FATL 396 (SNAP Employment & Training Rule Changes to Implement Federal Requirements)
Food Assistance Transmittal Letter No. 396
October 15, 2019
TO: Food Assistance Manual Holders
FROM: Kimberly Hall, Director
SUBJECT: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training Rule Changes to Implement Federal Requirements

Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:4-1-03, 5101:4-3-20, 5101:4-3-30, 5101:4-3-31, 5101:4-3-33, 5101:4-3-35, and 5101:4-6-04 have been amended to implement the Agricultural Act of 2014 (2014 “Farm Bill”) and the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 “Farm Bill”) final regulations issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS).

These rules have been subject to a review by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR). The changes will become effective on 11/1/2019.

Chapter 0000

5101:4-1-03 “Food assistance: definitions.”

This rule describes the terms and meanings used to administer the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Changes to the rule include updating the definition of “job search” to “supervised job search” to align with federal regulations.

Chapter 3000

5101:4-3-20 “Food assistance: able-bodied adults without dependents”

This rule describes the process for determining who is an able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD); the work registration, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) and work requirements applicable to ABAWDs; and the ABAWD time limit. Changes to the rule include: 

  • Updating the term “job search” to “supervised job search” to align with federal regulations; and
  • The definition of a ‘work program” has been expanded to include that to comply with the ABAWD work requirement, ABAWDs can participate in a program of employment and training for veterans operated by the Department of Labor (DOL) or Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS).

5101:4-3-30 “Food assistance: employment and training program”

This rule describes the requirements of the SNAP E&T program. Changes to the rule include updating the term “job search” to “supervised job search” to align with federal regulations.

5101:4-3-31 “Food assistance employment and training: required hours”

This rule describes the hour requirements of the SNAP E&T program. Changes to the rule include:

Updating the term “job search” to “supervised job search” to align with federal regulations; and

Minor grammatical changes for clarity.

5101:4-3-33 "Food assistance employment and training: job search and job readiness."

The rule describes the job search component of the SNAP E&T program. Changes to the rule include: 

  • The term "job search" was replaced with "supervised job search" to align with final farm bill regulations;
  • Added requirements and definition of "supervised job search"; and
  • Removed reference to job readiness activities as it does not fit the definition of supervised job search. Job readiness activities are now treated as an education and training component in accordance with 5101:4-3-35 of the Administrative Code.

5101:4-3-35 "Food assistance employment and training: education and training activities."

The rule describes the education and training activities for the SNAP E&T program. Changes to the rule include: 

Chapter 6000

5101:4-6-04 "Food Assistance: student enrolled in an institution of higher education."

The rule describes the eligibility for students enrolled in institutions of higher education and student exemptions. Changes to the rule include adding an allowable career and technical programs described in final farm bill regulations.