The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) assesses a weekly copayment for families utilizing publicly funded child care. This copayment is based on family size and gross monthly income.
In spring 2016, the ODJFS amended rule 5101:2-16-41 of the Administrative Code to clarify policy regarding publicly funded child care payments for services during the hours a child is covered under another funded program. This rule was effective June 26, 2016.
On June 22, 2016, policy clarification was issued delaying the enforcement of paragraph (E) of rule 5101:2-16-41 of the Administrative Code.
On August 30, 2016, the ODJFS announced an increase in base rates for all Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) providers and an increased enhanced payment rate for 3, 4, and 5-star rated providers. These changes were effective September 4, 2016.
On September 14, 2016, ODJFS issued clarification stating Head Start and Early Head Start grantees may be exempt from meeting the requirements in paragraph (E) of rule 5101:2-16-41 of the Administrative Code until the start of the 2017/2018 program year.
The following rules have been amended and will be effective December 31, 2016:
Rule 5101:2-16-39 "Copayment for publicly funded child care benefits" has been amended to clarify the calculation of the family's copayment. No changes to copayments will be realized by families. This revision ensures the rule and the system align.
Rule 5101:2-16-41 "Payment rates and procedures for providers of publicly funded child care" has been amended to implement the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) payment enhancements that were effective September 4, 2016. Language has also been added to clarify the prohibiting of payment for publicly funded child care services during the hours a child is in care in another federal or state funded program (i.e. Head Start, Early Head Start and the Early Childhood Education Program). In addition, the rule outlines the delayed transition policy and the requirements that must be met to take advantage of the delay (see Child Care Manual Procedure Letter #107.)
Appendix A "Payment rates for providers of publicly funded child care" has been amended to include additional categories D, E and F that show a four percent increase for providers with a SUTQ rating.
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.