Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) rated programs that have a two-star through five-star rating must submit an annual report during the years when a renewal on-site verification visit is not conducted. One-star rated programs either renew their rating annually or can submit a change registration to request a change in rating. If a two-star through five-star rated program submits a registration for a change in rating more than thirty days prior to the anniversary of the rating, that request and the supporting documentation will meet the annual report requirement.
Rule 5101:2-17-04 of the Administrative Code instructs rated programs to complete and submit the annual report to The Ohio Child Licensing and Quality System (OCLQS) is under development and the annual report functionality is not yet available. This letter outlines the process to submit an annual report until the process is fully automated.
Process to Complete and Submit the Annual Report:
Prior to the anniversary of the star rating date, a star-rated program will receive an email notification from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) regarding the annual report process and necessary steps.
Programs will complete the annual report and submit the required information to ODJFS no later than thirty days prior to the anniversary of the rating date. Examples of acceptable documentation can be found in the appendices to rule 5101:2-17-01 of the Administrative Code.
Centers must complete the JFS 00595 "Annual Report For Child Care Programs For Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" and family child care homes must complete the JFS 00596 "Annual Report For Family Child Care For Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" and submit it along with any additional required documentation, as noted on the form, to ODJFS no later than thirty days prior to the anniversary of the rating date. All staff education, qualifications, and professional development must be current and entered into the professional development registry located at:
Supporting documents will be reviewed and accepted or returned for corrections. Programs will receive an email from their specialist regarding the approval or non-approval of their annual report. If an annual report is not approved, the program will receive written notification as to the next steps in the rating process.
Further annual report requirements can be found in rule 5101:2-17-04 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Changes, Renewals, Removals or Requests to Withdraw a SUTQ Rating."
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.