This letter details the Title IV-E foster care maintenance payments
for children placed with a parent in a licensed residential family-based treatment
facility for substance abuse.
Public Law 115-123, known as the Family First Prevention Services
Act (FFPSA) was signed into law on February 9, 2018. ACFY-CB-PI-18-07, issued July
9, 2018, instructs states that beginning October 1, 2018 Title IV-E agencies may
claim Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) payments for a child in the agency’s
custody placed with a parent in a licensed residential family-based treatment facility
for substance abuse for up to twelve (12) months.
Title IV-E agencies may claim administrative costs during the 12-month
period for the administration of the Title IV-E program, which includes case management.
A licensed residential family-based treatment facility for substance abuse is not
a children’s residential center (CRC); therefore, the Title IV-E agency may not
include the costs of administration and operation of the facility in the child’s
Title IV-E FCM payments, nor must the facility adhere to meet the Title IV-E licensing
and background check requirements of a CRC.
The child must meet all the Title IV-E foster care eligibility requirements
except the aid to family and dependent children (AFDC) eligibility requirements.
The OAC rules and corresponding Manual Transmittal letter are forthcoming
regarding Title IV-E FCM payments for a foster child placed with a parent in a licensed
residential family-based treatment facility for substance abuse.
With this new Federal legislation, Ohio does not currently have a
Title IV-E reimbursement ceiling established for these types of facilities or placements.
It will be necessary for a licensed residential family-based treatment facility
for substance abuse to complete and submit the JFS 02911 “Title IV-E Single Cost
Report” to have a Title IV-E reimbursement ceiling established.
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from
the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to
be inserted in the FCASM.
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FCASPL No. 338