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WIAPL 14-02.1 (Dislocated Worker Funding for Special Projects and Initiatives)
Workforce Investment Act Policy Letter No. 14-02.1
February 20, 2015
TO: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), Fiscal Agents, Administrative Entities, and OhioMeansJobs Center Operators
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Dislocated Worker Funding for Special Projects and Initiatives


Ohio is committed to the implementation of programs and the delivery of services that support the reemployment of Ohio's dislocated workers. The purpose of this policy is to outline program requirements when funding is being used to engage in special projects and initiatives for dislocated workers.

II.Effective Date

July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015


WIA regulations emphasize the importance of recapturing talent, keeping a skilled workforce engaged in the existing regional economy or industry, and retraining a proven workforce to meet a region's changing economic needs. The local WIBs have the unique opportunity to implement proactive programs, thereby saving jobs and helping their communities grow and prosper. When used to its fullest potential, these special projects and initiatives provide significant value to the business community, allowing the workforce investment system to play a pivotal role in the regional economy and fulfilling the promise of a robust and proactive workforce system.

IV.Special Projects and Initiatives

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) sets aside dislocated worker program funding every program year for the purpose of allowing local areas the opportunity to implement special projects or initiatives. These funds may be used to provide direct services to dislocated workers and employers as well as support innovative approaches to generate improvements in the local area service delivery.

Special projects and initiatives should achieve one of the following within the workforce system:

1.Reemploy Ohio's dislocated workers;

2.Increase efficiency in the delivery of quality services targeting long-term unemployed dislocated workers, including veterans;

3.Reduce the number of weeks dislocated workers receive Unemployment Compensation (UC) benefits; or

4.Coordinate with local employers to deliver training opportunities for dislocated workers to meet specific job driven outcomes.

V.Reporting Requirements

Depending upon the project or initiative, the local area may be required to enter participant information into Ohio Workforce Case Management System (OWCMS) under Special Grants. By reporting information into OWCMS, the local area may report outcomes as a result of implementation of the project or initiative.

VI.Funding for Special Projects and Initiatives

Funding for special projects and initiatives is intended to enhance the local Dislocated Worker formula-funded program. If local areas determine that funding is needed to implement special projects and initiatives, the local area WIBs must apply using the Application for Dislocated Worker Assistance Funds - Special Projects and Initiatives. All applications must be signed by the WIB director and submitted by the local area. The local area must submit the application to OWDGRANTS@jfs.ohio.gov with a copy being sent to the local area's fiscal agent. A sub-area (e.g., county) cannot individually submit an application, however the local area may submit on their behalf if that sub-area meets the eligibility requirements.

To be considered for special projects and initiatives funding, the local area must meet the following criteria:

Local area is in compliance with Workforce Investment Act Policy Letter (WIAPL) Number 13-04, Mandate Use of OhioMeansJobs.com for Job Placement and Referral Activities in Ohio;

  • Local area does not fail the same Common Measure performance outcome outlined in WIAPL No. 10-01.2 for two years in a row;
  • The proposed project or initiative and related expenditures are allowable under WIA and all applicable federal and state laws, including 20 CFR Part 663; and
  • The sum of Dislocated Worker (DW) and related expenditures must exceed the current quarter's target spending total as computed using the formulas below. The total DW and related expenditures includes the sum of cumulative accrued expenditures to date reported against all of the following allocations:
  • Current and prior year formula DW program allocations;
  • Current and prior year formula administrative allocations including Adult, DW, and Youth Admin allocations; and
  • Rapid Response special funding initiative grant issued during State Fiscal Year (SFY) 14 and reported as Sub-Project PROJECT03 expenditures in the County Finance Information System (CFIS) system during SFY14

The sum of expenditures listed above must exceed the target spending total for the quarter during which the application for Special Projects and Initiatives is submitted. The target spending total is computed using the following formulas:

Quarter 1 Target Spending Total for July - September applications:

[Prior Year DW Allocations] X [70%]

Quarter 2 Target Spending Total for October - December applications:

[Prior Year DW Allocations] X [70%] +

[Current Year PY DW Allocation] X [17.5%]

Quarter 3 Target Spending Total for January - March applications:

[Prior Year DW Allocations] X [70%] +

[Current Year DW Allocations] X [35%]

Quarter 4 Target Spending Total for April - June applications:

[Prior Year DW Allocations] X [70%] +

[Current Year DW Allocations] X [52.5%]

Example: If an area receives $1 million in DW allocations per year, and the area is applying for special projects and initiatives funding in February, the area's sum total of DW and related expenditures must exceed $1,050,000. [$1 million prior year DW allocation] X [70%] + [$1 million current year] X [35%] = $700,000 + $350,000 = $1,050,000.

The attached chart calculates the quarterly target DW spending total by area for the current program year.

The Office of Workforce Development Grants Unit will review the application, and if approved, the Office of Fiscal Monitoring Services, Bureau of County Finance will issue an allocation letter through its online accounting portal.

Upon receipt of funds for the approved application, local WIBs must ensure that impacted workers are not turned away from services based upon residency.

VII.Waiver of Expenditure Requirements

Local areas with Dislocated Worker and related expenditures below the target spending total in the application quarter may submit a request to waive the expenditure requirements to qualify for Special Projects and Initiatives funding regardless of spending levels.

Areas may also request a waiver to receive funding for one sub-area (i.e., county) within the area in cases where that sub-area's DW and related expenditures exceed the target DW spending total calculated based upon that sub-area's DW allocations.

The waiver request form is attached to the application for Special Projects and Initiatives funding. Within its waiver request, an area must explain how the area will meet the expectation to expend at least 70% of its DW funds and all Special Projects and Initiatives funds being requested by the end of the current fiscal year. If the waiver request is for one sub-area within the area, the area must explain why available formula Dislocated Worker funds are not being shifted to the particular sub-area requesting additional funding.

ODJFS will approve or deny waiver requests on a case-by-case basis according to the justification provided and issue Special Projects and Initiatives funding regardless of expenditure rate if appropriate.

Areas that are granted a waiver of the expenditure requirements must agree to the following conditions:

1.The area agrees to expend all carry-in (i.e., second year) Dislocated Worker funds and at least 70 percent of new (i.e., first year) Dislocated Worker funds by June 30th of the program year in which the waiver was granted.

2.If the area does not achieve the spending requirements in the prior sentence, the area fiscal agent (unless otherwise instructed by ODJFS) must recode the Special Projects and Initiatives expenditures that are allowable as formula expenditures against local formula Dislocated Worker funds until the above spending levels are achieved, or until no costs allowable under formula funds are remaining as charges against the Special Projects and Initiatives allocation.

3.The area fiscal agent will adjust cash draws as necessary to ensure ODJFS can de-obligate the Special Projects and Initiative funds that were not spent and/or have been re-coded to formula funds in accordance with the prior sentence.

4.If the area fails to re-code costs and adjust draws as described above prior to the end of the 90-day liquidation period following the end of the fiscal year, the area will be ineligible for Special Projects and Initiatives funding in the following year.


Local area monitoring must include an evaluation of the effectiveness of the area's implementation of the special project and initiative. This includes oversight to ensure the local area has provided identified services in accordance with the approved application in a timely and efficient manner.

Through the state's monitoring system, program and fiscal monitors will review the area's implementation of activities during the annual onsite monitoring review for compliance with local procedures, funding application, as well as federal laws and regulations. Any issues will be handled through the state's resolution process.

IX.Technical Assistance

The Office of Workforce Development Grants Unit will provide support, guidance, training, and technical assistance to local areas in the provision of special projects and initiatives and will provide financial resources to the local areas.

For additional information, questions may be sent to the ODJFS, Office of Workforce Development: OWDGRANTS@jfs.ohio.gov.


Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Pub. L. 105-220.

Workforce Investment Act Final Rules, 20 CFR Part 652, et al, (August 7, 2000).

USDOL, Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 28-10, Federal Financial Management and Reporting Definitions, (May 27, 2011).

ODJFS, Workforce Investment Act Policy Letter No. 10-01.2, Common Measures Reporting, (March 6, 2014).

ODJFS, Workforce Investment Act Policy Letter No. 13-04, Mandate Use of OhioMeansJobs.com for Job Placement and Referral Activities in Ohio, (December 26, 2013).

WIAPL 14-02.1 ATTACHMENT: Program Year 2014 Dislocated Worker (DW) Allocations and Target Spending Total by Quarter


ODJFS, Workforce Policy Letter No. 14-02, Dislocated Worker Funding for Special Projects and Initiatives, (August 12, 2014).