The Office of Child Support (OCS) has rescinded, amended, or adopted the following rules:
Rescinded or Amended Rule Number(s) | Rescinded or Amended Rule Name | Effective Date of Rescinded or Amended Rule | New or Replacement Rule Number | New or Replacement Rule Name | Effective Date of New or Replacement Rule |
5101:12‑10‑45 | IV-D county contracts: Scope, contract types, and definitions | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45 | IV-D county contracts: Scope, contract types, and definitions | 02/16/2006 |
| Changes: Clarified the definition of "legal services," added a definition of "program," and made formatting changes to conform with recent changes in formatting requirements.
5101:12‑10‑45.1 | IV-D county contracts; Allowable costs and sources of the non-federal share | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.1 | IV-D county contracts: Allowable costs and sources of the non-federal share | 02/16/2006 |
| Changes: Clarified the definition of "service of process" to include warrants, stated additional activities which are not eligible for federal financial participation (FFP) reimbursement, and made formatting changes to conform with recent changes in formatting requirements.
5101:12‑10‑45.2 | IV-D county contracts: Contract requirements | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.2 | IV-D county contracts: Contract requirements | 02/16/2006 |
| Changes: Clarified CSEA procurement requirements; clarified the definition of a "sole source"; described the requirements for the new JFS 07016, "Ohio department of job and family services security addendum to IV-D services contract" and JFS 07036, "Time Sheet"; and made formatting changes to conform with recent changes in formatting requirements.
5101:12‑10‑45.3 | IV-D county contracts; Billable units and payment for contract services | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.3 | IV-D county contracts: Billable units and payment for contract services | 02/16/2006 |
| Changes: Clarified the requirements for completing a time study using the JFS 02015, "IV-D Contract Time Study Form"; clarified the requirements for completing the time sheet using the JFS 07036, "IV-D Contract Time Sheet"; clarified the purpose of the IV-D multiplier; clarified requirements for completing the JFS 07020, "IV-D Contractor Budget"; and made formatting changes to conform with recent changes in formatting requirements
| | | | | | |
The following rule is being adopted:
Rule Number | Rule Name | Effective Date |
5101:12‑80‑07 | Mandatory electronic disbursement | 02/09/2006 |
| New rule: This rule was created to support implementation of mandatory disbursement of support obligations by electronic means in response to provisions of House Bill 66 that amended section 3121.50 of the Revised Code.
The following forms have been created or modified:
JFS 01715 | Waiver of Service of Notice of Order to Appear for Administrative Support Hearing | 01/2006 |
| New form: This form may be used by the CSEA when one or both of the parties did not receive service of process but appeared for an administrative support hearing. This form is not available in SETS but will be available in the Interim Document Solution (IDS).
JFS 01716 | Waiver of Service of Notice and Order to Appear for Genetic Testing | 01/2006 |
| New form: This form may be used by the CSEA when one or both of the parties did not receive service of process but appeared for genetic testing. This form is not available in SETS but will be available in the IDS.
JFS 01772 | CSEA Contract Cover Letter | 02/2006 |
| Changes: References to the JFS 07016 and requirements for portions of the county cost allocation plan were added to the JFS 01772. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 02015 | IV-D Contract Time Study | 02/2006 |
| Changes: Modified form for clarification and ease of use and to include specific instructions for completion of the form and calculation of the IV-D multiplier. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 02015I | Instructions for Completing the JFS 02015 | 02/2006 |
| New form: Provided instructions for completing the JFS 02015. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 07010 | Request for Exception to Electronic Disbursement Enrollment | 01/2006 |
| New form: The top portion of this form is completed by an obligee who is requesting to opt out of the electronic disbursement enrollment. The bottom portion of the form will be completed by the Electronic Disbursement Exception Committee and will indicate whether the request was approved. Not available in SETS but will be available on the CSPC and Disbursements/e-Disbursements pages on the OCS InnerWeb.
JFS 07016 | Security Addendum to IV-D Service Contract | 02/2006 |
| New form: This form must be signed by contractors. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts..
JFS 07018 | IV-D Service Contract | 02/2006 |
| Changes: Added references to the JFS 07016 form. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 07020 | Child Support Contractor Budget | 02/2006 |
| Changes: To more accurately account for full time equivalent workers (FTE's) and to include the calculation for the IV-D multiplier. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 07036 | IV-D Contract Time Sheet | 02/2006 |
| New form: The format was modified. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 07036I | Instructions for Completing the JFS 07036 | 02/2006 |
| New form: Provides instructions for completing the JFS 07036. Not available in SETS but will be available on the OCS InnerWeb at: Reference Center/Forms/IV-D Contracts.
JFS 07072 | Safeguarding of IRS Information | 12/2005 |
| Changes: This form was modified in 7/2005 and issued in CSPMTL 3. However, this form is scheduled to go into production in SETS in 2/06 with a revision date of 12/2005. Only the revision date on the form has changed; no other changes were made to the form.
EFFECTIVE 02/16/2006 |
The following rules will be removed and filed as obsolete: | Replaced with: |
OAC Rule # | Effective/Revision Date | OAC Rule # | Effective/Revision Date |
5101:12‑10‑45 | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45 | 02/16/2006 |
5101:12‑10‑45.1 | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.1 | 02/16/2006 |
5101:12‑10‑45.2 | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.2 | 02/16/2006 |
5101:12‑10‑45.3 | 12/02/2004 | 5101:12‑10‑45.3 | 02/16/2006 |
The following rule will be inserted in the CSPM |
Rule # | Effective/Revision Date |
5101:12‑80‑07 | 02/09/2006 |
The following forms will be inserted in the Forms Section of the CSPM |
Form # | Effective/Revision Date |
JFS 01715 | 01/2006 |
JFS 01716 | 01/2006 |
JFS 02015I | 02/2006 |
JFS 07010 | 01/2006 |
JFS 07016 | 02/2006 |
JFS 07036 | 02/2006 |
JFS 07036I | 02/2006 |
EFFECTIVE 02/2006 |
The following forms will be removed and filed as obsolete: | Replaced with: |
Form # | Effective/Revision Date | Form # | Effective/Revision Date |
JFS 01772 | 11/2004 | JFS 01772 | 02/2006 |
JFS 02015 | 11/2004 | JFS 02015 | 02/2006 |
JFS 07018 | 11/2004 | JFS 07018 | 02/2006 |
JFS 07020 | 12/2003 | JFS 07020 | 02/2006 |