(A)What does "owner" mean?
(1) For purposes of paragraphs (C) and
(E) of this rule, "owner" is defined in rule 5101:2-12-01 of the
Administrative Code, except that "owner" also includes a firm,
organization, institution or agency, as well as any individual governing board
members, partners, or authorized representatives of the owner as defined in
section 5104.03 of the Revised Code.
(2) For all other paragraphs of this
rule, "owner" is as defined in rule 5101:2-12-01 of the
Administrative Code.
(A)(B) What are the reasons an applicant may have an
application denied or a licensed child care center may have a provisional or
continuous license revoked?
(1)The center is
not in compliance with Chapter 5101:2-12 of the Administrative Code or Chapter
5104. of the Revised Code.
(2)The owner or
administrator has been determined not eligible for
employmentto own a child care program or to be
employed in a child care program as a result of the background check
requirements pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-09 of the Administrative Code.
(3)The center
fails to submit documentation or information requested by the Ohio department
of job and family services (ODJFS) within required time frames.
(4)The center has
refused to allow ODJFS staff access onto its premises or to any area used for
child care.
(5)The center has
furnished or made misleading or false statements or reports to ODJFS.
(6)The center has accumulated eighteen or
more points from moderate or serious risk non-compliances in accordance with
appendix A to rule 5101:2-12-03 of the Administrative Code during the
provisional period.
(7)(6) Failure of any person, firm, partnership,
organization, institution, or agency to cooperate with the ODJFS or any state
or local official when performing duties required by Chapter 5104. of the
Revised Code and Chapter 5101:2-12 of the Administrative Code.
(B)(C) What happens if an application is in the
process of being denied or a provisional or continuous license is in the
process of being revoked?
(1)If an
application for a child care center, type A home or type B home has been issued
a notice of intent to deny, no new application for a child care center license
shall be processed for the owner until after the completion of the denial
(2)If a
provisional or continuous license for a child care center, type A home or type
B home has been issued an intent to revoke, no new application for a child care
center license shall be processed for the same owner until after the completion
of the revocation process.
(3)If the child care center has been issued
a notice of intent to revoke the program's license, the center is to notify the
families of all enrolled children and post the notice of intent in a noticeable
location within forty-eight hours of receipt of the notice.
(C)(D) What if a center voluntarily surrenders the
license or voluntarily withdraws the application during the revocation or
denial process?
The voluntary surrender of a license or the withdrawal of an
application for licensure shall not prohibit ODJFS from revoking a license or
denying an application.
(D)(E) What happens if an application has previously
been denied, or a provisional or continuous license, or an in-home aide
certification is revoked?
(1)If a license of
a child care center, type A home, or type B home is revoked, another license
shall not be issued to the owner of the center, type A home, or type B home
until five years have elapsed from the date the license was revoked.
(2)If an
application for a child care center, type A home, or type B home license is
denied, the applicant shall not be licensed until five years have elapsed from
the date the application was denied.
(3)If an owner/applicant was previously
certified by the county agency and that certification was revoked for a health
and safety reason, he or she shall not be licensed until five years have
elapsed from the date the certification was revoked.
(4)(3) If the certification of an in-home aide is
revoked, the applicant shall not be issued a child care center license until
five years have elapsed from the date the certification was revoked.
(E)(F) Which licensing actions by ODJFS give the
center rights to an adjudicatory hearing, in accordance with the requirements of
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code?
(1)Denial of an
(2)Revocation of
an existing license, either provisional or continuous.
(3)The finding of
jurisdiction in accordance with rule 5101:2-12-01 of the Administrative Code.
(4)Issuance of a
license with authorization for license capacity which does not agree with the
authorization sought by the center.
(5)Denial of a
continuous license at the expiration of the center's provisional license.
(F)(G) When can ODJFS suspend a license?
ODJFS may immediately suspend the license of a center if ODJFS
determines that any of the following have occurred:
(1)A child dies or
suffers a serious injury while receiving child care by the center.
(2)A public
children services agency (PCSA) accepts a complaint of abuse or neglect
pursuant to section 2151.421 of the Revised Code on any of the following
(a)The center
owner or owner's representative.
(b)The center
administrator, if the administrator has not been released from employment or put
on administrative leave.
(c)An employee of
the center, if the employee has not been immediately released from employment
or put on administrative leave.
(3)Any of the
following people have been charged by indictment, information, or complaint
with an offense relating to the abuse or neglect of a child:
(a)The center
owner or owner's representative.
(b)The center
administrator, if the administrator has not been released from employment or
put on administrative leave.
(c)An employee of
the center, if the employee has not been released from employment or put on
administrative leave.
(4)ODJFS or a
county agency determines that the center created a serious risk to the health
or safety of a child receiving child care in the center that resulted in or
could have resulted in a child's death or injury.
determines that the owner or licensee of the center does not meet the
requirements of section 5104.013 of the Revised Code.
(G)(H) What happens if a center's license is
(1)Upon receipt of
a written suspension order from ODJFS, delivered either by certified mail or in
person, the center shall:
stop providing care to all children.
(b)Provide written
notification of the suspension to the parents of all children enrolled in the
(2)Refusal of
delivery by personal service or by mail is not failure of delivery and service
shall be deemed to be complete.
(H)(I) Can the center request a review of the
decision to suspend the license?
The center may request an adjudicatory hearing before the
department pursuant to sections 119.06 to 119.12 of the Revised Code.
(I)(J) How long will the license be suspended?
The suspension shall remain in effect until any of the following
(1)The PCSA
completes its investigation pursuant to section 2151.421 of the Revised Code
and determines that all of the allegations are unsubstantiated.
(2)All criminal
charges are disposed of through dismissal or a finding of not guilty.
(3)Pursuant to
Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, ODJFS issues a final order terminating the
(J)(K) Which ODJFS licensing actions, ministerial in
nature, are not subject to an administrative hearing?
(1)Rejection by
ODJFS of any application for a license for procedural reasons such as, but not limited
to, improper fee payment, incomplete submission of required materials or use of
invalid forms.
(2)Denial of an
application pursuant to paragraph (D)(E) of this rule.
(3)Closing a
license that has been in a temporary closure for more than twelve months
pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-02 of the Administrative Code.
(4)Closing a
license if the child care center is no longer located at the address on the
license and the owner has not requested a change of location or closure
pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-02 of the Administrative Code.
(5)Closing a license if the owner of the
child care center has changed.
(K)What does "owner" mean?
(1)For the purposes of paragraphs (B) and
(D) of this rule, "owner" is as defined in rule 5101:2-12-01 of the
Administrative Code, except that "owner" also includes a firm,
organization, institution, or agency, as well as any individual governing board
members, partners, or authorized representatives of the owner.
(2)For all other paragraphs of this rule,
"owner" is as defined in rule 5101:2-12-01 of the Administrative
Effective: 10/29/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/28/2021 and 10/29/2026
Date: 10/13/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5104.015, 5104.042
Rule Amplifies: 5104.015, 5104.04, 5104.042
Prior Effective Dates: 03/01/1981, 09/01/1986, 01/02/1992
(Emer.), 04/01/1992, 04/01/2003, 09/01/2007, 08/14/2008, 09/29/2011,
10/25/2015, 11/01/2015, 12/31/2016, 10/29/2017, 12/01/2019