Programs that intend to serve children through the publicly
funded child care (PFCC) program must log on to the Ohio Child Licensing and
Quality System (OCLQS) to complete a provider agreement with Ohio Department of
Job and Family Services (ODJFS).
New Policy:
The JFS 01144 "Provider Agreement for Publicly Funded Child
Care Services" has been revised to implement changes and update language.
The following changes were made:
- Removed spacing error.
- New Article – New Article 42 added a statement
for programs choosing to participate in special programs implemented by ODJFS.
- Updated Child Care Help Desk contact
- Current PFCC programs will not be required to
sign a new agreement.
- Any program that does not agree with an article
in the provider agreement, or no longer wishes to provide PFCC services, may
terminate their agreement by logging on to the OCLQS Portal.
- The updated JFS 01144 "Provider Agreement for
Publicly Funded Child Care Services" will be available on the OCLQS Portal
on or after September 30, 2023.
- Any child care program signing an agreement on
or after September 30, 2023 will sign the updated agreement.
Please contact the Child Care Policy Help Desk at
1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions.