The purpose of this policy is to communicate guidance and parameters for implementation of the state infrastructure funding mechanism when required partners and the local workforce development boards (WDB) cannot reach consensus on funding OhioMeansJobs Center infrastructure costs through the local infrastructure funding mechanism.
II.Effective Date
Per section 121 (h) of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), states are required to develop an infrastructure funding mechanism that will be implemented by the state to determine and collect each partner's proportionate share of funds for OhioMeansJobs center infrastructure costs when a WDB and local partners in a local workforce development area cannot reach a consensus on infrastructure funding through the local infrastructure funding mechanism.
The state infrastructure funding mechanism must take into consideration the number of centers in the area, the population served, and services provided. It must take into account each local partner's costs for administration of the local workforce development system that are not for purposes related to OhioMeansJobs centers, as well as the statutory requirements for each partner program, all other legal requirements, and the ability of each partner program to fulfill those requirements.
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), as the state workforce agency responsible for administration and oversight of WIOA, will provide guidance, technical assistance, and facilitation as needed to local WDBs, chief elected officials, and partners in determining equitable and stable methods of funding the infrastructure costs.
Cap on required contributions: The maximum dollar amount a local partner is mandated to contribute under the state infrastructure funding mechanism. Each partner's maximum cap is defined in section 121(h)(2)(D)(ii) of WIOA as a specific percentage of the partner's annual federal funding for workforce programs (i.e., education, employment, and training activities delivered using that funding.)
Infrastructure funding: Contributions to pay for nonpersonnel costs necessary to operate an OhioMeansJobs Center, including rent, utilities, maintenance, supplies, equipment, technology to facilitate access, and outreach activities.
Local Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): The agreement resulting from negotiations at the local level that describes the roles and responsibilities of the local WDB and local partners in the operation of the OhioMeansJobs Centers and participation in the local workforce development system. The MOU lists each local partner's proportionate share of infrastructure costs and the costs for shared services as well as other locally negotiated terms.
Non-required partner: An entity voluntarily participating in the local OhioMeansJobs Center system that is not carrying out any of the programs or activities that would mandate such participation under WIOA.
Participating area: A local workforce development area subject to the state infrastructure funding mechanism during a given program year; or an area in which the partners failed to complete the local MOU negotiation process for one or more OhioMeansJobs Centers in the area.
Partner: The collective term to reference both required and non-required partners.
Requested contribution: The aggregate annual state infrastructure costs allocable to a required partner based on the MOU budgets from all participating areas where the partner has a presence; or a partner's actual cost and benefit received from OhioMeansJobs Center participation within the areas participating in the state infrastructure funding methodology.
Required partner: An entity carrying out programs or activities listed in WIOA section 121(b)(1)(B) which mandates participation in the local OhioMeansJobs Center delivery system.
A.Methods for Determining Infrastructure Costs
Section 121 (h) of WIOA provides two options for determining the partners' proportionate share of infrastructure costs for certified OhioMeansJobs centers located in the workforce development area:
Method 1: Local Funding Mechanism - A local funding methodology is agreed upon by the local board, chief elected official(s), and partners as defined in the local MOU.
Prior to the beginning of each program year, the partners in each local workforce development area will participate in a negotiation process to determine how to fund the costs of the area's certified OhioMeansJobs Center(s) in the upcoming program year. ODJFS will provide guidance and technical assistance to the partners to facilitate the MOU negotiation process. The MOU describing the locally-defined funding method and total costs signed by the partners, WDB, and chief elected official(s), must be submitted to the state workforce agency by May 31st for the subsequent program year beginning on July 1st.
Method 2: State Infrastructure Funding Mechanism - If no consensus agreement is reached using the local infrastructure funding method, the state infrastructure funding mechanism will be implemented.
When ODJFS receives notice from WDB that it, the chief elected official(s), and area partners are unable to reach consensus on the funding of infrastructure costs, ODJFS, in consultation with state-level partner agencies, will provide local mediation and negotiation assistance to help the area reach consensus under the local infrastructure mechanism. If consensus still cannot be reached, the state infrastructure funding mechanism will be implemented.
Areas that have not submitted a signed MOU for the upcoming state fiscal year (beginning July 1st) by May 31st, or have not notified ODJFS that consensus has been reached on funding the OhioMeansJobs Center costs by May 31st, will be considered to have failed the local infrastructure mechanism. These areas will be subject to the state infrastructure funding mechanism.
B.State Infrastructure Funding Formula
For each local workforce development area subject to the state infrastructure funding mechanism, ODJFS will calculate the total amount payable by each required partner in a participating area, using the following methodology:
1.Identification of negotiated infrastructure costs: ODJFS will identify the infrastructure costs and each partner's share of those costs from the most recent MOU successfully negotiated by the partners in the participating area.
2.Infrastructure cost adjustments: The budget associated with the most recent MOU will be adjusted as described below:
A.Personnel costs within the MOU budget will be subtracted from the total cost to be requested from the partners.
B.Costs charged to non-required partners and Native American programs will be subtracted from the total amount to be requested from the remaining partners.
C.Alternative funding that would defray the costs to partners will be subtracted from the total to be requested from the partners.
D.Infrastructure costs may be increased by up to three percent over the most recent MOU budget for each consecutive year the area participates in state infrastructure funding if such cost increases are supported by documentation.
3.Partner funding requests: Each required partner will be notified of its aggregate costs in all participating areas in which the partner has a presence. Each partner must notify ODJFS if the requested amount exceeds the cap on required contributions listed in section 121 (h)(2)(D)(ii) of WIOA.
4.Calculation of allocations: If any required partner's cap is exceeded and the partner will not voluntarily contribute the requested contribution, the state infrastructure allocations for all participating areas in which that partner has a presence will be reduced proportionately until the total allocations to the participating areas do not exceed the contributions from the required partners. ODJFS will notify each participating area of its final calculated annual state infrastructure funding allocation.
Attachment 1 to this policy - State Infrastructure Funding Methodology - contains more details about the above steps.
C.Allocation Process
Each participating area will receive quarterly allocations for OhioMeansJobs center infrastructure costs. To fund these awards, ODJFS will collect required contributions from each partner with a presence in participating areas at the beginning of each calendar quarter by invoicing the required partners for one-fourth of the partner's annual contribution. Once the funds are collected from the partners, the contribution from each partner will be divided among the participating areas according to the formula for state infrastructure funding, aggregated with the other required partner contributions to that participating area, and issued as a single allocation to the area's WIOA fiscal agent.
Participating areas may draw the allocated state infrastructure funds to pay for actual costs of OhioMeansJobs center operations for line items of expense identified by ODJFS as infrastructure costs in the most recently negotiated MOU. Actual costs must be reported against the allocations using financial system codes established by ODJFS. Participating areas must maintain records documenting their actual costs paid with state infrastructure funding dollars in accordance with the records retention schedule identified in the WIOA subgrant agreement. ODJFS will conduct monitoring to ensure costs are allowable and properly documented.
D.Completion of MOU Negotiation
Implementation of the state infrastructure funding mechanism does not relieve the WDB or partners from the responsibility to negotiate for other required aspects of the local MOU including provision of shared career services, common costs such as costs of intake, assessment, and appraisal of basic service needs, and methods of referral. Personnel costs are excluded from the state infrastructure funding calculation and will need to be negotiated separately among the partners and included along with the state infrastructure funding in the MOU budget.
If the state infrastructure funding allocation amount from a required partner will be less than the infrastructure costs originally budgeted in the MOU for a participating area, partners will be directed to reenter negotiations to resolve the shortage in a manner that is consistent with the laws and regulations that authorize each partner's program. Participating areas must submit a completed MOU signed by all parties and containing all required elements including the resource sharing budget reflecting each partner's contribution under state infrastructure funding and any additional contributions by June 30th. Delaying the submission of the MOU may delay the issuance of the state infrastructure funding allocation.
E.Coordination of State Agency Required Partners
At the beginning of each biennium, the state agencies responsible for administration and oversight of required partner programs listed in section 121 (b)(1)(B) of WIOA (state partners) will execute an interagency agreement in which the state partners will ensure that program funds in an amount not to exceed the cap listed in section 121 (h)(2)(D)(ii) of WIOA will be available to pay required contributions in the event that the state infrastructure mechanism has to be implemented for one or more local workforce development areas. If the infrastructure funding mechanism is implemented in any local area, ODJFS will enter into a similar agreement at that time with any required partner receiving its funds directly from a federal agency rather than through a state agency pass-through.
If the infrastructure funding mechanism is implemented in any area, ODJFS will provide state partners with a list of all areas that successfully negotiated MOUs and those that will be subject to the state infrastructure funding mechanism along with the amounts of required contributions needed from each partner for each participating area.
F.Partner Appeals
Partners may appeal the determination of state infrastructure funding contributions on the basis that such determination is inconsistent with this policy or with any part of section 121(h) of WIOA. The appeals process is as follows:
- Within 21 calendar days from the date of receipt of the notice of state infrastructure funding determination, the partner(s) may file an appeal to the State in writing that clearly describes the reason(s) the partner is disputing the required contribution amount calculated under the state infrastructure funding mechanism.
- The State will review the request for appeal.
- The State will notify the partner of its actions in writing within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the appeal.
The flowchart in Attachment 2 illustrates the state infrastructure funding process graphically.
Through the state's monitoring system, program monitors and auditors will review the area's MOU negotiation process during the annual onsite monitoring review for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. Any issues will be handled through the state's monitoring resolution process.
VII.Technical Assistance
For technical assistance, you may send your request to the Office of Workforce Development: OWDGRANTS@jfs.ohio.gov.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, § 121, Public Law 113-128.
20 C.F.R. §§ 678.700 thru 678.760.
2 C.F.R. Parts 200 and 2900.
Attachment 1:State Infrastructure Funding Methodology
Attachment 2:State Infrastructure Funding Process Flow