This procedure letter provides guidance to Public Children Services Agencies (PCSAs), Private Child Placing Agencies (PCPAs), and Private Noncustodial Agencies (PNAs) for implementation of rule 5101:2-33-80 of the Administrative Code which will be effective December 31, 2008.
Purpose of Rapback:
Ohio Revised Code section 109.5721 authorizes the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) to add certified foster caregivers, approved adoptive parents, and all other adults in their households to the retained applicant fingerprint database. RAPBACK will provide agencies with valuable information regarding arrests for these individuals on a real time basis.
Rapback Process:
When a certified foster caregiver, approved adoptive parent, or any other adult in their household is fingerprinted in relation to a crime, BCII will immediately notify the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). ODJFS will then notify the recommending or approving agency. The notifications from ODJFS will be sent Monday through Friday. The notifications will not contain detailed information, but will have a reference number. Once an agency receives notification from ODJFS that an individual has been fingerprinted in relation to a crime, the agency shall contact BCII via telephone, use the reference number contained in the notification, and request additional information. The phone call to BCII shall be made within two business days. BCII is available only between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm on business days to receive calls. After receiving a phone call from an agency, BCII will send the agency a letter giving more detailed information regarding the crime.
After the agency receives the detailed information from BCII, it shall take action as required in rule 5101:2-33-80 of the Administrative Code. Once an action has been taken, the agency must complete the JFS 1301 form and submit it to ODJFS.
Each agency must establish an e-mail account specifically for the purpose of receiving notifications for RAPBACK. Each agency must send the e-mail address to by January 30, 2009. All required forms may be sent electronically to the Rapback e-mail box, or they may be submitted manually to:
Office for Children and Families
P.O. Box 182709
Columbus, OH 43218-2709
The following chart depicts what materials should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).