The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on the requirements
for IWT.
ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Policy Letter
No. 15-23.1 Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Guidelines (March 29, 2016).
IWT under WIOA provides both workers and employers with the opportunity
to build and maintain a quality workforce and increase both participants' and companies'
competitiveness. It is a type of work-based training and upskilling designed to
ensure that employees of a company can acquire the skills necessary to retain employment
and/or advance within the company, or to acquire the skills necessary to avert a
IWT is an employer service designed to develop a highly skilled workforce
which will result in increased financial viability, stability, competitiveness,
and productivity. To avert the risk of closing, IWT may be developed with a business
or business association to maintain its competitive status, incorporate new technology,
or prevent downsizing. IWT can also be an important means of ensuring an adequate
workforce for vital community services, whether in the private or public sector.
Workers participating in IWT will benefit by enhancing their existing
skills, learning new skills, or earning employer- or industry-recognized credentials,
in addition to retaining employment, maintaining their careers, and/or increasing
their earnings potential. IWT will also allow the opportunity for back-filling vacated
positions resulting from the promotion of newly trained workers.
Local workforce development areas (local areas) can use up to 20
percent of their Adult and Dislocated Worker program allocations to provide for
the federal share of the cost of providing IWT.
Cohort: a group of trainees to be trained by an employer as
part of a single application for IWT.
Governmental Entity: an office, agency, institution, or
entity of a county or municipality of Ohio that is owned or controlled by the
county or municipality and exercises a function of government.
Incumbent worker:
an individual employed with the company for at least six months when the incumbent
worker training starts.
Incumbent worker training (IWT): training designed
to meet the special requirements of an employer (including a group of employers)
to retain a skilled workforce or avert the need to lay off employees by assisting
the workers in obtaining the skills necessary to retain employment or
to create the opportunity for increased earnings potential through promotion.
In-kind contribution:
non-cash contribution of goods or services provided by the employer.
Layoff aversion: a continuum of strategies targeted to specific
employers or industries that are experiencing a decline and have the potential to
undergo layoffs or are experiencing a serious skills gap that impacts their ability
to compete and retain workers. A layoff is considered to be averted when:
1.A worker's job is
saved at an existing employer facing a risk of downsizing or closing; or
2.A worker at risk
of dislocation faces a brief gap of unemployment when transitioning to a different
job with the same employer or is hired at a new job with a different employer.
Non-federal share: the portion of training
costs the employer is required to pay for its participation in federally subsidized
IWT. The minimum non-federal share is determined by the size of the employer.
Workforce Development Area Requirements
The local area must establish policies and definitions to determine
which workers or groups of workers are eligible for incumbent worker services. The
local policy should establish the criteria for an employer to be eligible for IWT,
as well as IWT program requirements, the application process, and the amount of
the non-federal share.
The local area shall establish criteria for identifying eligible
employers and any targeted industries and economic sectors using resources such
as business services representatives, Chambers of Commerce, and/or the local media.
Further, the local area is required to develop IWT program policies and procedures
in a manner that coordinates with the array of business services available through
JobsOhio, the Ohio Development Services Agency, and other state and local stakeholders.
of IWT
IWT is restricted to skill attainment activities. The training should
benefit workers by making them more qualified in their occupation and/or by providing
them with skills for new products or processes. The training should result in credentials
or industry-recognizable skills that promote the worker's career and increase overall
of Participating Employers
Local areas must determine an employer's eligibility to participate
in IWT based on the following factors, which help to evaluate whether training would
increase the competitiveness of the employer and/or its employees:
1.The characteristics
of the trainees in the program, specifically the extent to which they historically
represent individuals with barriers to employment as defined in WIOA sec. 3(24),
and how they would benefit from retention or advancement.
2.The relationship
of the training to the competitiveness of a trainee and the employer.
3.Other factors local
areas determine appropriate, which may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a.The number of employees
participating in the training;
b.The employees' advancement
opportunities, along with wages and benefits (both pre- and post-training earnings);
c.The existence of
other training and advancement opportunities provided by the employer;
d.Credentials and
skills gained as a result of the training;
e.Layoffs averted
as a result of the training;
f.Utilization as
part of a larger sector and/or career pathway strategy; and/or
g.Employer size.
Additional factors that are identified by the local area must be
included in the local policy to ensure consistent application for all employers.
Governmental Entities
Public or governmental entities may be considered eligible to participate
as employers for IWT based on the following factors, which help to evaluate whether
the training would increase the competitiveness of the employers and/or their employees.
- the training plan should identify how the public entity plans to sustain the training
needs of future employees, as WIOA-funded IWT is not intended to be a long-term
Job - the local area should consider whether the public sector positions receiving
IWT are identified as either in-demand or critical per the Ohio Top Jobs list.
3.New Technology
- the training plan should identify if a new technology has been introduced that
requires a skill upgrade for employees.
4.Labor Shortages
- the local area should identify if Ohio Labor Market Information (LMI) indicates
that there is a shortage of labor in the training occupation(s).
5.Benefit to the Community
- The local area should determine if the training will allow employees to receive
skills that will assist in providing essential community services.
State government and local workforce development board employees
are not eligible to receive WIOA funds
for IWT.
Each local area must establish a policy that identifies how the area
will comply with WIOAPL
15-05 Serving Applicants with a Close Relationship to the Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act Program. The
staff, management, and other specific stakeholders of the workforce development
system must not provide access to program services to an applicant based on a close
relationship with the applicant or any political influence.
To ensure that IWT funds are prioritized for private sector businesses,
local areas must establish a policy that outlines how private sector business will
be prioritized.
Religious Entities
There are restrictions on
the participation of religious entities as IWT employers. Pursuant to 20 CFR 683.255,
WIOA funds cannot be used to employ trainees to carry out the construction, operations,
or maintenance of any part of any facility used for worship or sectarian instruction.
There is an exception for
the maintenance of facilities that are not primarily used for worship or sectarian
instruction and are operated by organizations providing services to WIOA participants.
An example of this exception
would be a religious entity that: 1) operates a for-profit business (such as a childcare
center) at a facility not used solely for sectarian instruction, and 2) does not
require employees or customers of the for-profit business to participate in religious
Disqualifying Factors for Business Employers
Businesses that fail to meet any of the following qualifying criteria
are not eligible to receive funds for IWT:
1.Businesses must
not be currently debarred, suspended, proposed for disbarment, declared ineligible,
or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by USDOL or the State of Ohio. Businesses that are subject
to such exclusion are listed at https://businesssearch.ohiosos.gov/
or https://sam.gov/content/home.
2.Businesses shall
not have any outstanding tax liability to the State of Ohio that is six months or more past due. Local areas will
require businesses to disclose any known outstanding tax liabilities with other
states prior to entering into contract. The local area may consider existing out-of-state
violations when determining eligibility to receive IWT funds. The local area must
document any resolution of outstanding tax liability, which may include letters
from the business or from the state
from which the tax liability occurred.
3.Ohio businesses
must have all the approvals, licenses, or other qualifications needed to conduct
business in the state, and all must be current. Should this status change during
the time local IWT program activities are occurring and the business is disqualified
from conducting business in Ohio, all training under the IWT program must cease.
4.The employer must
comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations related
to providing reasonable working conditions. IWT participants are not permitted to
train or work in buildings or surroundings under working conditions that are unsanitary,
hazardous, or dangerous to the trainee's health or safety.
5.Businesses that
have relocated to Ohio and have laid-off workers at a former location in the United
States may not be considered for IWT until they have been in operation at the new
location for 120 days.
To verify that a business
is not relocating employment from another area, a pre-award review must be undertaken
and documented by the local area.
The review must include the names under which the establishment conducts business,
including predecessors and successors in interest; the name, title, and address
of the company official certifying the information; and whether WIOA assistance is being sought in connection
with past or impending job losses at other facilities of their company. The pre-award
review should also include a review of whether appropriate notices have been filed,
as required by the Worker Adjustment Retraining Notification (WARN) Act, 20 CFR
Part 639. The review may also include consultations with labor organizations and
others in the affected local area(s).
6.Businesses must
not have any outstanding or pending civil, criminal, or administrative fines or
penalties owed to the State of Ohio.
7.IWT activities will
not be permitted when any of the following apply:
a.Any other individual
is on layoff from the same or any substantially equivalent job with the same business;
b.The business has
terminated the employment of any regular, unsubsidized employee or otherwise caused
an involuntary reduction in its workforce, with the intention of filling the vacancy
with the IWT participant; or
c.The incumbent worker
trainee's job is created in a promotional line that infringes in any way on the
promotional opportunities of other currently employed workers.
8.A business may be
deemed ineligible if it has received payments under a previous WIOA contract and
exhibited a pattern of failure to provide participating workers continued long-term
employment as regular employees with wages and working conditions at the same level
and to the same extent as similarly situated employees of the same business.
of Incumbent Worker Trainees
Local areas must establish policies and definitions to determine
which workers or groups of workers are eligible for IWT.
To receive IWT, an employee does not have to meet the eligibility
requirements for career and training services for Adults and Dislocated Workers
under WIOA, unless they also are enrolled as a participant in the WIOA Adult or
Dislocated Worker program.
To qualify for IWT, the incumbent worker must:
1.Be employed by the
participating employer;
2.Meet the Fair Labor
Standards Act requirements for an employer-employee relationship; and
3.Have an established
employment history with the employer for six months or more (which may include time
spent as a temporary or contract worker performing work for the employer receiving
IWT funds). If IWT is being provided to a cohort of employees, not every employee
in the cohort must have an established employment history with the employer for
six months or more if the majority of employees being trained meets the employment
history requirement.
Per WIOA regulations (20 CFR 683.200(g)), “no individual may be
placed in an employment activity if a member of that person’s immediate family
is directly supervised by or directly supervises that individual.” For the
purpose of this policy, the term “immediate family” includes a spouse, child,
son-in-law, daughter in-law, parent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sibling,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, stepparent,
stepchild, grandparent, and grandchild.
Provider Considerations
IWT may be provided through an Individual Training Account (ITA)
or through a contract for services. If the training is provided through an ITA,
all requirements of such ITA must be followed, including WIOA eligibility requirements
for adults and dislocated workers and the use of approved eligible training providers
under WIOA.
If a contract is used to provide the IWT, this contract must have
been established through proper procurement procedures.
The training may be provided by a public or private educational institution,
a private training company, a private instructor, an employee of the participating
employer, or a combination of two or more of these entities.
Local areas should avoid training providers who do not have satisfactory
past performance, curricula that leads to credentials, relevant training experience,
high job placement rates, and/or high training completion rates.
Training may be conducted at the employer's own facility, at a public
or private training provider's facility, online, or at a combination of sites that
best meets the needs of the employer and trainees. The training facility should
provide an environment that supports learning and be within reasonable proximity
to the trainees, so the cost and time required for travel is minimized.
of Training
Local areas have several options to determine how best to provide
the training needed by an employer as described below:
1.Local areas may
enter into contracts with eligible training providers (ETP) without any additional
procurement requirements. Utilization of the state of Ohio's ETP list is for universally
applicable off-the-shelf employer training and is not intended to include unique,
specialized, or employer-specific training.
2.An employer may
receive IWT assistance on a reimbursement basis. The reimbursement option carries
the following requirements:
a.Employers may receive
reimbursement for their actual training costs incurred under this program, as outlined
in Section VI.E. of this policy.
b.Local area approval
of a training plan is required before reimbursement may be provided to an employer.
The development of training plans is the joint responsibility of the local area
and the employer.
c.The training plan
must identify all of the following:
i.The provider(s)
of training;
ii.Type of training;
iii.Planned start
and end dates;
iv.Number of individuals
to be trained;
v.The projected cost
of training;
vi.Any other information
required by the local area.
Training costs approved for reimbursement must be allowable as defined
by state and local policy. Training plans must be approved by the local area prior
to the start date of training. Employers
must agree to provide all documentation required by the local area to be
reimbursed for the training.
d.Training providers
are not required to be listed on the state's ETP list, for the purpose of providing
training under paragraph 2 of this section. Local areas may assist businesses in
identifying potential providers of training; however, the selection of a training
provider is not subject to state or federal procurement requirements.
3.For IWT that is
not reimbursable in terms of paragraph 2 of this section, and that meets needs that
cannot be satisfied by Ohio's ETPs, local areas will need to follow proper procurement
procedures as identified in rules 5101:9-4-07
and 5101:9-4-07.1
of the Ohio Administrative Code, or local procurement policies if more restrictive.
and Unallowable Costs for IWT
Allowable costs include only costs directly related to training.
Allowable costs may include:
2.Curriculum development,
textbooks, manuals, training software, materials, and non-consumables;
3.Training facility
costs (off-site training); and
4.Other necessary
and reasonable costs directly related to training.
Unallowable costs include but are not limited to:
1.Foreign travel;
2.Purchase or lease
of capital equipment;
3.Encouragement or
inducement of a business or part of a business to relocate from any location in
the United States; and
4.Use of IWT funds
to pay for a worker's training wages.
IWT funds may be used to train employees in management skills such
as Six Sigma and LEAN if promotional opportunities or increased wages can be identified
post training. IWT funds may not be used for LEAN or Six Sigma training for the
purpose of layoff aversion.
IWT funds may not be used to reimburse training
costs that are also being reimbursed by another State or Federal training program.
Sharing Requirements for IWT
Local areas are required to establish policies regarding the non-federal
share of the cost of IWT. Employers are required to pay for a significant cost of
the training for those individuals in IWT. This can be done through both cash payments
and fairly evaluated in-kind contributions.
Examples of qualifying in-kind contributions include but are not
limited to the following:
1.Wages paid to trainees
during the training period;
2.Equipment purchased
to be used in the training project;
3.Manuals and textbooks;
4.Curriculum development;
5.Facility usage;
6.Travel and lodging
The employer non-Federal share must not be paid by the Federal or
State government under another Federal award or State funding opportunity, except
where the Federal statute authorizing a program specifically provides that Federal
funds made available for such program can be applied to matching or cost sharing
requirements of other Federal programs.
The local area shall establish the non-federal share of such costs
taking into consideration such other factors as the number of employees participating
in the training, wage and benefit levels of the employees, the relationship of the
training to the competitiveness of the employer and employees, and the availability
of other employer-provided training and advancement opportunities.
The minimum amount of employer share depends on the size of the employer:
least 10 percent of the cost, for employers with 50 or fewer employees;
least 25 percent of the cost, for employers with 51 to 100 employees; and
least 50 percent of the cost, for employers with more than 100 employees.
Employer size is based on the number of employees currently employed
(at the time of the execution of the IWT contract) at the local operation where
the IWT program will take place. This applies to all employers, including employers
with seasonal or intermittent employee size fluctuations.
Funds contracted to a subrecipient or vendor for an IWT program are
reported as program costs.
The fiscal agent must track funds used for IWT by funding stream
and by the year of appropriation.
The administrative cost limit remains in effect. No separate amount
may be set aside for administration of the IWT program.
Fiscal agents will report IWT expenditures using the incumbent worker
code established by the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services. Coding exists
for both the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. The accrued expenditures charged
to the incumbent worker code for the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs must not
exceed 20 percent of spending under those programs. ODJFS will monitor costs reported
against the IWT program.
Funds that are not used for the IWT program may be expended respectively
on the Adult and Dislocated Worker programs for program activities authorized by
The local area is required to report IWT activities via Ohio's case
management system. Employees whose only WIOA-funded service is IWT are not participants
for the purpose of inclusion in WIOA primary performance indicator calculations.
However, states and local areas are still required to report certain participant
and performance data on those individuals who receive only IWT. The required elements
for these incumbent workers are limited to basic information and the elements needed
to calculate IWT performance indicators for employment in the 2nd and 4th quarters
after exit, median earnings in the 2nd quarter after exit, measurable skill gains,
and credential attainment.
Local areas may choose to collect more information, if necessary,
to conduct successful IWT programs. Local areas choosing to collect and document
data elements above and beyond the state requirements must ensure that every IWT
program is compliant with local reporting requirements. Local policies should include
local requirements regarding data elements, documentation, and reporting.
If a local area wishes to co-enroll an IWT participant in the local
Adult or Dislocated Worker program, a full registration is required in the case
management system which includes all of the data elements needed for WIOA participants,
including performance data. Co-enrolled participants must meet all eligibility and
documentation requirements for the applicable program (Adult, Dislocated Worker,
or Youth).
Local areas are encouraged to develop their own monitoring policies
to outline the procedures, frequency, and manner in which IWTs will be monitored
and how staff persons/monitors will resolve any findings of non-compliance.
Through the state's monitoring system, program monitors will review
the local area's implementation of the WIOA IWTs, including a participant file review,
during the annual onsite monitoring review for compliance with federal and state
laws and regulations. Any issues will be handled through the state's monitoring
resolution process.
For additional information, you may send questions to ODJFS, Office
of Workforce Development: WIOAQNA@JFS.OHIO.GOV.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Public Law 113-128, § 134(d)(4).
2 CFR Part 200, Appendix II.
WIOA Regulations at 20 CFR Part 680.
TEGL No. 19-16, "Guidance on Services
provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs under the Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (ES), as
amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules,"
dated March 1, 2017.
ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No.
15-11.3, Use of ITAs (September 27, 2021).