the FCASM.
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FCASPL No. 367