The JFS 01552 "Keys to Compliance" is a resource designed to assist child care centers in better understanding the serious risk non-compliances. It was designed to be small enough to keep in the classroom as a quick reference for staff to use when maintaining compliance.
What are the revisions?
The JFS 01552 has been revised to correct spacing and to clarify several rule requirements:
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Bullet three: Added "FBI" and the word "directly" to clarify results must be returned directly to the center within 30 days. Employees are not permitted to provide a copy of their background check, it must be supplied directly from the WebCheck agent or fingerprinting provider.
Added bullet to include administrators and owners and the process to submit their BCI/FBI results.
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Bullet five: Added language "except for preventative topical products such as sunscreen and lip balm."
Added bullet "As needed" instructions are not permitted without a list of the symptoms that would necessitate the medication, or a notation referring to the health care plan for a list of symptoms and additional instructions."
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Bullet one: Added language "require you to perform a medical procedure or requires child-specific care."
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Bullet two: Changed one and one-half hours to two hours for the length of time you can double the ratio during nap time. This aligns with Ohio Administrative Code.
Added bullet "Only school children may use a restroom alone if the restroom is used exclusively by the center."
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Bullet two: Added "or stacked cribs" after mesh cribs.
Added bullet indicating that all cribs must meet new federal standards, per rule language.
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Bullet six: Added "including personal vehicles" to the first sentence.
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Added bullet "Children must not be permitted to walk unsupervised to or from the vehicle that will be transporting them."
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Added bullet "Children must not be exposed to paint fumes."
Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.