The purpose of this procedure letter is to inform county
department of job and family services (CDJFS) that the Title XX County Profile
process has changed, including the due date of the profile. The county profile
will now be entered into the SSBG Federal Reporting Website. Agencies no longer
need to submit signed copies of their county profile to the Ohio Department of
Job and Family Services (ODJFS), but must continue to maintain the signed
original on file at the CDJFS. CDJFS staff who already have access to the
portal will keep the same username and password. CDJFS staff who need access to this portal
must contact
The Title XX County Profile is now due by June 15th of each year.
The public notice and hearing process for the Title XX program has
not changed. Agencies should begin
preparing for the public notice in March and hold the public hearing in April. Both
the public notice and a summary of the comments made at the hearing are to be
submitted by the end of May to the mailbox:
These changes will result in amendments to the following rules
and forms:
- 5101:2-25-02 Title XX Administration
- 5101:2-25-03 Title XX County Profile
- 5101:2-25-07 Title XX Reimbursement Dependent
upon correct determination of recipient eligibility
- JFS 01821 “Title XX County Profile.” This form will be obsoleted.
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted
from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials
are to be inserted in the FCASM.
FCASPL No. 339