OCS is proposing to rescind the following rule:
Rule to be Rescinded | Rescinded Rule Title | Effective Date of Existing Rule | Effective Date of Rescission |
5101:1‑30‑87.1 | Lien levy and execution | 4/18/2003 | 4/01/2006 |
| Reason: This rule is being rescinded as part of the Office of Child Support (OCS) rule reorganization, which involves reviewing each rule and transitioning the rules to division 5101:12. This rule is being replaced by rule 5101:12‑55‑20.1. |
OCS is proposing to adopt the following rule:
Rule to be Adopted | Adopted Rule Title | Effective Date of Adopted Rule |
5101:12‑55‑20.1 | Lien levy and execution | 4/01/2006 |
| New Rule: This rule replaces rule 5101:12‑55‑20.1. The information regarding how the child support enforcement agency (CSEA) executes on a lien on personal or real property has been reorganized and the process has been clarified. |
OCS is amending the following forms:
Form to be Amended | Amended Form Title | Effective Date of Existing Form | Effective Date of Amendment |
JFS 04034 | Notice of Selection of Health Plan Options | 10/2003 | 12/2005 |
Changes: The form has been reformatted to follow a standard, uniform format for OCS forms. References to "Medical Insurance Obligor" have been changed to "Health Insurance Obligor" and the language has been revised for clarity.
JFS 04035 | Notice of Available Health Plan Options | 10/2003 | 2/2006 |
| Changes: The form has been reformatted to follow a standard, uniform format for OCS forms. References to "Medical Insurance Obligee" have been changed to "Health Insurance Obligee" and the language has been revised for clarity. |
JFS 04043 | Notice to Payor/Office of Unemployment Compensation/Financial Institution to Terminate the Withholding of Obligor Income/Assets | 7/2003 | 12/2005 |
| Changes: The form has been revised to remove references to the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services, which merged with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services in 2000, and replace them with Office of Unemployment Compensation. |
JFS 07006 | Discharge of Lien | 3/2003 | 12/2005 |
| Changes: The form has been amended to identify only the last four digits of an obligor's social security number. |
JFS 07072 | Safeguarding of Internal Revenue Service, Ohio Department of Taxation, Federal Parent Locator Service, and Unemployment Compensation Information | 12/2005 | 2/2006 |
| Changes: The form has been revised to include certification requirements for the safeguarding of information from the Ohio Department of Taxation, Federal Parent Locator Service, and the ODJFS Office of Unemployment Compensation. The form also reflects the new, more specific requirements for the safeguarding of IRS information. |
JFS 07771 | CSEA Administrative Order Non-Existence of Child-Parent Relationship | 1/2001 | 1/2006 |
| Changes: Modifications include changing the prefix to "JFS" and adding a leading "0" to the form number to comply with the forms naming convention; updating references to ODJFS, ORC, or OAC cites; and correcting punctuation and terminology. |
NMSN (JFS 04040) | National Medical Support Notice -Part A- Notice to Withhold for Health Care Coverage | 10/2001 | 1/2006 |
| Changes: The NMSN, which is a federal form, had language on pages 3 and 4 modified in accordance with Action Transmittal 05-05. |
| | | | |
Rules will be updated in the CSPM on the ODJFS InnerWeb at http://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov/csupport/CSP as follows:
- Rescinded rules will be removed when the rescission becomes effective.
- Adopted rules will be inserted on the effective date of the rule.
Forms will be updated in the Forms section of the CSPM on the ODJFS InnerWeb at http://emanuals.jfs.ohio.gov/csupport/CSP as follows:
- Amended forms will be replaced on the effective date of the amended form.