The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services continues to improve Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) by better defining rules and processes and creating efficiencies in the program and for providers. This revision of the SUTQ rules is a result of changes made to the child care licensing rules.
Work has been completed that eliminates duplicative processes, merges job functions, and strengthens consistency in SUTQ.
Additionally, further changes to streamline the star rating processes, add new progressive sanctions, increase non-compliance points, and merge child care licensing and SUTQ inspections will broaden the goal for continuous quality improvement.
The following rules have been amended and will be effective December 31, 2016:
Rule 5101:2-17-01 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): program standards" has been amended to update licensing references for the definitions.
Rule 5101:2-17-02 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): eligibility for registration" has been amended to update the licensing references for the rules and appendices, add new progressive sanctions, and to increase the points for moderate and serious risk non-compliances. The appendices to this rule are being rescinded since they will now be in rules 5101:2-12-03 and 5101:2-13-03 of the Administrative Code.
Rule 5101:2-17-03 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): desk reviews, verification visits and star rating awards" has been amended to create a process for reinstating programs in temporary closure status.
Rule 5101:2-17-04 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): changes, renewals, removals or requests to withdraw a SUTQ rating" has been amended to update the licensing references for the rules and appendices, add new progressive sanctions, update the points for moderate and serious risk non-compliances, and to create a removal process for programs in temporary closure status.
Rule 5101:2-17-05 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): request for review" has been amended to update language, remove the appeal of a lesser rating at desk review, and to add a new review form.
Moderate risk non-compliance points have been added as progressive sanctions.
A star rating for ODJFS programs may be reduced or removed with an accumulation of eighteen moderate or serious risk non-compliance points within the previous twelve months.
Programs in temporary closure status will follow new procedures for removals and reinstatements.
A program's star rating may be reduced to the appropriate rating based on information provided in the annual report.
The new form:
JFS 01155 "Request for Review for Licensing and Step Up to Quality (SUTQ)" is a new form used to request a review of a SUTQ denial, star rating award, and removals or reductions.
The rescinded form:
JFS 01563 "Request for Review for Step Up to Quality"