FATL 395 (Food Assistance Deductions from Income)
Food Assistance Transmittal Letter No. 395
June 24, 2019
TO: Food Assistance Manual Holders
FROM: Kimberly Hall, Director
SUBJECT: Food Assistance Deductions from Income

In order to align with federal rules and guidance, the Office of Family Assistance (OFA) has amended Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:4-4-23 and 5101:4-4-31 to implement final regulations issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service (FNS).

These rules have been subject to review by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR).  The changes will become effective on 7/1/2019.

Chapter 4000

5101:4-4-23- “Food assistance: deductions from income.”

This rule describes the deductions from income for purposes of determining eligibility for supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP) benefits. OFA amended this rule. Changes to the rule include: 

  • The monthly amount of $143.00 was stricken from paragraph (H).
  • Added language to paragraph (H) to state if the homeless shelter deduction established by FNS changes, the updated amount will be issued through a Food Assistance Change Transmittal.

5101:4-4-31- “Food assistance: anticipated income.”

This rule describes how the county agency anticipates income and expenses.  OFA amended this rule. Minor changes were made. 

  • The amount of $143.00 was stricken from paragraph (S)(7).
  • Added language to paragraph (S)(7) to clarify excess shelter cost shall not be claimed in addition to the homeless shelter deduction.