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WIATL 23 (WIA Eligible Training Provider Online (ETPO) Procedure Guidance)
Workforce Investment Act Transmittal Letter No. 23
September 27, 2006
TO: Local Elected Officials, WIA Local Workforce Investment Boards, Fiscal Agents, Administrative Entities, and One-Stop Operators
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, Director
SUBJECT: WIA Eligible Training Provider Online (ETPO) Procedure Guidance


This communication provides guidance on the automated procedure for recommending training institutions for the statewide Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Eligible Training Provider (ETP) list. WIA administrative entities should convey this guidance to subrecipients, vendors and other entities that provide WIA activities, services, and postsecondary occupational training programs.

II.Effective Date



The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), Public Law 105-220, dated

August 7, 1998, reformed federal job training programs. WIA legislation requires a training and employment system that demands greater quality control and increased accountability of training providers funded with WIA federal dollars.

The Governor must establish procedures for use by local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs) to determine eligibility of training institutions for the WIA program. Statutory requirements for determining eligibility of training institutions and their programs are in Section 122 of the WIA.

Regulatory requirements are in Title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), WIA Final Rules, and dated August 11, 2000, Subpart E, Sections 663.500 through 663.590.

Training institutions submit application and programs to a local WIB for review and consideration. Local WIBs approve training institutions and their programs for the statewide eligible training provider list. WIA, Section 134 (a) (2) (B) requires the state to maintain and disseminate a statewide list of eligible training providers. The statewide Eligible Training Provider (ETPO) list is a compilation of eligible training providers approved by local WIBs.

A WIA eligible training provider may offer postsecondary occupational training programs to WIA participants and train them for occupations that are in demand. Payment for a participant's training cost is through an individual training account funded with WIA funds and by a local WIB.

WIA, Section 122(c)(5) also requires the state to establish a consumer report. Training institutions are required to submit specified cost and performance information when making application to be an eligible training provider. The consumer report is a compilation of WIA eligible training provider's program cost and performance information on training WIA participants.

The consumer report is the tool for informing customers using the WIA One-Stop delivery system about training programs offered and the performance of eligible training providers. Customers may view options available when choosing a training provider and postsecondary occupational training program.

IV.Guidance Statements

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, Office of Workforce Development is the designated state agency responsible for the development, operation and maintenance of the statewide eligible training provider list and consumer report.

The Sharing Career Opportunity and Training Information (SCOTI), Eligible Training Provider Online (ETPO) system is the automated procedure for approving and compiling the statewide ETPO list. Training institutions must use the ETPO system to submit application and programs, and local WIBs must use the system to approve training provider's applications and programs. Paper application is not accepted.

Local WIBs may accept applications from training institutions in other states. However, in order to conduct business with a local WIB, a training institution must be up to date with required filings and be in "Good Standing" with the state of Ohio. Filing requirements also apply to correspondence and distance learning/Internet-based training institutions and programs. It is the responsibility of the local WIBs to ensure that training institutions are up to date with required filings and be in "Good Standing." Local WIBs may be subject to questioned and/or disallowed cost if it enrolls WIA participants in a training institution not authorized to conduct business in Ohio.

WIA participants with an individual training account (ITA) must choose an eligible training provider and program from the state ETPO list. The selection of a training provider is a joint decision between the case manager and participant and agreed upon in accordance with a local WIB policy.

Any local WIB may send its WIA participants to any eligible training provider and program on the state ETPO list, regardless whether a local WIB specifically approved the training provider and its program. The state recognizes a local WIB's responsibility to build a local list. The state also recognizes a local WIB's discretion to require training institutions to submit application and programs to its specific local WIB before it will do business with the training institution. A local WIB may establish its additional application requirements.

Initial Eligibility

A training institution submitting application and programs for the first time is requesting initial eligibility. The initial eligibility period is one-year. An eligible training provider agrees on an annual basis to collect, track and report outcome information regarding participants enrolled in its approved programs.

Local WIBs may request training institutions to submit performance information to determine initial eligibility. Local WIBs may require performance levels higher than the state minimum performance levels.

Subsequent Eligibility

A WIA eligible training provider must re-submit application and programs after being on the state ETPO list for a year. The re-submission is subsequent eligibility requiring training providers to report performance information on WIA participants trained, and meet performance levels annually in order to remain on the state ETPO list. Eligible training providers can be removed by the state under subsequent eligibility based on performance. The subsequent eligibility review is on both the program and the eligible training provider.

State Minimum Program Performance Levels

The Governor's Ohio Workforce Policy Board (GOWPB) established the State Minimum Program Performance Levels in July 2000. See the State Minimum Program Performance Levels in the WIA Eligible Training Provider Online (ETPO) Procedure Guidance document, dated March 1, 2006, Attachment A to this transmittal letter. The performance levels are in effect, and may be used to determine both initial and subsequent eligibility.

On July 25, 2005, the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) approved a waiver extending the period of initial eligibility of training providers and allowing the state to postpone subsequent eligibility. The waiver expires June 30, 2007. Until the consumer report component is complete, the state will not initiate subsequent eligibility.

Removal of Eligible Training Providers and Programs

The state can remove a training provider and/or its programs if the eligible training provider:

  • intentionally submitted inaccurate data and there is evidence;
  • is in non-compliance with the WIA and its regulations;
  • is in violation of state and/or local laws; and/or
  • has ceased to be in business and/or lost its license to operate.

Local WIBs cannot allow WIA participants to enroll with an eligible training provider removed from the state ETPO list.

Under the waiver, the state will not remove eligible training providers from the state ETPO list because of failure to meet performance levels. Until the state conducts subsequent eligibility, a local WIB may choose not to use an eligible training provider if it deems the training provider's performance is unsatisfactory.

This Workforce Investment Act Transmittal Letter No. 23 includes the attached Eligible Training Provider Online (ETPO) Procedure Guidance document. The document gives detailed guidance to training institutions applying to be a WIA eligible training provider and to local WIBs on approving training institutions and their programs.

V.Technical Assistance

For additional information, you may send your questions or request to the Bureau of Workforce Services, wiaqna@odjfs.state.oh.us.


Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. 105-220), August 7, 1998, Sections 122, 123, 129 (b) (2) (A), and 134 (b) (i)

Workforce Investment Act, Code of Federal Register, WIA Final Rules, August 11, 2000; Subpart E, Sections 663.500 through 663.590

Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Eligible Training Provider (ETPO) Procedure Guidance document, March 1, 2006


Workforce Investment Act Eligible Training Provider Online Procedure Guidance

Click here to view the Workforce Investment Act Eligible Training Provider Online Procedure Guidance