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WIAPL 13-03 (OhioMeansJobs Branding)
Workforce Investment Act Policy Letter No. 13-03
October 8, 2013
TO: WIA Local Workforce Investment Boards (WIBs), Fiscal Agents, Administrative Entities and OhioMeansJobs Center Operators
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: OhioMeansJobs Branding


To mandate the use of the OhioMeansJobs brand by local Workforce Investment Areas (WIA) on all outreach opportunities.

II.Effective Date

Sept. 26, 2013


OhioMeansJobs is recognized as the integrated point of entry to Ohio's workforce system. Under legislation of Ohio's 130th General Assembly, within six months of the effective date of this policy, every local area must name its One-Stop system as OhioMeansJobs (name of county) County.

The outcome of the statewide workforce branding efforts will position Ohio's system to become more effective in advancing job placement and talent development. Rebranding the One-Stop system with the OhioMeansJobs name will make it easier for individuals and businesses to find employment services. A single common name also will reassure individuals and businesses that they will receive the same high-quality services from any OhioMeansJobs location.


OhioMeansJobs will serve as the official brand for Ohio's One-Stop system. One-Stop centers will now be referred to as OhioMeansJobs Centers.

To fulfill the mandated requirements, local areas must name their One-Stop systems and individual centers as OhioMeansJobs (name of county) County. The three municipal corporations that qualified under automatic designation under the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, 112 Stat. 936, section 116 (a) (2), may include the name of the city as part of their One-Stop system names. Those names would be OhioMeansJobs (name of city) (name of county) County.

Local areas also are required to utilize the OhioMeansJobs brand on all outreach opportunities including, but not limited to, phone systems, websites, social media, screen savers, signage, stationery, business cards, brochures, and posters. The OhioMeansJobs brand and the new One-Stop Center name will replace existing names and brands.

The One-Stop center name change and branding of all outreach materials must occur within six months of the effective date of this policy. Current supplies may be used up to the branding deadline. All printed materials, forms, and reports that will be distributed to the public must be branded utilizing the new brand guidelines.

The OhioMeansJobs Brand Guidelines provides guidance on the design of outreach materials. The OhioMeansJobs brand must be prominently displayed on all outreach materials, banners, and signage. All characteristics of the brand, as specified in the guide, must be followed and may not be altered.

A.Funding for Branding

To assist local areas with the transition to the OhioMeansJobs brand, ODJFS will issue an allocation of statewide funds to each local area for branding. Statewide branding funds allocated to implement the OhioMeansJobs brand must be used for the following outreach materials and activities:

  • Signage;
  • Website;
  • Social Networking;
  • Business Cards;
  • Phone Messaging System.

Statewide branding funds may be used for branded outreach activities including radio ads after the materials and activities mentioned above have been secured.

B.Brand Guidelines

Local areas must use the new OhioMeansJobs Brand Guidelines, which can be accessed at OhioMeansJobs.com. The scrolling marquee on the employer or the job seeker page will contain a link to the guide. The mandated brand must be incorporated immediately with complete branding implemented within six months of the effective date of this policy. Local areas are required to adhere to all aspects of the guide. Any deviations or substitutions from the instructions mentioned in the guide will be considered as unacceptable usage of the OhioMeansJobs brand.

Before signage is finalized and produced, local areas are required to notify the Office of Workforce Development and forward the final proof to omj-help-desk@jfs.ohio.gov to receive approval on the final design. Emails submitted for approval should state, "Requesting OMJ Signage Approval" in the subject line.

Local Workforce Investment Boards and OhioMeansJobs Centers are not permitted to authorize other entities to use the OhioMeansJobs brand. Approval to use the OhioMeansJobs brand and logo must be obtained from ODJFS' Office of Workforce Development by sending a written request to omj-help-desk@jfs.ohio.gov.

All OhioMeansJobs Centers will have a branded web address. The web address will be consistent for all OhioMeansJobs Centers and will redirect existing websites to the appropriate website by the forward slash and the county name at the end of the address (i.e. www.OhioMeansJobs.com/Countyname). It is highly recommended that the current web address is maintained for at least one year.

Each page on the Centers' websites that have a unique center name/logo must reflect the branded name and adhere to the brand guidelines. All previous names and logos must be removed from the headers, footers, and all subsequent pages of the existing website within six months of the effective date of this policy.

The OhioMeansJobs brand is copyrighted and trademarked to protect it from abuse. The wrongful use of any aspects of the OhioMeansJobs brand as specified in both this policy and the OhioMeansJobs Brand Guidelines may constitute an infringement of proprietary rights. Any inappropriate or incorrect usage or printings will be corrected at the expense of the local approving authority without the use of any Workforce Investment Act or Wagner-Peyser funds.


Local Workforce Investment Areas may choose to implement a transitional branding strategy. Transitional branding is the temporary use of the current names of their One-Stop systems and centers as a secondary brand to the OhioMeansJobs brand. Transitional brands may be used for one year from the effective date of this policy.

Any allocated funds provided to local areas, which are designated for outreach, may be used toward the OhioMeansJobs branding initiative. However, funds designated for branding may only be used for transitional branding if the current name, the secondary brand, is a temporary fixture and can be removed after one year.

In addition, the local areas may use any other funds set aside or designated to update brochures, upgrade and/or modify signage, order/reorder brochures, restock current outreach materials, create and display information about job fairs, etc. Local areas are expected to utilize allowable funds for expenditures that are reasonable and necessary or budgeted line items towards expenditures modifying and/or upgrading their outreach materials to convey the branding message.

USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 36-11, Announcement of American Job Center Network, June 14, 2012 announced the American Job Center Network as a unifying name and brand that identifies virtual and in-person publically funded workforce development services as part of a single network. At this time, the use of this brand is not part of Ohio's branding.

VI.Technical Assistance

For additional information, you may send your questions to the Office of Workforce Development: WIAQNA@JFS.OHIO.GOV.


USDOL Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 36-11, Announcement of American Job Center Network, June 14, 2012

OhioMeansJobs Brand Guidelines


WIAPL 10-05 Ohio Means Jobs Unified Branding