Ohio Revised Code (ORC) requires the Ohio Department of Job and Family
Services to promulgate rules for Child Care Resource and Referral Services and the
Child Care Advisory Council, Chapter 5101:2-15 of the Ohio Administrative Code.
In addition, the ORC requires that all rules be reviewed once every five years.
The Office of Family Assistance has amended these rules as a result of the five-year
review. All have been filed as new rules as a result of the question and answer
formatting change. These rules will be effective September 2, 2018.
New rules:
5101:2-15-01 "Service Delivery Areas and Funding Formula for
the Provision of Child Care Resource and Referral Services" has been amended
to make minor grammatical changes.
5101:2-15-02 "Child Care Resource and Referral Service Organization
Qualifications, Services and Technical Assistance" has been amended to change
all references to "type A" and "type B" homes to "family
child care." Language requiring the child care resource and referral agencies
to be either best practice certified or best practice certified within twelve months
from the initial grant agreement start date has been removed as it is not required
by statute.
5101:2-15-03 "Child Care Advisory Council" is being amended
to change all references to "type A" and "type B" homes to "family
child care," and "certified type B homes" to "licensed type
B homes" and to clarify voting versus non-voting members. Additional amendments
include combining the purpose and responsibilities language into one paragraph and
updating the name of the Department of Mental Health to the Department of Mental
Health and Addiction Services. This rule was previously rule 5101:2-15-10 and has
been renumbered.
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347,
option 4, if you have any questions.