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WIAGL 3A-2001 (National Emergency Grant Applications)
Workforce Investment Act Guidance Letter No. 3A-2001
TO: Local Elected Officials and Workforce Development Agencies
FROM: Thomas J. Hayes, Director Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
SUBJECT: National Emergency Grant Applications


To provide local elected officials additional clarification and guidance on national emergency grant applications.

II.Effective Date


III.Guidance Statement

Local areas may apply for National Emergency Grants at any time during the year. Local areas submit national emergency applications to the Bureau of WIA, Program Assistance Section. WIA staff reviews the application, works with the local area to make any necessary changes and submits the application to DOL. National Emergency applications may be submitted by any agency selected by the Local Board and chief elected official(s) to operate the proposed project.

When a local area applies for a National Emergency Grant, the attached form must be completed and submitted with the National Emergency application. The form certifies that the entity(s) submitting the application has developed the application in conjunction with and has the approval of the local board(s) and chief elected officials(s) to submit the application. In a multi-county area, the county where the plant is located usually takes the lead role in preparing and submitting the application.

IV.Technical Assistance

National Emergency Grants are used to address the needs of dislocated workers involved in large closings and lay-offs when there are not sufficient local and state WIA funds to provide services to the dislocated workers. Local areas may apply for National Emergency Grants to serve workers dislocated due to defense downsizing, industrial downsizing, mine and energy related and emergency clean-up programs necessitated by natural disasters. The State formally applies to the Department of Labor (DOL) for National Emergency Grants but subcontract administration and operation to local program operators.


The Workforce Investment Act (WIA), 20 CFR Section 173, page 1035 describes the National Emergency application process.

The WIA Regulations, 20 CFR Section 671.130, page 49460 and 49461 explains the requirements for submitting National Emergency Grant applications. The requirements are:

  • The State has received a notification of a mass layoff or a closure as a result of a WARN notice, a general announcement or some other means determined by the Governor to be sufficient to respond;
  • Rapid response assistance has been initiated;
  • A determination has been made, in collaboration with the local board(s) and chief elected official(s), that State and local formula dislocated worker funds are inadequate to provide the level of services needed by the workers being laid off;
  • Note: Applications for National Emergency Grants for natural disasters may not be submitted until FEMA has declared that the affected area is eligible for disaster-related public assistance.

Rescissions: WIA Guidance Letter 3-2001

Distribution: WIA Guidance Letter

Expiration Date: Continuing


Click here to view the Authorization to Submit National Emergency Grant Application