The Office of Child Support (OCS) has amended the following
rules. These rules have been reviewed in accordance with section 106.03 of the
Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a
five-year period.
Amended Rule
Amended Rule Title
Prior Effective Date of Rule
Effective Date of Amendment
Safeguarding of Information for the Internal Revenue
This rule
describes procedures an agency is required to follow in order to safeguard
information received from the IRS. Changes to the rule include amended the revision date
for the IRS Publication 1075 in paragraph (A), updated the annual due date
for the JFS 07072 from March to April
in paragraph (D), added a requirement that each child support enforcement
agency (CSEA) develop a written procedure in paragraphs (E) and (I)(1) that
are in accordance with rule 5101:9‑9‑26 of the Administrative Code, removed
paragraphs (I)(3)(b)(i) and (I)(3)(b)(ii) to clarify that the initial
certification and recertification are maintained by OCS, revised paragraph (I)(12)(b) for clarity,
and updated paragraph reference in paragraph (I)(13). This rule is authorized under ORC sections 3125.08,
3125.25 and 3125.51 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03, 3125.08, 3125.43 and
3125.50. |
Safeguarding Visit Procedures
This rule describes visit procedures an agency is
required to follow in order to safeguard information received from the IRS. Changes to the rule include amended the revision date
for the IRS Publication 1075 in paragraph (A) and removed requirement in
paragraph (C)(3)(d)(iii). This rule is authorized under ORC sections 3125.08,
3125.25 and 3125.51 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03, 3125.08, 3125.43 and
3125.50. |
Chapter 5101:12-1 Forms – Ohio Support Enforcement
This rule contains a compilation of forms with their effective
or revised effective date, referenced within various rules contained within
division 5101:12 of the Administrative Code, but first cited within Chapter
5101:12-1 of the Administrative Code. Changes to the rule include amended the revision dates
for the JFS 07016, JFS 07072 and JFS 07729 and removed ODM 06613. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25 and
amplifies sections 3125.03 and 3125.25 of the Revised Code. |
OCS has amended the following forms.
Form Number
Form Title
Prior Effective Date of Form
Revised Effective Date
JFS 07016
IV-D Contract Security Addendum
This form is an information security agreement that
describes a contractor's safeguarding and confidentiality requirements and
how the contractor may use information. Changes to this form include amended language from the
IRS Publication 1075, Exhibit 7 Safeguarding Contract Language and moved
language for clarity. |
JFS 07072
Safeguarding of Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT), Federal Parent Locator
Service (FPLS) and Unemployment Compensation (UC) Information
The purpose of this form is to have an agency certify
that all employees, contractors and sub-contractors understand the requirements
for the safeguarding of information from the Internal Revenue Service, Ohio
Department of Taxation, Federal Parent Locator Service, and Unemployment
Compensation. Changes to this form include amended the revision date
for the IRS Publication 1075. |
JFS 07729
FTI Safeguarding Visit Workbook
The purpose of this form is to be used by the office of
child support (OCS) within the Ohio department of job and family services
(ODJFS) when conducting periodic Federal Tax Information (FTI) safeguarding
visits with each agency. The agency is required to complete the JFS 07729
prior to the safeguarding visit. Changes to this form include
updated the reporting category numbers and reference numbers, eliminated
"Test Objectives" on the disclosure legend tab and on the
disclosure matrix for Field Office (FO) and Off Site (OS), reduced the test
ID's on the disclosure matrix FO tab from 100 to 77 to eliminate redundant
questions or questions that are no longer relevant and reduced the test ID's
on the disclosure matrix OS tab from 48 to 35 to eliminate redundant
questions or questions that were no longer relevant. |
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as
- An amended rule will be inserted, and the
previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals,
- An amended form will replace the current posted
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever
a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is
required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to
OCS within thirty days of the revision. The
CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to
determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural