The Office of Child Support (OCS) has amended the following rules.
Rule | Amended Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Amendment |
5101:12‑10‑72 | Continuation of Services | 6/15/2006 | 9/1/2016 |
This rule informs a CSEA to provide IV-D services to a client when their public assistance has terminated unless a client provides a written request to terminate the IV-D services. Updated the forms effective date language. No other changes were made to the language in this rule. This rule is authorized by section 3125.25 of the Revised Code, and amplifies sections 3125.03 and 3125.11 of the Revised Code.
5101:12‑10‑99 | Chapter 5101:12-10 Forms- Child Support Program Administration | 9/01/2015 | 9/1/2016 |
This rule contains a compilation of form(s) within 5101:12 of the Administrative Code, but first cited within Chapter 5101:12-10 of the Administrative Code. Revised the effective date of the JFS 07607. This rule is authorized by section 3125.25 of the Revised Code, and amplifies sections 3125.03 and 3125.25 of the Revised Code.
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OCS has revised the following form:
Revised Form | Revised Form Title | Prior Effective Date of Form | Effective Date of Revision |
JFS 07607 | Case Continuation Notice | 4/1996 | 9/1/2016 |
The case continuation notice informs the client that their IV-D services will continue even though their public assistance benefits have terminated. Updated the title to add Ohio Department of Job and Family Services per IPP.4301 and simplified language throughout the form.
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- A revised form will be replaced with the amended form.
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook.