Removed Document Title | Effective Date of Removal |
Information Security Agreement | June 2008 |
This document is used when submitting a case for enforcement using Project Save Our Children (PSOC). The document will be relocated to the Program Areas/Enforcement/Criminal Enforcement/PSOC section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Case Referral/Initiation Procedures - Northern District of Ohio | June 2008 |
This document is used to refer a case to the Northern District for federal prosecution. The document will be relocated to the Program Areas/Enforcement/Criminal Enforcement/PSOC section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Case Referral/Initiation Procedures - Southern District of Ohio | June 2008 |
This document is used to refer a case to the Southern District for federal prosecution. The document will be relocated to the Program Areas/Enforcement/Criminal Enforcement/PSOC section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Locate Request Form | June 2008 |
This document is used when submitting a case for location services using Project Save Our Children (PSOC). The document will be relocated to the Program Areas/Enforcement/Criminal Enforcement/PSOC section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
CSEA Administrative Order - Establishment of Paternity | June 2008 |
This document is an early, unnumbered version of the JFS 07774 (CSEA Administrative Order - Establishment of Paternity). This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07774, which is available in Forms Section of the CSPM.
CSEA Administrative Order - Nonexistence of Parent-Child Relationship | June 2008 |
This document is an early, unnumbered version of the JFS 07771 (CSEA Administrative Order Non-Existence of Child-Parent Relationship). This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07771, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
CSEA Administrative Order - Paternity Finding Inconclusive | June 2008 |
This document is an early, unnumbered version of the JFS 07773 (CSEA Administrative Order Paternity Finding Inconclusive). This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07773, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Administrative Order for the Payment of Child Support | June 2008 |
This document is an early, unnumbered version of the JFS 07719 (Administrative Order for Child Support and Health Care). This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07719, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
County Coordinator's Instructions for Administering Child Support Random Moment Sample (CS-RMS) | June 2008 |
This document provides instructions to the child support RMS coordinator. This document is being removed because it will soon be available in the Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual (FAPM).
Sample ODHS 2790 Child Support Enforcement Administration -- Quarterly Advance | June 2008 |
This document was a sample of the ODHS 2790, Child Support Enforcement Administration Quarterly Advance. This document is being removed because the Office of Fiscal Services has assumed responsibility for this information.
Sample Child Support Enforcement Administration -- Reconciliation | June 2008 |
This document was a sample of the CSEA reconciliation report. This document is being removed because the Office of Fiscal Services has assumed responsibility for this information.
Guidelines for Segregating Cash Handling and Accounting Functions | June 2008 |
This document was used to describe how the CSEA is to segregate cash handling and accounting functions. This document is being removed and not replaced because the information is outdated. Updated material is contained in OAC rule 5101:12‑80‑05.1 and from the Office of Fiscal Services.
IRS Offset Monthly Collection/Adjustment Report | June 2008 |
This document was used to inform the CSEA of IRS refund offsets. This document is being removed and not replaced because SETS provides the CSEA with the necessary information regarding IRS refund offsets.
UIFSA Forms Matrix | June 2008 |
This document was used to instruct CSEAs which interstate forms to use when requesting a specific service. This document is being removed and not replaced because the information is available in OAC rule 5101:12‑70‑10 in the CSPM.
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 - Initial Request and Instructions for Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #1 - Initial Request | June 2008 |
These forms were used when sending a request for support enforcement services to another state and to provide instructions for completing the form. The Transmittal #1 is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #2 - Subsequent Actions and Instructions for Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #2 - Subsequent Actions | June 2008 |
These forms are used to report subsequent actions taken on an interstate case and provide instructions for completing the form. The Transmittal #2 is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Child Support Enforcement Transmittal #3 - Request for Assistance/Discovery and Instructions for Child Support Transmittal #3 - Request For Assistance/Discovery | June 2008 |
These forms were used when requesting assistance or discovery from another state or country and to provide instructions for completing the form. The Transmittal #3 is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
General Testimony and Instructions for General Testimony | June 2008 |
These documents were used to provide general testimony in support of an interstate action and instructions for completing the document. The General Testimony is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Notice of Determination of Controlling Order and Instructions for Notice of Determination of Controlling Order | June 2008 |
These forms were used to notify another state or country that a controlling order had been determined and to provide instructions for completing the form. The Notice is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Uniform Support Petition and Instructions for Uniform Support Petition | June 2008 |
These forms were used to petition another state or country to take action on a case and provide instructions for competing the form. The Petition is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Registration Statement | June 2008 |
This form was used to provide information for registering a foreign support order. The Registration Statement is being removed and not replaced because the form is available in SETS.
Locate Data Sheet and Instructions for Locate Data Sheet | June 2008 |
These forms were used to provide information to another state or country in support of a request to locate an alleged father or non-custodial parent and instructions for completing the form. The Locate Data Sheet is being removed and not replaced because it is available in SETS. The instructions will be added to the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Affidavit in Support of Establishing Paternity and Instructions for Affidavit in Support of Establishing Paternity | June 2008 |
These forms were used to provide information when asking another state or country to establish paternity and instructions for completing the form. The Affidavit is being removed and not replaced because the form is available in SETS.
Foreign Countries Ohio has Established Reciprocity with | June 2008 |
This document was used to list the foreign countries with whom Ohio has reciprocity. This document is being removed and placed in the Program Areas/Interstate/Interstate Resource section of the OCS InnerWeb in the near future.
Model: Motion for Judgment | June 2008 |
This document was used to provide a sample document from which the CSEA could develop a motion for judgment. This document is being removed and not replaced because the CSEA's legal advisor will develop the motion for judgment.
Prosecutive Guidelines - Child Support Enforcement | June 2008 |
This document was used to provide CSEAs with guidelines when the CSEA in the Northern district was considering referring a case for federal prosecution. This document is being removed because it is available in the Program Areas/Enforcement/Criminal Enforcement/PSOC in the section headed PSOC Screening Criteria.
U.S. Attorney Office Child Support Referral for Prosecution | June 2008 |
This document was a sample of a referral for federal prosecution. This document is being removed because and not replaced because it is out-of-date.
Letter to Former ADC Recipient | June 2008 |
This document was used to notify a former ADC recipient that s/he could request her/his case be closed. This document is being removed and not replaced because it has been replaced by the JFS 01974, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Follow-Up Letter | June 2008 |
This document was used in NPA cases to establish that the CSEA had lost contact with the recipient of services. This document is being removed and not replaced because the document was replaced by the JFS 01947, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Notice to Applicant / Participant of Determination of Good Cause for Refusing to Cooperate in Securing Child Support | June 2008 |
This document was used to notify a IV-D recipient that his/her good cause request has been approved. This document is being removed and not replaced because the document was replaced by JFS 04009, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Child Support Self-Assessment Cover Sheet, Case Closure- Question 1, Additional Closure Criteria for Non-PA Cases Only, Establishment Reference (Question 2), Enforcement Reference (Question 3), Disbursement of Collections, Medical Support- Question 5, Review and Adjustment - Question 6, Interstate Reference - Question 7, Expedited Process Reference (Question 8), Self-Assessment Tabulation Sheet, Ohio's Self Assessment Review Instructions, and Tally Sheet and Final Questions | June 2008 |
These documents were used by the CSEA during its self-assessment and to provide instructions for using the documents. These documents are being removed because the information is out-of-date.
CSEA File Format | June 2008 |
This document was used to describe a recommended format for case files. This document is being removed and not replaced because the CSEA may choose the format for its case files.
Address Information Request | June 2008 |
This document was used to request address information from a post office. This document is being removed and not replaced because the document was replaced by the JFS 07707, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Model Subpoena | June 2008 |
This document was a model administrative subpoena that CSEAs could use to subpoena information necessary for the CSEA to establish or modify a child support order or enforce a support order. This document is being removed and not replaced because the document was replaced by the JFS 07773, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Address for Worldwide Locator Services (for member's military addresses) | June 2008 |
This document provided addresses of military organizations that the CSEA could use to locate the current assignment or address of a member of the military. This document is being removed because the information is out-of-date.
Request for Home Address | June 2008 |
This document was a draft letter the CSEA could use to request a commanding officer of a member of the military release the member's home address. This document is being removed and not replaced because the CSEA can develop its own letter to request the information.
Ohio Child Support Guidelines | June 2008 |
This document was a copy of ORC sections 3119.01, 3119.02, 3119.021, 3119.022, 3119.023, 3119.02, 3119.03, 3119.04, 3119.05, 3119.06, 3119.07, 3119.08,3119.09, 3119.22, 3119.23, and 3119.24. This document is being removed because the ORC sections are out-of-date.
Best Practices in Paternity Establishment | June 2008 |
This document was used to provide CSEA with suggestions for improving their paternity establishment procedures. This document is being removed because the material is out-of-date.
Service Statistics | June 2008 |
This document was used to capture service of process information. This document is being removed because SETS now tracks service of process and the CSEA is not required to report service of process efforts.
Model Instructions for Service | June 2008 |
This document gave instructions from the CSEA to the process server. This document is being removed because a lump sum withholding order does not need to be served by a process server.
Model Addendum to Court Child Support Order | June 2008 |
This document was used as a model for an addendum to a court child support order. This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07780, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Model Addendum to Administrative Child Support Order | June 2008 |
This document was used as a model for an addendum to an administrative child support order. This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07781, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Notice of Administrative Hearing to Establish a Support Order | June 2008 |
This document was used as a model for scheduling an administrative child support hearing. This document is being removed because it has been replaced by the JFS 07782, which is available in the Forms Section of the CSPM.
Addresses of the Branches of the Armed Services and Federal Agencies | June 2008 |
This document provided CSEAs with addresses of military offices to whom the CSEA could request an involuntary allotment or garnishment. This document is being removed because both the process and the information are out-of-date.
Model IRS Information Request | June 2008 |
This document was used to request OCS obtain taxpayer information from the IRS. This document is being removed because Ohio no longer obtains taxpayer information from the IRS using this procedure.
Application for the Collection of Delinquent Child Support Payments by the Internal Revenue Service and Instructions to State IV-D Agencies for Preparation of Applications | June 2008 |
This application was submitted to OCS who would forward it to the IRS to collect delinquent child support. These documents are being removed because Ohio no longer submits requests to collect delinquent child support to the IRS.
Certification for the Federal Offset Program and State Income Tax Refund Offset Program | June 2008 |
This document was used by the CSEA to certify that the CSEA's IRS and ODT tax refund offset list complied with federal requirements. This document is being removed because CSEAs no longer need to certify the IRS and ODT tax refund offset list.
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the adopted and amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook.
This CSPMTL does not contain any new or amended requirements.