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5101:2-38-20 PCSA Requirements for Providing On-Going Services In Alternative Response
Effective Date: May 30, 2014

(A)This rule applies to public children services agencies (PCSAs) that received training and written approval from the Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) to participate in alternative response.

(B)The PCSA shall complete and implement the following planning and review tools with the child's parent, guardian, or custodian agreement for screened in child abuse and neglect reports assigned to the alternative response pathway to receive ongoing services:

(1)The JFS 01418 "Alternative Response Family Service Plan" (rev. 3/2011)(rev. 7/2011) or the JFS 01410 "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S., Case Plan" (rev. 2/2006).

(2)The JFS 01417 "Alternative Response Family Service Plan Review" (rev. 3/2011)(rev. 7/2011) or the JFS 01413 "Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - I.S., Case Review" (rev. 8/2010).

(3)The JFS 01423 "Alternative Response Ongoing Case Assessment" (rev. 7/2008).

(C)The PCSA shall do one of the following upon reaching a case decision to continue PCSA services after completion of the JFS 01419 "Alternative Response Family Assessment" (rev. 7/2008): The PCSA shall complete and implement the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410 no later than thirty days from the completion of the JFS 01419 "Alternative Response Family Assessment" (rev. 7/2008) or continue to implement the JFS 01418 developed after the assessment of safety.

(1)Develop and implement a JFS 01418 with the parent, guardian or custodian no later than thirty days from the completion date of the JFS 01419.

(2)Develop and implement a JFS 01410 "Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - I.S., Case Plan" (rev. 2/2006) pursuant to rule 5101:2-38-01 of the Administrative Code.

(3)Continue to implement the JFS 01418 previously developed after the assessment of safety.

(D)The PCSA shall obtain signatures from the child's parent, guardian, or custodian on the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410. The PCSA shall provide each with a copy of the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410. The PCSA shall obtain agreement on the contents of the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410; obtain signatures from the child's parent, guardian, or custodian; and provide each with a copy of the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410 within seven days of the agreement. If the JFS 01418 is developed outside of SACWIS, a copy of the hand-written document will be provided to the family.

(E)The PCSA shall update the JFS 01418 or complete theamendment to the JFS 01410, when changes occur regarding any of the following: if there is any change in the following:

(1)The conditions of the child.Services.

(2)The family service plan participants.Participants.

(3)The family service plan activities.Service goal.

(4)The provision of supportive services.Service activities.

(5)The safety or risk to the child resulting in legal intervention.

(F)The PCSA shall seek agreement and obtain signatures from and provide a copy of the updated JFS 01418 or JFS 01410 to the child's parent, guardian, or custodian within seven days of the all of the following if updating the JFS 01418 or amending the JFS 01410:

(1)Contact the child's parent, guardian, or custodian and seek agreement for the update of the JFS 01418 or amendment of the JFS 01410.

(2)Obtain signatures from the child's parent, guardian or custodian.

(3)Implement the change once the parent, guardian, or custodian agrees to the change.

(4)Provide each parent, guardian, or custodian with a copy of the updated JFS 01418 or amended JFS 01410 within seven days of the agreement not including the date of signature.

(G)If the PCSA and the child's parent, guardian no longer agree on the service or case plan, the PCSA shall do one of the following:

(1)Discontinue supportive services and close the case.

(2)File a complaint with the court pursuant to section 2151.27 of the Revised Code if the child is an abused, neglected, or dependent child or may become abused, neglected or dependent; and intervention of the court is needed for the child's protection.

(G)(H)The PCSA shall make face-to-face contact with each parent, guardian or custodian, and child participating in and being provided services through the JFS 01418 or JFS 01410, at least two times each calendar month to monitor progress on the service plan activities. At least one contact every two months shall be made in the child's home.

(1)If one attempt to complete a face-to-face contact pursuant to paragraph (H) of this rule is unsuccessful, the PCSA shall make a minimum of one additional attempt to complete the face-to-face contact within the calendar month.

(2)If both attempts to complete face-to-face contacts pursuant to paragraph (H) of this rule are unsuccessful, the PCSA shall make a minimum of two additional attempts to complete the face-to-face contact within the calendar month.

(H)If the initial attempt to complete a face-to-face contact pursuant to paragraph (G) of this rule is unsuccessful, within the calendar month the PCSA shall attempt to make a minimum of two additional attempts to complete the face-to-face contact.

(I)If the PCSA and the child's parent, guardian, or custodian can no longer agree on the service plan, the PCSA shall do one of the following:

(1)Close the case.

(2)File a complaint with the court pursuant to section 2151.27 of the Revised Code if the child is or may become an abused, neglected, or dependent child, and intervention of the court is needed for the child's protection.

(J)(I)The PCSA shall convert a case from the alternative response pathway to the traditional response pathway when eitherif any of the following occurs:

(1)The family requests a pathway change from the alternative response pathway to the traditional response pathway.

(2)The PCSA files a complaint with the juvenile court pursuant to section 2151.27 of the Revised Code alleging the child is or may become an abused, neglected or dependent child.

(3)The PCSA receives an order from the juvenile court.

(4)The PCSA screens in a report or obtains additional information during an assessment requiring assignment in a traditional response pathway pursuant to rule 5101:2-36-01 of the Administrative Code.

(J)The PCSA shall record a pathway switch in SACWIS no later than the next business day from the date of the event triggering the conversion of a case from the alternative response pathway to the traditional response pathway.

(K)The PCSA shall review the progress on the service plan activities every ninety days no later than every ninety days after the completion date of the JFS 01419 by completing either the JFS 01417 or the JFS 01413 "Comprehensive Assessment Planning Model - I.S., Case Review" (rev. 2/2006), pursuant to rule 5101:2-38-09 of the Administrative Code.

(L)The PCSA shall provide written invitation including the date, time, and place for the family service plan reviews, to the child's parent, guardian, or custodian and child, if age and developmentally appropriate, of the opportunity to participate in the meeting no less than seven days prior to the meeting encourage the participation of the child's parent, guardian, or custodian in all family service plan reviews and may involve others, as appropriate.

(M)The PCSA shall complete the JFS 01417 or the JFS 01412 "Comprehensive Assessment and Planning Model - I.S., Semiannual Administrative Review (SAR)" (rev 2/2006)(rev. 1/2014) no later than every six monthsone hundred eighty days from completion of the JFS 01419 pursuant to rule 5101:2-38-10 of the Administrative Code.. Written notification, including the date, time, and place for the SAR, shall be provided to the child, if age appropriate, and the child's parent, guardian, or custodian.

(N)The SAR shall, at a minimum, include the following individuals:

(1)A caseworker who has a connection with the family and knowledge of the family service plan.

(2)A supervisor or designee.

(O)The PCSA shall invite the following individuals to participate in the SAR:

(1)The child's parent, guardian, or custodian.

(2)The child, if age appropriate.

(P)(O)If the PCSA determines a child to be in immediate danger of serious harm during the provision of ongoing services, the PCSA shall follow procedures outlined in rule 5101:2-37-02 of the Administrative Code.

(Q)(P)The PCSA shall do all of the following to close a case:close the case when all of the following occur:

(1)The PCSA has determinedComplete the JFS 01417 or JFS 01413 to assess there are no active safety threats and the overall level of risk is reduced.

(2)The PCSA and family agree that services are no longer needed.

(3)(2)The PCSA has notified theprincipalsNotify participants in the JFS 01418 or partiesofto the caseJFS 01410 of the intent to closureclose the case.

(4)The PCSA has completed the JFS 01417 or JFS 01413 documenting the intent to close the case.

(R)(Q)The PCSA shall maintain a copy of the original JFS 01418,or JFS 01410, JFS 01413, JFS 01417, JFS 01412, JFS 01423 , all updates and amendments and, documentation of the face-to-face contacts, including all attempts to monitor progress of the case or service plan objectives in the case record and any JFS 01417 in the case recordpursuant to rule 5101:2-33-23 of the Administrative Codeand recorded in SACWIS.


R.C. 119.032 review dates: 03/12/2014



Promulgated Under: 119.03

Statutory Authority: 2151.429, 5153.16, 5153.166

Rule Amplifies: 2151.429, 5153.16, 5153.166

Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/2011