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WIATL 33 (Youth Services and Program Participation)
Workforce Investment Act Transmittal Letter No. 33
July 3, 2007
TO: Local Elected Officials, WIA Local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), Fiscal Agents, Administrative Entities, and One-Stop Operators
FROM: Helen E. Jones-Kelley, Director
SUBJECT: Youth Services and Program Participation


To provide local workforce areas with guidance and information regarding the definition of youth framework activities, and their relationship to the ten youth program elements.

II.Effective Date



Framework activities have been previously defined to include the process of intake, determination of youth eligibility, initial assessment, objective assessment, and the development of the individual service strategy. With the implementation of youth common measures and the Department of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) 17-05, the State of Ohio is clarifying the definition of framework activities and youth enrollment activities. This guidance has a direct impact on the reporting requirements in SCOTI and the use of framework activities.

IV.Guidance Statement

Program Elements

Section 129 (c)(2) of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) establishes the requirement of the local youth program elements to specifically include ten key components:


2.Alternative secondary school services

3.Summer employment opportunities

4.Paid and unpaid work experiences

5.Occupational skill training

6.Leadership development opportunities

7.Supportive services

8.Adult mentoring

9.Follow-up services

10.Comprehensive guidance and counseling (as appropriate)

Although the ten program elements must be provided and/or made available to WIA eligible youth participants in each local area, they are not the sole array of services that make up the local youth programs.

Framework Activities

Framework activities must also be provided, and are defined under WIA section 129 (c)(1). These framework activities are the basis for the services received in the youth program and are as follows:

  • An objective assessment of each participant consisting of the assessment of academic levels, skill levels, service needs, basic skills, occupational skills, prior work experience, employability, interests, aptitudes (including interests and aptitudes for nontraditional jobs), supportive service needs, and developmental needs
  • Individual service strategies identifying an employment goal (including nontraditional jobs, as appropriate), appropriate achievement objectives, and appropriate services needed as a result of the objective assessment

Each framework activity is integral to the youth program, and is intended to be on-going throughout program participation. Framework activities serve as the basis for which decisions are made that lead to the receipt of the array of the ten program elements. Participation in framework activities requires the youth to be enrolled as a participant in the WIA youth program.

Pre-enrollment Activities

Clearly, there are an array of activities that must occur before the enrollment into the WIA youth program. These "pre-enrollment" activities include recruitment, intake, initial assessment including an initial determination of barriers and suitability for the program, referrals, and the determination of WIA youth eligibility. However, none of these activities should be considered framework activities or require enrollment in the local youth program. Pre-enrollment activities are considered to be those activities leading up to the decision to register a participant for services in the local WIA youth program.

In addition to the "pre-enrollment" activities listed above, informational and self-help activities provided through One-Stop centers are not considered registered services in the WIA youth program.

SCOTI and Reporting Requirements

Per USDOL TEGL 17-05, program participation begins when the participant receives the first service funded by the program after eligibility has been determined. This occurs AFTER the determination of program eligibility has been made.

Because the framework activities direct the assessment and determination of the kinds of services a youth participant will receive, the first program service reported in SCOTI will be called "Framework Activities." From this service category, the mix of the ten youth components is identified and will be recorded in SCOTI, as appropriate. Framework activities are considered to be registered services, and all participants will be counted in the WIA youth program performance calculations.

V.Technical Assistance

For additional information, you may send your questions to the Bureau of Workforce Services: wiaqna@odjfs.state.oh.us.


Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Public Law 105-220, August 7, 1998, Section 129

Workforce Investment Act 20 CFR Part 664, August 11, 2000

USDOL, Training Employment Guidance Letter 17-05, February 17, 2006