This letter is to notify licensed child care program administrators that twenty-one forms are being revised, seven new forms are being introduced and three forms are being made obsolete. The changes to the forms reflect revisions to child care licensing rules which became effective on September 29, 2011.
The following is a summary of the changes to forms:
JFS 01201"Dental First Aid Chart" is a prescribed form that child care centers and type A homes are required to post. This form has been revised to update the state agency logos and to revise some content.
JFS 01206"Rehabilitation Criteria" is a prescribed form that is used to document that an employee of the child care program meets the rehabilitation criteria requirements of the rule. This form has been revised to indicate that it must be submitted to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) if the owner or administrator of a child care program is seeking to be approved for rehabilitation.
JFS 01207"Checklist for Parent/Guardian/Employee Policies and Procedures" is a sample form that child care centers may use to ensure that their parent handbook contains all information required in rule. This form has been revised to reflect rule changes for the required information.
JFS 01209"Type A Home Information Letter" explains the process to obtain a license for a type A home. This letter has been updated to reflect the current licensing process.
JFS 01210"Application for Child Care License" is a prescribed form to apply for a child care license or to request an amendment to a child care license. This form has been automated to be a system-generated form that must be completed online.
JFS 01214"Recommendation for Licensing Action for Child Care" is a form used by ODJFS to document recommended changes to a child care program's license. This form has been amended to reflect the changes to the licensing system.
JFS 01234"Child Enrollment and Health Information" is a prescribed form completed by the parent/guardian which is used to maintain a child's information. This form has been revised to reflect the changes in maintaining and sharing parent/guardian contact information.
JFS 01235"Sleep Position Waiver Statement" is a prescribed form used to document an infant's sleep position when the infant is not be placed in their crib on their back. This form has been revised to clarify sleep policies.
JFS 01236"Child Care Plan for Health Conditions or Medical Procedures" is a recommended sample form completed by parents/guardians for children with health or medical needs. The form has been revised to reflect new rule language and the requirement for an emergency evacuation plan for children who will require special assistance in an emergency.
JFS 01237"Center Parent Information Required by Ohio Administrative Code" is a prescribed form required to be provided to parents/guardians. This form has been revised to reflect the removal of the parent roster requirement.
JFS 01238"Second Adult Statement for Child Care Centers" is a prescribed form used to document the times and days a second adult is available to respond in an emergency. This form has been revised so it can be completed online and printed.
JFS 01241"Child Care Center Administrator Rules Review Course Certificate" is the certificate issued when the administrator of a licensed program completes the mandated administrator rules training. This form has been revised to clarify which administrator training has been completed.
JFS 01242"Medical/Dental and General Emergency Plan" is a prescribed form to be completed and posted at licensed child care programs. This form has been revised to reflect the new rule requirements for staff training in first aid and communicable illnesses and the new requirements for children with special evacuation needs.
JFS 01246"Child Care Staff Member Orientation and Employee Policy Review Statement" is a prescribed form used to document completion of required staff training. This form has been revised to reflect the new rule language regarding this training.
JFS 01250"Plan of Operation for a Child Care Center" is a prescribed form which must be completed by individuals seeking a child care center license. This form has been revised to reflect the rule changes which became effective September 29, 2011.
JFS 01268"Sample Parent Handbook for Child Care Centers" is a sample form which may be used by child care programs to assist in developing their parent handbook policies. This form has been revised to reflect the new rule requirements.
JFS 01278"Communicable Disease Trainer Registration" is a sample form used to document the qualifications of communicable disease trainers. This form has been revised to update the ODJFS contact information listed on the form.
JFS 01296"Employee Medical Statement" is a sample form which is used to document that all employees have received a physical examination and meet the health requirements outlined in the child care rules. This form has been revised to reflect the changes made to the rule; including removal of the requirement that the health provider certify that the employee is free from communicable tuberculosis.
JFS 01306"Child Care Employee Record Chart" is a prescribed form used to record employees' work schedules and qualifications. The chart has been revised to reflect changes to the child care licensing rules.
JFS 01335"Type A Home Plan of Operation" is a prescribed form which must be completed by individuals seeking a type A child care home license. This form has been revised to reflect the rule changes which were effective September 29, 2011.
JFS 01337"Type A Home Parent and Employee Information" is a prescribed form used to provide parents with required information and policies for the type A home. This form has been revised to reflect the removal of the parent roster requirement.
The following is a summary of the new forms:
JFS 01204"Verification of Employment in a Licensed Child Care Program" is a sample form that may be used to document experience for potential administrators seeking an "Early Childhood Professional Level Three" designation.
JFS 01243"Type A Home Administrator Rules Review Course Certificate" is a prescribed certificate that is issued by ODJFS when a type A administrator has completed the rules review training course.
JFS 01250-I"Instructions for Completing the JFS 01250, Center Plan of Operation" has been added to explain what sections need to be completed for an initial application versus a change of location request.
JFS 01261"Verification of Five Years Ohio Residency for Registered Child Day Camps" is a sample form for use by registered child day camp directors to document how each employee's state residency was verified.
JFS 01266"Contracted Driver Qualifications Statement" is a prescribed form that administrators will use to document that contracted drivers have the required paperwork completed and on file with their employer.
JFS 01293"Child Care Provisional License Inspection Assessment" is an internal form for use by ODJFS to document child care programs compliance during the provisional license period.
JFS 01335-I"Instructions for Completing the JFS 01335, Type A Plan of Operation" has been added to explain what sections need to be completed for an initial application versus a change of location request.
These forms are now obsolete:
JFS 01257 "License Renewal Notice for Child Care Centers and Type A Homes" is a prescribed form which was used to notify child care programs that it was time to renew their license. As child care licenses will no longer be renewed, this form is no longer needed.
JFS 01300 "Child Day Care Employee Reference for Child Care Center and Type A Homes" is a prescribed form which is no longer needed as obtaining employee references will no longer be a child care licensing requirement.
JFS 01304 "Owner Reference for Child Care and Type A Homes" is a prescribed form which is being made obsolete as obtaining owner references will no longer be a child care licensing requirement.
The electronic versions of the child care manuals are located at: These manuals contain all child care rules, transmittal letters, procedure letters and forms. Please contact the Help Desk for the Office of Family Assistance, Child Care Policy Help Desk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.
INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).
CCM | JFS 01201 (Rev. 9/2006) | JFS 01201 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01206 (Rev. 7/2010) | JFS 01206 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01207 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01207 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01209 (Rev. 7/2010) | JFS 01209 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01210 (Rev. 7/2010) | JFS 01210 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01214 (Rev. 7/2010) | JFS 01214 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01234 (Rev. 2/2009) | JFS 01234 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01235 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01235 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01236 (Rev. 9/2006) | JFS 01236 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01237 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01237 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01238 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01238 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01241 (Rev. 2/2006 ) | JFS 01241 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01242 (Rev.9/2006) | JFS 01242 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01246 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01246 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01250 (Rev.7/2010) | JFS 01250 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01268 (Rev. 1/2011) | JFS 01268 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01278 (Rev. 10/2009) | JFS 01278 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01296 (Rev. 9/2006) | JFS 01296 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01306 (Rev. 8/2008) | JFS 01306 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01335 (Rev.1/2011) | JFS 01335 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| JFS 01337 (Rev. 9/2009) | JFS 01337 (Rev. 9/2011) |
| | JFS 01204 (9/2011) |
| | JFS 01243 (9/2011) |
| | JFS 01250-I (10/2011) |
| | JFS 01261 (9/2011) |
| | JFS 01266 (9/2011) |
| | JFS 01293 (9/2011) |
| | JFS 01335-I (10/2011) |
| JFS 01257 (Rev. 1/2011) | |
| JFS 01300 (Rev. 1/2011) | |
| JFS 01304 (Rev. 9/2006) | |
CCMPL Transmittal Letters | | CCMPL No. 65 |