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FCCMPL 4 (Child Care Center and Family Child Care New Inspection Protocol)
Family Child Care Manual Procedure Letter No. 4Child Care Center Manual Procedure Letter No. 11
January 3, 2017
TO: All Child Care Center Manual Holders All Family Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Child Care Center and Family Child Care New Inspection Protocol


Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:2-12-03, 5101:2-13-03 and 5101:2-14-03 outline the requirements for conducting licensing inspections of centers, Type A Homes and Type B Homes. Prior to the issuance of a provisional license, all programs received at least one pre-licensing inspection. Upon the issuance of a full license, the current inspection schedule is based on the state fiscal year (SFY) as described below:


Centers and Type A Homes in provisional status : At least three inspections during the first year of operation.

Centers and Type A Homes: At least one full inspection each SFY. If more than two Serious Risk Non-compliance (SRNC) findings are cited during this inspection, a second inspection is conducted prior to the end of the SFY. Step Up To Quality rated Type A Homes receive one full inspection during the SFY.


Centers and Type A Homes in provisional status : At least two full inspections during the first year of operation.

Centers and Type A Homes : One full licensing inspection.

Licensed Type B Homes: Two full licensing inspections.

New Inspection Protocol

Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:2-12-03 and 5101:2-13-03 outline the requirements for licensing inspections for centers and family child care (Type A and Type B Homes). Prior to the issuance of a provisional license, all programs receive at least one pre-licensing inspection. Upon the issuance of a continuous license, the inspection schedule is based on the state fiscal year (SFY) as described below:

Transition Period (December 31, 2016 - June 30, 2017)

Licensed centers: At least one full inspection. All full inspections conducted after July 1, 2016 count towards the one inspection. If more than two Serious or Moderate Risk Non-Compliance are cited during this inspection, a second inspection will be conducted prior to the end of the SFY.

Licensed Family Child Care: At least two full inspections during the SFY. All inspections conducted after July 1, 2016 count towards the two inspections. County agencies may utilize points to determine if additional monitoring inspections should be conducted.

Ongoing Schedule (July 1, 2017 - ongoing)

Licensed centers in provisional status: At least two full inspections. During one or a combination of both inspections, if the center receives the following points, a third provisional inspection will be conducted prior to the end of the provisional licensing period:

 Total Points
One or more Serious Risk
6 points
Moderate Risk
12 points

Licensed centers in continuous status: At least one full inspection. During this inspection, if the center receives the following points, a second inspection will be conducted prior to the end of the SFY:

 Total Points
One or more Serious Risk
6 points
Any combination of Moderate and Low Risk
9 points
Only Low Risk
14 points

Licensed Family Child Care in provisional and continuous status: At least two full inspections. County agencies may utilize points to determine if additional monitoring inspections should be conducted.

Questions about this letter can be emailed to BCCLM@jfs.ohio.gov.