Effective September 1, 2005, the Child Support Enforcement Manual (CSEM) is hereby obsolete and replaced with the Child Support Program Manual (CSPM). In addition to forms and other documents, the CSPM contains all Child Support Program rules from the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and, therefore, is a rule-based manual.
The OAC organizes rules into two levels: principle and supplemental. A principle rule is one which contains the overarching authority and content of a particular topic, such as "Default." Supplemental rules, such as "Default Investigation" serve to further refine a principle rule. Not every principle rule will have a supplemental rule because, in some cases, no further refinement is needed. There may also be occasions when there will be a supplemental rule but no principle rule. These exceptions occur for several reasons, such as when a new law is passed which obsoletes the principle rule but not the supplemental rule.
The Child Support Program rules are Ohio Administrative Code rules and therefore use the OAC numbering convention. Here is an example:
The rule numbers provide identifying information about the rule. In this example, the "5101" denotes the Department (ODJFS); the "12" designates the Division (Child Support); the "45" indicates the Chapter (Support Establishment); the "05" identifies the Principle Rule (Administrative Support Order Process); and the ".1" marks this rule as a Supplemental Rule (Scheduling the Administrative Support Hearing).
The CSPM contains all the child support rules that are currently in effect in 5101:1 (Public Assistance Division) and 5101:12 (Child Support Division). As 5101:1 rules are rescinded and replaced with 5101:12 rules, they will be removed from the CSPM.
Effective with this CSPMTL, all previously issued Child Support Enforcement Manual Transmittal Letters (CSEMTL) are obsolete and can be found in the CSPM section entitled "Obsolete CSEMTLs." The Child Support Enforcement Informational and Instructional Memorandums (CSEIIM) are incorporated in the CSPM.
As you know, all ODJFS manuals have been issued in electronic format for several years. The CSPM will likewise be issued in electronic format for internet users at the following location:
Individuals who desire a paper copy of the CSPMTL may order it through Legal/Policy Central (LPC) on the ODJFS website. The "Calendar" heading will take you to a calendar where you can click on the date that displays a CSPMTL. The date will take you to a page that provides information regarding the unit cost for the CSPMTL. The unit cost does not include shipping costs.
When you access the electronic CSPM you will see the CSPM Table of Contents is organized as follows:
Each category will take you to a sub-category. For example, when you click on the CSPM Transmittal Letters link, it will take you to links for the individual CSPMTLs organized by number; when you click on Child Support Program Rules, it will take you to chapters currently in use in the OAC and CSPM and, when you click on a specific chapter, it will take you to the individual rules that are currently in effect within that chapter. The Archived Documents hyperlink will take you to obsolete CSEIIMs and CSEMTLs and, eventually, to rescinded rules.
The CSPM will be organized in a way consistent with most other electronic manuals published by ODJFS. Whereas the CSEM was organized by sections (ex. CSE.1000 "Title IV-D Child Support Program," CSE.2000 "Establishment of the Support Order," etc.), the CSPM will be organized according to chapters, as outlined below:
When you review the electronic CSPM you will note that some of the chapters listed in this Manual Transmittal Letter are not displayed on the electronic CSPM. An example of this is 5101:12-20 "Location." This is because the Child Support rules regarding "Location" have not yet been transitioned from 5101:1 rules to 5101:12 rules. As these rules are reviewed, updated, and approved, they will be moved to the appropriate 5101:12 chapters. Future CSPMTLs will notify you of these occurrences.
The following table lists all of the current Child Support Program rules. You will see the table contains rules from 5101:1 as well as the rules already in 5101:12.
Rule Number | Rule Subject Matter | Rule Effective Date |
5101:1-29 | Child Support Enforcement Agency: Title IV-D Cases | |
5101:1‑29‑04 | Performance Measurements | 7/15/02 |
5101:1‑29‑05 | Title IV-D Case Record Requirements, Title IV-D and Non-IV-D Case Characteristics and Spousal Support as Part of IV-D Case | 2/22/02 |
5101:1‑29‑06 | Title IV-D Case Record Requirements | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑07.1 | Child Support Information: Confidentiality | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑29‑07.2 | Security Requirements for Child Support Information: Private Contractors | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑11 | Case Closure and Record Retention | 2/22/02 |
5101:1‑29‑12 | OWF Recipient Application Fee for Child Support Services | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑13 | Availability of Child Support Services | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑29‑18 | Collection of Child Support Payments in Foster Care Maintenance (Title IV-E) Cases | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑31 | Distribution and Disbursement of Child Support | 9/20/01 |
5101:1‑29‑31.1 | Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) Case Calculations, refunds, and Notices | 7/26/02 |
5101:1‑29‑31.2 | Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) Case Reviews | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑35 | Medical Support | 10/1/01 |
5101:1‑29‑35.1 | Establishment of Medical Support | 1/1/98 |
5101:1‑29‑35.2 | Enforcement of Medical Support | 1/1/98 |
5101:1‑29‑35.6 | Medical Support Payments | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑29‑36 | Incentive | 7/1/02 |
5101:1-30 | Locating Absent Parents; Paternity Establishment, Garnishment and Withholding; Tax Refund Offsets | |
5101:1‑30‑01 | Location for Official Child Support Business | 6/2/01 |
5101:1‑30‑03 | Safeguarding of Federal Parent Locator Service (FPLS) Information | 6/2/01 |
5101:1‑30‑04 | Location Efforts Regarding Parental Kidnapping, Child Custody, and Visitation Determination | 6/2/01 |
5101:1‑30‑14 | Financial Institution Data Match Program (FIDM) | 10/1/01 |
5101:1‑30‑29 | Genetic Testing | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑30‑40.1 | Court Actions | 12/1/01 |
5101:1‑30‑58.3 | Federal Criminal Non-Support | 3/1/03 |
5101:1‑30‑58.4 | IV-D Services for Ohio Obligees Residing in Other States | 3/1/03 |
5101:1‑30‑58.5 | Interstate Collections | 3/1/03 |
5101:1‑30‑58.6 | Pleadings and Other Documents | 1/1/98 |
5101:1‑30‑58.7 | Payment and Recovery of Costs for Interstate Cases | 3/1/03 |
5101:1‑30‑58.8 | New Evidentiary and Procedural Rules | 3/1/03 |
5101:1‑30‑58.9 | Surrender of Obligor Charged with Criminal Non-Support | 1/1/98 |
5101:1‑30‑61.3 | Termination of Support | 10/30/03 |
5101:1‑30‑65 | Safeguarding IRS Taxpayer Information | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑30‑75 | Certification to the U.S. District Court | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑30‑77 | Federal Offset Program to Enforce Past-Due Support Obligations | 4/11/03 |
5101:1‑30‑79 | Collection of Child Support Through the Withholding of Unemployment Compensation | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑30‑86 | Voiding of Fraudulent Transfers | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑30‑87.1 | Lien Levy and Execution | 4/18/03 |
5101:1‑30‑88 | Professional License Suspension | 10/14/01 |
5101:1‑30‑88.1 | Suspension of Driver's License | 6/2/01 |
5101:1‑30‑88.2 | Recreational License Suspension | 10/14/01 |
5101:1‑30‑90 | Poster Program | 7/1/02 |
5101:1-31 | Child Support Enforcement Agency: Administrative Rules | |
5101:1‑31‑04 | Child Support Administrative Fund | 2/1/99 |
5101:1‑31‑06 | Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) Administrative Advance | 7/15/02 |
5101:1‑31‑14 | Allocation Hierarchy for Collections | 9/1/03 |
5101:1‑31‑21 | IV-D Allowable Expenditures | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑22 | Non-PA Application Fee | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑23 | Clerk of Court Fees and Court Costs for PA and Non-PA Recipients | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑25 | Expenditures Excluded from Reimbursement Under the Title IV-D Program | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑26 | Statewide Genetic Testing Contracts for Paternity Determination | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑28 | Statewide Contract for Location and Collection Services | 11/18/03 |
5101:1‑31‑30 | Performance Incentives for Child Support Enforcement Agencies | 5/12/03 |
5101:1‑31‑31 | Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) Sanctions | 8/26/02 |
5101:1‑31‑70 | Child Support Funding | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑73 | Penalty for Failure to Meet Reporting Requirements | 7/1/02 |
5101:1‑31‑80 | Support Enforcement Tracking System (SETS) | 7/15/02 |
5101:1‑31‑90 | Title IV-D Child Support Program | 4/18/03 |
5101:1-32 | Child Support Enforcement Agency: Administrative Process Relative to Paternity and Child Support Orders | |
5101:1‑32‑01 | Role of the CSEA Administrative Officer | 12/1/01 |
5101:1‑32‑06 | Parental Duty of Support Beyond of the Age of Majority | 3/9/03 |
5101:1‑32‑23 | Paternity Establishment Pamphlet | 7/1/02 |
5101:12-10 | Child Support Program Administration | blank |
5101:12‑10‑25.2 | Family Violence Indicator (FVI) | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑25.3 | Request for Override of Family Violence Indicator Restriction | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑30.1 | Administrative Responsibility | 1/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑31.1 | OWF or IV-E Assistance Group | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑31.2 | Medicaid Assistance Group: Automatic Assignment and Cooperation Requirements | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑31.3 | Good Cause | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑35 | Retention of Fiscal and Statistical Administrative Records | 1/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑40.1 | Program Income for the CSEA | 1/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑40.2 | JFS 04234 "Child Support Enforcement Annual FTE Report" | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑45 | IV-D County Contracts; Scope, Contract Types and Definitions | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.1 | IV-D County Contracts; Allowable Costs and Sources of the Non-federal Share | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.2 | IV-D County Contracts; Contract Requirements | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.3 | IV-D County Contracts; Billable Units and Payment for Contract Services | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.4 | IV-D County Contracts; CSEA Contract Submission Requirements | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.5 | IV-D County Contracts; Office of Child Support Approval and Contract Monitoring Requirements | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.6 | IV-D County Contracts; CSEA Contract Monitoring and Evaluation Requirements | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑45.7 | IV-D County Contracts; Record Retention Requirements | 12/2/04 |
5101:12‑10‑65 | Unclaimed Funds | 11/8/04 |
5101:12‑10‑80.1 | CRIS-E/SETS Automated Interface | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑85 | Consumer Reporting Agency Inquiry | 1/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑90 | New Hire Reporting | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑90.1 | Employer Responsibilities | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑90.2 | New Hire Directory of Employees | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑10‑90.3 | New Hire Directory of Independent Contractors | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-30 | Administrative Procedure | |
5101:12‑30‑05 | Administrative Subpoenas | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑30‑10 | Service of Process | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-40 | Paternity Establishment | |
5101:12‑40‑05 | Paternity Establishment | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑10 | Presumption of Paternity | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑10.4 | Monthly Administration of Support Orders | 2/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑15 | Administrative Acknowledgement | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑17 | Rescinding an acknowledgment of paternity | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑20 | Administrative Paternity Establishment | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑20.1 | Scheduling and Conducting Genetic Tests | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑20.2 | Administrative Paternity Orders | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑40‑20.3 | Updating Birth Certificates | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-45 | Support Establishment | |
5101:12‑45‑05 | Administrative Support Order Process | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑05.1 | Scheduling the Administrative Support Hearing | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑05.2 | Conducting the Administrative Support Hearing | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑05.3 | Administrative Support Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑05.4 | Objecting to the Administrative Support Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑10 | Calculation of Support Obligations | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑45‑15 | Grandparents' Responsibility for a Grandchild | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-50 | Enforcement of the Support Order | |
5101:12‑50‑05 | Techniques for the Enforcement of Support Orders | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10 | Income Withholding or Income Deduction | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.1 | Income Which may be Withheld or Deducted | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.2 | CSEA's Responsibility for Income Withholding or Income Deduction | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.3 | Payor's Responsibility for Income Withholding | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.4 | Financial Institution's Responsibility for Income Deduction | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.5 | Enforcement of Income Withholding and Income Deduction Notices | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑10.6 | Obligor and Obligee's Responsibilities for Income Withholding or Financial Institution Deduction | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑12 | Lump Sum Payments | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑15 | Cash Bonds | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑17 | Seek Work Orders | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑19 | Investigation When Change Occurs in Obligor's Source of Income or Status of Account | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑50‑20 | State Income Tax Refund Offset Program | 12/17/04 |
5101:12‑50‑20.1 | Pre-offset Notice and Right to Review | 12/17/04 |
5101:12‑50‑20.2 | Overdue Support | 12/17/04 |
5101:12‑50‑20.3 | Overpaid Child Support | 12/17/04 |
5101:12‑50‑90 | On-going Enforcement; Court-Ordered Limitation of Enforcement | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-55 | Default and Enforcement of the Support Order Based on Determination of Default | |
5101:12‑55‑03 | Default | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑03.1 | Identification of Default and Notice to Obligor of Default and Potential Action | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑03.2 | Default Investigation | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑03.3 | Administrative Mistake of Fact Hearing Process | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑03.4 | Enforcement Actions Based on Final and Enforceable Default Determination | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑15 | Reporting Obligor to Credit Reporting Agency | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑55‑20 | Liens | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-60 | Order Administration | |
5101:12‑60‑05 | Administrative Review and Adjustment Process | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.1 | Initiation of an Administrative Review | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.2 | Initiation of Temporary Adjustment for Certain Military Members | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.3 | The Administrative Review | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.4 | Calculation and Recommendation of a Revised Support Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.5 | Hearing Rights | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑60‑05.6 | CSEA Administrative Adjustment Hearing Process. | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-70 | Interstate Actions | |
5101:12‑70‑05 | Scope of Rule and Definitions for Interstate Case Processing | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.1 | Requirements for Initiating and Responding CSEAs in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.2 | Establishment of Paternity in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.3 | Establishment of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.4 | Determining the Controlling Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.5 | Enforcement of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑05.6 | Modification of Controlling Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑10 | Forms for Interstate Case Processing. | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑15 | The Role and Responsibilities of the Interstate Central Registry | 9/1/05 |
5101:12‑70‑20 | The Child Support Enforcement Network | 9/1/05 |
5101:12-80 | Collections and Disbursements | |
5101:12‑80‑05 | Collections and Disbursements by Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.1 | Billing | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.2 | Collecting Support Payments | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.3 | CSPC Payment Posting | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.4 | Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) Disbursements | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.5 | Exception Processing | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.6 | Child Support Payment Central (CSPC) Recoupments | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑05.7 | Interstate Cost Recovery Reporting | 4/3/05 |
5101:12‑80‑15.1 | Notice of Collection of Assigned Support | 2/1/05 |
One of the functions of a Manual Transmittal Letter is to inform users of rules and forms that have been adopted, amended, or rescinded. The following chart lists 30 recently rescinded 5101:1 rules and 57 new 5101:12 rules that have been adopted to replace them. You will find that all of these newly-adopted rules are included in the Child Support Program Rules listed on the table above. All of the new rules have an effective date of September 1, 2005:
Rescinded or Amended Rule Number | Rescinded Rule Name | Effective Date of Rescinded or Amended Rule | Replacement Rule Number | Replacement Rule Name | Effective Date of Replacement Rule |
5101:1‑30‑12 | New Hire | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑10‑90 | New Hire Reporting Program | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Amends and updates the definitions associated with new hire information. |
5101:1‑30‑12 | New Hire | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑10‑90.1 | Employer Responsibilities | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Consolidates the employer responsibilities with regards to support. It also establishes timeframes for submitting information to ODJFS. |
5101:1‑30‑12 | New Hire | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑10‑90.2 | New Hire Directory of Employees | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the new hire directory of employees and how, when ODJFS finds a match between the list and an obligor, ODJFS shall contact the individuals for purposes of paternity or establishing or modifying support orders. |
5101:1‑30‑12 | New Hire | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑10‑90.3 | New Hire Directory of Independent Contractors | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the new hire directory of independent contractors and how ODJFS shall notify the respective CSEA so they may locate the individuals for purposes of paternity or establishing or modifying support orders. |
5101:1‑30‑18 | Administrative Subpoenas | 4/18/03 | 5101:12‑30‑05 | Administrative Subpoenas | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: States that the CSEA has the same rights as a judge to administer oaths and enforce the attendance and testimony of witnesses. |
5101:1‑30‑19 | Service of Process for Establishing and Enforcing Support Obligations | 2/8/02 | 5101:12‑30‑10 | Service of Process | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: States that service of process is the formal legal notice to a party that explains the purpose of the action and the party's legal rights. There is reference to the specific steps a CSEA should take when serving process. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑10 | Presumption of Paternity | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the circumstances under which a man is presumed to be a father. Information regarding presumption of paternity, including artificial insemination, has been included. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑15 | Acknowledgement of Paternity | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the JFS 07038 form which serves as the acknowledgement of paternity affidavit. The Central Paternity Registry definition was deleted. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑17 | Rescinding an Acknowledgement of Paternity | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses how to rescind an acknowledgement of paternity. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑20 | Administrative Paternity Establishment | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses how a CSEA establishes paternity. Contains information regarding the deletion of maintenance of the record of proceedings and the deletion of cooperative requirements of a public assistance recipient. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑20.1 | Scheduling and Conducting Genetic Tests | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses how a CSEA shall schedule and conduct a genetic test. States that specific information requested on the JFS 07754 has been deleted. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑20.2 | Administrative Paternity Orders | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Specifies the use of the JFS 07774. The service of process guidelines have been deleted. |
5101:1‑32‑02 | CSEA Paternity Process | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑40‑20.3 | Modifying the Birth Certificate | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the modification of the birth certificate. |
5101:1‑32‑03 | Administrative Support Order Process | 7/15/02 | 5101:12‑45‑05 | Support Order Establishment Process | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the process for requesting and establishing a support order. Added a definition of the word "parent" and who may request the CSEA establish an order. Also discusses language that must be included in the support order. |
5101:1‑32‑03 | Administrative Support Order Process | 7/15/02 | 5101:12‑45‑05.1 | Scheduling the Administrative Support Hearing | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Explains how the CSEA shall schedule an administrative support order. Updates the information on how the county proceeds with this process. |
5101:1‑32‑03 | Administrative Support Order Process | 7/15/02 | 5101:12‑45‑05.2 | Conducting the Administrative Support Hearing | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses conducting the administrative support hearing. Discusses eliminating redundancies regarding the CSEA's responsibility when one of the parties raises the issue of paternity. |
5101:1‑32‑03 | Administrative Support Order Process | 7/15/02 | 5101:12‑45‑05.3 | Administrative Support Order | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the contents of the administrative support order. Contains more specific language about what must be in this document and what makes the order final and enforceable. |
5101:1‑32‑03 | Administrative Support Order Process | 7/15/02 | 5101:12‑45‑05.4 | Objecting to the Administrative Support Order | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses how one objects to an administrative support order and state where this information may be found in the Revised Code. |
5101:1‑30‑40 | State Guidelines for Child Support Awards | 10/15/01 | 5101:12‑45‑10 | Calculation of the Support Obligations | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses when the CSEA shall use the basic Ohio support guidelines schedule as set forth in the Revised Code. Adds information about imputing potential income. |
5101:1‑32‑04 | Parent's Responsibility for Support of Unmarried Minors' Child(ren) | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑45‑15 | Grandparents' Request for Support for Grandchild | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discuses how a grandparent may make a request of the CSEA to determine if support is due to a child of their minnow child. The request may be made to try and establish a parent/child relationship for the obligor of their grandchild. |
5101:1‑30‑41.1 | Methods of Enforcement | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑50‑05 | Techniques for the Enforcement of Support Orders | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the techniques for the enforcement of support orders that do not require a determination of default and where they can be found in the OAC and ORC. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10 | Income Withholding or Income Deduction | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the requirements for implementing income withholding. Removes references to the default procedures, adds definitions of "addendum notice," "income withholding notice," and "willfully." It also modifies the definition of "support order." It also lists income which may or may not be withheld. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.1 | Income Which May Be Withheld or Deducted | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes what income may and may not be withheld and provides the address for DFAS. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.2 | CSEA's Responsibility for Income Withholding and Income Deduction | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes how a CSEA shall issue one or more withholding notices to the obligor and payor. Lists the actions which requires the issuance of the JFS 04047, the timeframe surrounding its issuance, and the CSEA's responsibilities. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.3 | Payor's Responsibilities for Income Withholding | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the payor's responsibilities for income withholding and how these responsibilities impact the CSEA. Information that does not impact the CSEA was removed as was information that referenced lump sum payments. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.4 | Financial Institution's Responsibilities for Income Withholding | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the financial institution's responsibilities for income deduction. It also specifies what information impacts the CSEAs. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.5 | Enforcement of Income Withholding and Income Deduction Notices | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the enforcement of income withholding and income deduction notices. It also specifies the methods of enforcement and includes information from ORC section 3121.382 which resulted from HB 493. |
5101:1‑30‑41.3 | Income Withholding Procedures | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑10.6 | Obligor and Obligee's Responsibilities Under an Income Withholding or Income Deduction Notice | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the obligor's and obligee's responsibilities regarding an income withholding or income deduction notice. Also includes information regarding the JFS 04048. |
5101:1‑30‑49 | Lump-Sum Payments | 12/1/02 | 5101:12‑50‑12 | Lump Sum Payments | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the definition of a lump sum payment and the responsibilities a payor and a CSEA have when such a payment is made to an obligor. |
5101:1‑30‑41.1 | Methods of Enforcement | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑50‑15 | Cash Bonds | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the circumstances when an obligor may be ordered to post a cash bond. Specifies that a CSEA may also not order a cash bond. |
5101:1‑30‑41.1 | Methods of Enforcement | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑50‑17 | Seek Work Orders | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes seek work orders and discusses when the court or CSEA may issue such an order. Explains that the seek work order must mirror the OWF self-sufficiency contract when applicable. |
5101:1‑30‑41.6 | Investigation and Mistake of Fact Hearing | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑19 | Investigation of Obligor's Source of Income or Status of Account | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the circumstances that require an investigation of the obligor's sources of income by the CSEA. Several references have been moved to 5101:12‑50‑10 and 5101:12‑50‑03. |
5101:1‑30‑41.6 | Investigation and Mistake of Fact Hearing | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑50‑90 | Ongoing Enforcement; Court-Ordered Limitation of Enforcement | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes when a CSEA must investigate an obligor's income or status of account. Removes language regarding investigations pursuant to ORC sections 3119.80, 3119.81, 3123.02, and 3119.89. |
5101:1‑30‑42.8 | Enforcement of the Support Order | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑55‑03 | Default | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the default identification and determination process. Indicates the process affects both the IV-D and non IV-D cases, provides a list of enforcement actions, and removes references to specific SETS functionality. |
5101:1‑30‑42.8 | Enforcement of the Support Order | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑55‑03.1 | Identification of Default and Notice to Obligor of Default and Potential Action | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes how default is identified each month. Describes the notice that the CSEAs may send to the obligors and explains that a CSEA may deny a request for an administrative mistake of fact hearing when it is not filed in a timely manner. |
5101:1‑30‑42.8 | Enforcement of the Support Order | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑55‑03.2 | Default Investigation | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the default investigations. Details the investigation and states the investigation must be complete before the appropriate notice is issued. |
5101:1‑30‑42.8 | Enforcement of the Support Order | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑55‑03.3 | Administrative Mistake of Fact Hearing Process | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the administrative mistake of fact hearing. Expands on what a CSEA must do following a mistake of fact hearing and that the CSEA shall issue the results within five business days of the hearing. |
5101:1‑30‑42.8 | Enforcement of the Support Order | 5/19/02 | 5101:12‑55‑03.4 | Enforcement Actions Based on Final and Enforceable Default Determination | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the enforcement actions based on final and enforceable default determination. Specifies actions required by ORC 3123.06 when a final and enforceable default determination is made. |
5101:1‑29‑34.2 | Reporting Obligor Default to Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs) and Periodic Review | 4/1/01 | 5101:12‑55‑15 | Reporting an Obligor to a Consumer Reporting Agency | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses what information a CSEA shall make to a CRA when an obligor is in default. |
5101:1‑30‑87 | Liens Against Real and Personal Property | 4/18/03 | 5101:12‑55‑20 | Liens Against Real and Personal Property | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the concept of "lien" and how a CSEA may try to use it to enforce overdue support. |
5101:1‑30‑40.3 | Review and Adjustment of IV-D Court and Administration Child Support Orders | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05 | Administrative Review and Adjustment Process | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Outlines the procedures for the periodic administrative review and adjustment of Title IV-D child support orders. Many of the definitions in the rule have been modified. |
5101:1‑30‑40.3 | Review and Adjustment of IV-D Court and Administration Child Support Orders | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05.1 | Initiation of an Administrative Review | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the conditions that may cause a CSEA to initiate an administrative review. States that the review may take place before the 36 month timeframe when there has been a change in the cost of child care or health insurance. Also disallows a review based on a change in the deviation factor. |
| | | 5101:12‑60‑05.2 | Initiation of Temporary Adjustment for Certain Military Members | 9/1/05 |
| Describes the initiation of temporary adjustment for certain military members. This information is based on SHB 149. |
5101:1‑30‑40.3 | Review and Adjustment of IV-D Court and Administration Child Support Orders | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05.3 | The Administrative Review | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Updates the administrative review process. |
5101:1‑30‑40.3 | Review and Adjustment of IV-D Court and Administration Child Support Orders | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05.4 | Calculation and Recommendation of a Revised Support Order | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the calculation and recommendation of a revised support order. Explains specific timeframes for the review. |
5101:1‑30‑40.4 | CSEA Administrative Review and Adjustment Hearing Procedure | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05.5 | Notice of Hearing Rights | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the notice of hearing rights and gives more information about the process. It also describes the notion of deviation. |
5101:1‑30‑40.4 | CSEA Administrative Review and Adjustment Hearing Procedure | 12/1/01 | 5101:12‑60‑05.6 | CSEA Administrative Adjustment Hearing Process | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the CSEA administrative adjustment hearing process. Gives more details about the timeframes involved and clarifies what each party may do in the process. |
5101:1‑30‑50 | Services in Interstate-Uniform Interstate Family Support Act | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05 | Scope of Rule and Definitions for Interstate Case Processing | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Provides definitions for interstate case processing, references the federal regulations which govern interstate cases, and explains where to find provisions of the uniform interstate family support act (UIFSA). |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.1 | Requirements for Initiating and Responding CSEAs in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.1 | Requirements for Initiating and Responding CSEAs in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the specific requirements made of initiating and responding CSEAs when processing interstate cases. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.2 | Establishment of Paternity in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑51 | Personal Jurisdiction (Long Arm Jurisdiction) | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.2 | Establishment of Paternity in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑52 | Interstate Paternity | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.2 | Establishment of Paternity in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.2 | Establishment of Paternity in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the responsibilities of an initiating or responding CSEA when establishing paternity. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.3 | Establishment of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑51 | Personal Jurisdiction (Long Arm Jurisdiction) | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.3 | Establishment of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.3 | Establishment of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes an initiating or responding CSEA's responsibility when establishing support in interstate cases. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.4 | Determining the Controlling Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.4 | Determining the Controlling Order | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑54 | Controlling Order | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.4 | Determining the Controlling Order | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the uniform interstate family support act (UIFSA) and the fact that only one order can exist at any one time. Also discusses which state has control of the order. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.5 | Enforcement of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.5 | Enforcement of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑55 | Registration of Orders | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.5 | Enforcement of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑58.2 | Direct Enforcement of Support Orders | 1/1/98 | 5101:12‑70‑05.5 | Enforcement of Support Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Discusses the CSEA enforcement responsibilities in interstate cases. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.6 | Modification of Controlling Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑05.6 | Modification of Controlling Orders in Interstate Cases | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the responsibilities a CSEA has when modifying controlling orders in interstate cases. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑10 | Forms for Interstate Case Processing | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑10 | Forms for Interstate Case Processing | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑57 | Mandated Forms | 11/1/00 | 5101:12‑70‑10 | Forms for Interstate Case Processing | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Lists the OMB and JFS forms needed to process interstate cases. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑15 | The Role and Responsibilities of the Interstate Central Registry (ICR) | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑15 | The Role and Responsibilities of the Interstate Central Registry (ICR) | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑56 | Ohio Interstate Central Registry and Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑15 | The Role and Responsibilities of the Interstate Central Registry (ICR) | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: Describes the interstate central registry (ICR) in Ohio which is mandated by federal regulations. |
5101:1‑30‑50.1 | Other Procedural Matters | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑20 | The Child Support Enforcement Network | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑53 | Proceeding Involving Two or More States | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑20 | The Child Support Enforcement Network | 9/1/05 |
5101:1‑30‑56 | Ohio Interstate Central Registry and Child Support Enforcement Network (CSENet) | 3/1/03 | 5101:12‑70‑20 | The Child Support Enforcement Network | 9/1/05 |
| Changes: States the CSEA shall use the child enforcement network (CSENet) when processing interstate cases. |
5101:1‑29‑96.2 | Ohio Works First (OWF) Recipients Required to Cooperate with IV-D Agency | 4/18/03 | Rule Obsolete | | |
5101:1‑30‑40.2 | Timeframe for Establishing a Support Order | 1/1/98 | Rule Obsolete | | |
5101:1‑30‑58.6 | Pleadings and Other Documents | 1/1/98 | Rule Obsolete | | |
5101:1‑30‑58.8 | New Evidentiary and Procedural Rules | 3/1/03 | Rule Obsolete | | |
Remove and file as obsolete all sections of the Child Support Enforcement Manual and replace with the Child Support Program Rules.