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WIOAPL 16-01 (Transition of the WIOA Youth Program to the CCMEP)
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No. 16-01
August 22, 2016
TO: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs), Fiscal Agents, and OhioMeansJobs Center Operators
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Transition of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Youth Program to the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)


The purpose of this policy is to establish the procedure for transitioning WIOA youth program participants to CCMEP.

II.Effective Date



On June 30, 2015, Governor Kasich signed House Bill 64, the state's biennial budget, into law. Section 305.190 of the bill establishes a framework to transform the network of human services and workforce programs to find a new way to work for low-income Ohioans. The state is integrating components of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program with the WIOA youth employment program to create a better-coordinated, person-centered case management system.

Effective July 1, 2016, CCMEP will be the statewide operational framework used to deliver integrated, comprehensive case management and employment services across Ohio's many local workforce development areas and counties. By leveraging the strengths of both the workforce and human services systems, CCMEP seeks to improve employment outcomes for low-income youth and young adults by helping recipients overcome barriers to employment, including educational barriers and developing the skills local and regional employers seek.

The primary effect of CCMEP is to combine funding from TANF with funding from the WIOA youth program in order to serve low-income youth through a single comprehensive case management system. Individuals in the following population groups who receive services through TANF and WIOA-funded programs will be required to participate:

1.OWF recipients ages 16 to 24 years who are work eligible, as defined in OAC 5101:1-3-12; and

2.In-school and out-of-school youth ages 16 to 24 years who are registered for WIOA-funded programs and who have barriers to employment.

Additionally, two groups will be eligible to volunteer for CCMEP:

1.OWF recipients ages 16 to 24 years who are not work-eligible; and

2.Individuals ages 16 to 24 years receiving Prevention, Retention and Contingency (PRC) benefits and services; who volunteer for CCMEP within 30 days of their last having received PRC.


Before July 1, 2016

1.Local workforce development areas must review their current WIOA youth participant cases to determine at what stage the youth is for purposes of service delivery.

2.All WIOA youth participants who have completed the WIOA program or who are not currently receiving any WIOA youth funded services should be closed from the WIOA program by June 30, 2016 and begin follow-up services.

3.For WIOA youth participants who are co-enrolled in the WIOA adult program, the local workforce development area may close the youth program and allow the participant only to continue services under the Adult program.

After July 1, 2016

1.Transition of WIOA Youth Participants to CCMEP

WIOA youth participants, ages 16-24, who are currently enrolled in WIOA and receiving services, will be transitioned to CCMEP. If a WIOA youth participant will turn 16 years old within two months after July 1, 2016, that youth will also be transitioned to CCMEP. Services will be provided to these youth in accordance with rules 5101:14-1-01 through 5101:14-1-07 of the Administrative Code and any accompanying policy or guidance letters.

2.Provision of Follow-Up Services for Exited WIOA Youth Participants

Exited WIOA youth participants will not be transitioned to CCMEP. Local workforce development areas will continue to provide follow-up services to exited participants using the second year (Program Year (PY) 2015 carry-in) WIOA youth allocation and/or local WIOA administrative funds. If the local area does not have any or does not have sufficient carry-in funds or administrative funds, the local workforce development board director must contact the Budget Manager, Office of Workforce Development and request assistance in funding follow-up services for exited WIOA youth participants, including justification for why additional funding is needed.

3.Provision of Services through the WIOA Adult Program

WIOA youth participants, ages 18-24 years and co-enrolled in the WIOA adult program, may continue services through the WIOA Adult program. These youth participants will not be transitioned into CCMEP.

The local workforce development area must close the youth program services and change funding sources to allow the participant to continue to receive services only under the WIOA Adult program.

Participants who continue services only under the WIOA Adult program will be subject to the following policies:

a.Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter (WIOAPL) No. 15-02, Adult and Dislocated Worker Eligibility;

b.WIOAPL No. 15-08, Career Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers;

c.WIOAPL No. 15-09, Training Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers; and

d.WIOAPL No. 15-12, Work Experience for Adults and Dislocated Workers.

4.Provision of Services for WIOA Youth Participants Ages 14 and 15

WIOA youth participants who will not turn 16 years old within two months of CCMEP implementation will not be transitioned to CCMEP. Local workforce development areas may continue to provide WIOA youth program services to these participants using the second year (PY 2015 carry-in) WIOA youth allocation and/or local WIOA administrative funds. If the local area does not have any or does not have sufficient carry-in funds or administrative funds, the local workforce development board director must contact the Budget Manager, Office of Workforce Development and request assistance in funding services for WIOA youth participants ages 14 and 15, including justification for why additional funding is needed.

Working with 14 and 15 year old youth, the emphasis is on career awareness. There are many partners who provide services specifically to this population. The local workforce development area may refer these youth to any of the following partners:

a.Wagner-Peyser employment services;

b.Vocational rehabilitation;

c.Entities who have received federal or state grants to serve 14 and 15 year old youths;

d.Local school system;

e.Appropriate community-based organizations;

f.Appropriate community action agencies;

g.PRC, through the county department of job and family services; and

h.Other partner programs who serve the local area's youth.

Additionally, OhioMeansJobs.com has a variety of services available specific to working with youth on career exploration, resume writing, financial literacy, and other self-service.

V.Technical Assistance

For additional information, you may send your questions to the Office of Workforce Development: OWDPOLICY@jfs.ohio.gov.

For technical assistance, you may send your request to the Office of Workforce Development: WIOAQNA@jfs.ohio.gov.


Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Public Law 113-128.

20 C.F.R. §§ 603, 651-658, and 675-687.

Ohio Administrative Code Rules 5101:14-1-01 through 5101:14-1-07.

ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No. 15-02, Adult and Dislocated Worker Eligibility (July 15, 2015).

ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No. 15-08, Career Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers (July 15, 2016).

ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No. 15-09, Training Services for Adults and Dislocated Workers (July 15, 2016).

ODJFS, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Policy Letter No. 15-12, Work Experience for Adults and Dislocated Workers (July 15, 2016).