The Office of Family Assistance has adopted new rules contained in Chapter 5101:2-17 of the Ohio Administrative Code. Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is changing from a three-star rating system to a five-star rating system to implement grant requirements for the Early Learning Challenge Grant (ELCG). The new rules and the new system will go into effect on October 1, 2013.
Program Changes:
Currently rated programs as of October 1, 2013 will be automatically assigned a rating with the transition to the new system as follows:
A one-star rated program will remain a one-star rated program.
A two-star rated program will now be a three-star rated program.
A three-star rated program will now be a four-star rated program.
At the time of this transition, each program's rating period will be extended one year based on the rating expiration date. This will allow programs time to meet the new program standards.
Programs that are currently rated will not receive a verification visit within the first year of the new SUTQ program unless the program requests a change in rating. If a program desires to change the October 1, 2013 assigned rating, they may do so without having to wait six months from their previous rating award date. This provision may only be applied during the initial six month transition period one time. Any program which submits a registration will be assessed with the new five-star program standards.
After April 1, 2014, all rated programs will be required to wait six months from the date of their current star rating award date prior to submitting a registration to change their star rating.
The following rules are being rescinded:
5101:2-17-01 "Application and Eligibility for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)"
5101:2-17-02 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Verification Visits"
5101:2-17-03 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Appeals"
The following rules are being adopted:
5101:2-17-01 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): program standards" is a new rule that outlines the program standards that have to be met in order to be rated. There is an appendix for licensed child care centers and an appendix for licensed Type A family child care homes.
5101:2-17-02 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): eligibility for registration" is a new rule that outlines the requirements for registering for a star rating utilizing a new web based system. The eligibility, ineligibility and pre-registration processes are contained in this rule. There are two appendices that outline the serious non-compliances for both licensed child care centers and Type A family child care homes.
5101:2-17-03 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): desk reviews and verification visits" is new rule that outlines the desk review process and verification visits the child care program will participate in order to become star rated.
5101:2-17-04 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): changes, renewals, removals or requests to withdraw a SUTQ rating" is a new rule that outlines the requirements to renew or change a star rating or to withdraw from SUTQ. This rule also contains how to maintain a star rating.
5101:2-17-05 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): appeals" is a new rule that outlines items a child care program can appeal in SUTQ, the process and a form that needs to be completed and submitted.
The following forms have been revised:
JFS 01563"Appeal Request for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" includes the reasons a program can request an appeal.
JFS 01556"Request To Withdraw from Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" includes the reasons a program can withdraw from SUTQ.
The following forms have been adopted:
JFS 01507"Curriculum Selection Process for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" is a new prescribed form used by programs as they select a curriculum.
JFS 01508"Action Plan For Selecting a Curriculum for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" is a new prescribed form used by programs registering for a one-star rating to document their curriculum selection process.
JFS 01509"Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" is a new prescribed form used by programs to verify the program administration standard for two to five-star ratings.
The electronic version of the Child Care Manual is located at: The manual contains all rules, forms, transmittal letters and procedure letters that the department has issued to child care providers.
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4 if you have any questions.
The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).
CCM Rules | 5101:2‑17‑01 and Appendices | 5101:2‑17‑01 and Appendices |
| 5101:2‑17‑02 | 5101:2‑17‑02 and Appendices |
| 5101:2‑17‑03 | 5101:2‑17‑03 |
| | 5101:2‑17‑04 |
| | 5101:2‑17‑05 |
Child Care Manual Appendix | JFS 01556 (Rev. 5/2007) | JFS 01556 (Rev. 10/2013) |
| JFS 01563 (Rev. 4/2009) | JFS 01563 (Rev. 10/2013) |
| | JFS 01507 (10/2013) |
| | JFS 01508 (10/2013) |
| | JFS 01509 (10/2013) |
CCM Transmittal Letters | | CCMTL No. 119 |