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FCCMPL 5 (Child Care Center and Family Child Care Request for Review)
Family Child Care Manual Procedure Letter No. 5Child Care Center Manual Procedure Letter No. 12
January 3, 2017
TO: All Child Care Center Manual Holders All Family Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Child Care Center and Family Child Care Request for Review


Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:2-12-07 and 5101:2-13-07 outline the process for child care centers and Type A Homes to request a review if there is a disagreement with a licensing finding. The requirement states if the administrator or designee disagrees with a finding and an informal discussion with the licensing specialist does not provide a resolution, the administrator or designee can submit a written request for review to the licensing supervisor within seven days from the receipt of the licensing report. If the center or Type A Home administrator or designee disagrees with the decision of the licensing supervisor, a written request can be submitted to the chief of the licensing section, whose decision is final.

Currently, Type B Home rules do not include a process for owners/administrators to request a review of a licensing finding.

New Request for Review Protocol:

Effective December 31, 2016, Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:2-12-03 and 5101:2-13-03 will outline the requirements for centers and family child care providers (Type A Homes and Type B Homes) to submit a request for review of a licensing finding. Moving forward, if the center or family child care provider disagrees with a licensing finding and an informal discussion with the licensing specialist does not provide a resolution, the owner/administrator may request a review of the finding by following the steps below:

(1)Complete the licensing section of the JFS 01155 "Request for Review for Licensing and Step Up To Quality" (12/2016)

(2)Submit the JFS 01155 and any applicable documentation via email to ccreviewrequest@jfs.ohio.gov within seven days from the receipt of the finding.

Each JFS 01155 received will be reviewed by a committee comprised of members from the Office of Family Assistance. The committee members will provide a written decision to the center owner or administrator or the family child care provider. The decision of the committee will be final.