Chapter 6 - County Funding Sources
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5101:9-6-08.10 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Summer Youth Employment Program Allocation
Effective Date: April 27, 2012

(A)The Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) is allocating TANF funds to eligible county departments of job and family services (CDJFS) to enhance or develop local TANF summer employment programs for youth. The catalog of federal domestic assistance (CFDA) number for this allocation is 93.558.

(B)An eligible CDJFS shall utilize this funding to continue current TANF summer youth employment programs or begin new programs that enable youths from low-income TANF eligible families to gain valuable work experience while earning an income to help meet basic needs. Programs funded with this allocation shall begin no earlier than June 1, 2012 and end no later than August 31,2012. Counties may begin recruitment and outreach activities on May 15, 2012 and may draw funds to pay for those activities.

(1)ODJFS will provide funding only to a CDJFS that expressed interest in the TANF summer employment program for youth in accordance with the timeframes and processes defined by the ODJFS office of family assistance (OFA) and in accordance with the details outlined in "Family Assistance Letter No. 113."

(2)The CDJFS shall amend its prevention, retention, and contingency (PRC) county statement of policies as described in Chapter 5108 of the Revised Code. ODJFS OFA will review each county statement of policies and notify the ODJFS office of fiscal and monitoring services (OFMS) of counties approved for allocations.

(C)ODJFS will determine allocation amounts for each county approved by OFA by applying the methodology currently utilized to calculate the regular TANF allocation as outlined in rule 5101:9-6-08 of the Administrative Code.

(D)ODJFS will make TANF funds available to the CDJFS for recruitment, outreach activities, and services provided May 15, 2012 through August 31, 2012. Funding must be liquidated no later than December 31, 2012.

(1)Applicable costs must be in compliance with federal and state law and regulations, including TANF requirements, and may include the following:

(a)Payments to employers for wages and fringe benefits (excluding health benefits);

(b)Payments to third parties to administer the program;

(c)Recruitment and development of employers for the program;

(d)Other ancillary services that are offered by the employer to the summer youth employment participants including:

(i)Work-related items such as uniforms, tools, licenses or certifications;

(ii)Case management activities related to the program; or

(iii)Job coaches and mentors;

(e)Worker compensation expenses;

(f)Payments to employers for training and supervision costs;

(g)Transportation; and

(h)Federal insurance contributions act (FICA) tax.

(2)The CDJFS may not claim the following activities for reimbursement under this allocation:

(a)Payments to employers for health insurance or health benefits; or

(b)TANF administration, as defined in rule 5101:9-6-08.8 of the Administrative Code.

(E)The CDJFS shall direct charge wage subsidy costs associated with the TANF summer youth employment program to the TANF allocation using the financial coding established and communicated by ODJFS.

(F)The CDJFS shall report expenditures on the JFS 02827 "Quarterly Financial Statement" as described in rule 5101:9-7-29 of the Administrative Code.

(G)The CDJFS shall complete and submit TANF summer youth employment program reports developed by the ODJFS OFA.

(H)The definitions, requirements and responsibilities contained in rule 5101:9-6-50 of the Administrative Code are applicable to this rule.

Replaces: 5101:9-6-08.10

Effective: 04/27/2012


Date: 04/17/2012

Promulgated Under: 111.15

Statutory Authority: 5101.801

Rule Amplifies: 5101.801

Prior Effective Dates: 6/4/10