This letter is to notify the administrators of licensed child care centers and Type A Homes of the process to become an approved training agency as set forth in rules 5101:2-12-27 and 5101:2-13-27 of the Administrative Code. The new process will allow for training agencies to be considered as "an approved health organization", which allows the training conducted by these organizations to fulfill the requirements set forth in rule.
New Approval Process:
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) has developed a protocol for agencies wishing to have their agency, agency trainers or online blended trainings approved for credit to provide first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. These approved trainings will be used by child care staff in licensed programs.
In order for an agency's trainings to be approved, the agency must submit the following documentation:
- The training must be reviewed by a physician, and that physician must submit a written statement indicating that he or she has reviewed and found the training and the materials to be current and suitable for child care workers and comparable to either the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross training. ("Physician" means a person issued a certificate to practice in accordance with Chapter 4731 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the state medical board or a comparable body in another state).
- If the agency's trainers do not meet the trainer qualifications stated in the child care licensing rules, the physician must submit a written statement indicating that he or she has reviewed the trainers' curriculum and training content and has found that the trainers are qualified to teach the subject material to child care workers.
- The physician must submit a copy of his or her Ohio Medical Board License or a copy of their State Board Licensure Verification web page as verification of their qualifications.
- If the agency is requesting that a "blended course" be approved, the agency must submit a written statement that the blended course will include online training as well as an in-person, hands-on skills test at the end of the training. The person conducting this skills test must meet the ODJFS trainer qualifications.
Once all the required documents have been received, the ODJFS child care program area will review the information and inform the agency as to whether or not the agency has been approved to provide first aid or CPR training to child care workers in Ohio.
Instructions: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be inserted into the Child Care Manual.
Child Care Manual Procedure Letters (CCMPL) | | CCMPL No. 70 |