Programs participating in Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) that are
rated at the two to five-star level must use a curriculum that aligns with the
Early Learning and Development Standards (ELDS). Programs at the three to
five-star level must also use a child assessment that aligns with the curriculum
and the ELDS.
Currently, these programs complete and submit the JFS 01590
"Curriculum Standards Assessment Alignment Tool: Infants, Toddlers, and
Preschoolers for Step Up To Quality" to show their curriculum and assessment
alignment to the standards.
New ELDS were adopted by the State Board of Education on June
14, 2022 and are available for use now.
Updated Process
The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and the Ohio Department
of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), in collaboration with the Department of
Children and Youth, have implemented a new process to verify alignment of
curricula and assessment with the ELDS. This process, along with currently
verified curricula and assessments that align with the ELDS, can be found at
this link: Standards-Curriculum-Assessment
Alignment | Ohio Department of Education. If a curriculum is not fully
aligned, the program must complete and have available the supplemental
alignment form, also available on that webpage.
By July 1, 2024, all programs must be using curricula and
assessments aligned to the new ELDS as detailed in the table below.
Program Rating Status
Your program is currently rated a two-star
The curriculum obtained by the program may be aligned
to the old ELDS until June 30, 2024. Beginning July 1, 2024, the curriculum
obtained must be aligned to the new ELDS following the process available on
the ODE website.
Your program is currently rated a three- star or higher
Program can continue to use curriculum and assessment
aligned to the old ELDS until June 30, 2024.
Beginning July 1, 2024 the program must have obtained verification of
alignment to the new ELDS following the process available on the ODE website.
Your program is not currently rated a two-star or
higher and you are registering before July 1, 2024 for a two-star or higher
Program must ensure the curricula (for two-star
programs) or the curricula and
assessment (for three-star programs) selected by the program has been
verified on the ODE website. If not, secure verification before submitting
SUTQ registration.
Your program plans to register for a two-star or higher
after July 1, 2024
Obtain verification of curricula (for two-star
programs) or the curricula and
assessment (for three-star programs) alignment to the ELDS before submitting
SUTQ registration.
Updated Forms
JFS 01590 "Standards, Curriculum, & Assessment
Alignment Tool for Step Up To Quality Programs" is no longer available for
programs to use.
Three forms updated in CCMPL 162 "Step Up to Quality Forms
Updated Due to the New Early Learning Development Standards" are now
available in forms central:
JFS 01507 "Curriculum Selection Process for Two to Five-Star
Rated Programs for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)"
JFS 01513 "Activity Plan for Step Up To Quality"
JFS 01592 "Individual Child Plan for Step Up To Quality
Programs must upload the verification secured from the ODE
website at the time of SUTQ registration. If the program obtains and/or
implements a new curricula or assessment the verification must be obtained and
maintained onsite. If the curriculum is not fully aligned, the supplemental
alignment form must be completed.
Programs must also maintain a copy of the verification from the
ODE website on site to be viewed at inspections, as outlined in the standards.
Please contact the Child Care Policy Help Desk at or
1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.