This letter transmits rule adoptions and rescissions to the Resource and Referral rules in OAC Chapter 5101:2-15 as listed below. These changes are due to the recommendations made by the Child Care Resource and Referral workgroup and are effective July 1, 2003.
Please remove and file as obsolete the following rules from Chapter 1 of the Child Care Manual, Administration and Resource and Referral, as they are rescinded:
Rule 5101-2-15-01 "Child care resource and referral agency definitions".
Rule 5101:2-15-02 "Service delivery areas and funding formula for the provision of child care resource and referral services".
Rule 5101:2-15-03 "Child care resource and referral service organizations: organizational structure, administration, planning and reporting requirements".
Rule 5101:2-15-04 "Resource and referral services provided by child care resource and referral service organizations".
Rule 5101:2-15-05 "Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) responsibility for the oversight of child care resource and referral service organizations".
Please insert into Chapter 1, the new rules identified below:
Rule 5101-2-15-01 "Service delivery areas and funding formula for the provision of child care resource and referral services" is adopted as follows: selection of one agency to service a particular service delivery area shall be made through a request for proposals process; a funding formula shall be utilized to ensure available funds are equitably distributed among the service delivery areas.
Rule 5101:2-15-02 "Child care resource and referral service organization qualifications, services, and technical assistance" is adopted as follows: the rule specifies the specific services that shall be provided; the rule specifies the qualifications required of the resource and referral organization; the rule requires resource and referral organizations to provide the bureau of child care and development with required budget and financial reports.
This letter also transmits rule amendments to the Chapter 5101:2-16 rules listed below. These rules are being reissued because at the time of filing in the Administrative Code, an incorrect version of the rule was filed. Please replace the rules currently contained in Chapter 2 under Contract and Certificate of Authorization for Payment (COAP) with the enclosed rules identified below. These rules are effective July 1, 2003.
Rule 5101:2-16-44 "Purchased services contract requirement" is amended as follows: The agency may enter into a contract with an eligible provider for a specific period of time as specified in the contract.
Rule 5101:2-16-55 "Certificate of authorization for payment (COAP)" is amended as follows: 1) Procedures to be followed when a COAP is issued to the caretaker; 2) A COAP shall be valid for one CDJFS billing cycle, and a new COAP will be provided to the caretaker for each subsequent billing cycle during which the family remains eligible for child care services; 3) Providers' responsibility for retaining all records pertaining to the provision and reimbursement of child care services under the COAP.
If you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact the Bureau of Child Care and Development, County Technical Support Section at (614) 466-7762.